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2019年PEP英语六年级期末试卷班级:_ 姓名:_ 成绩:_一、 选出不同类的单词(10分)( )1、A basketball B football C ping-pong D party( )2、A foot B head C leg D book( )3、A one B bones C four D ten( )4、A red B pen C black D blue( )5、Asixth B fifth C first D seven二、按要求写单词(10分)1、buy(过去式)_ 2、took(原形)_3、 go (过去式)_ 4、read(过去式)_5 、tall(反义词)_ 6、 long (比较级)_7 、I (名词性物主代词)_ 8、 he (复数)_9、see(现在分词)_ 10、have(过去式) _三、写出下列词组(动词写过去式)(10分)唱歌和跳舞_ 照相_ 爬山_ 买礼物_ 划船_ 看大象_ 去滑雪_ 去滑冰_学汉语_ 吃好吃的_四、 单项选择(20分)( )1、You can go to the moon(月球) by _. A ear B spaceship(宇宙飞船) C plane D bike( )2、A How did people travel years ago? B They traveled by _. A plane B train C horse D bike( )3、A How did you go there? B I went _a spaceshipA by B with C on D in( )4、 _Monday we went to a restaurant.A In B On C on D in( )5、A Where did you _? B I went to school. A did B do C go D went( )6、A When did you go ? B _ A Yesterday B Tangshan C Did homework D By bike( )7、 A _ did you go there ? B I went by bicycle. A How B What C Where D When( )8、Did you _ Chinese? A learn B learned Clearns D learnned( )9、Where did you _skiing? A go B went C goes D going( )10、On the _ day, we went fishing. A first B one C two D onest五、读一读,按正确的顺序拍成一段通顺的话。(12分)( ) I went swimming.( ) Where did you go on your holiday?( ) What did you do?( ) I went by train.( ) How did you go there?( ) I went to Hairnan.六、 连词成句 (8分)1 did do you on what Sunday ?_2 homework I my did ._3 listened John music to ._-4 did there go how Wei Hua ?_七、给问句选择正确的答句(10分)( )1、Where did you go ? A Last weekend.( )2、How did you go there? B We went skiing.( )3、When did you take the photos? C I went to Beijing.( )4、What did you do yesterday? D Yes, I did.( )5、Did you have a good time? E We went there by air.八、 改写句子 (5分)Amy bought presents on her holiday.Did _ _ _ _ _ _? (一般疑问句)No, _ _.She _ _ _ _ _ _.(否定句)九、阅读理解(10分)Dear mom, How are you? Everyday I had fun with my cousins. On Monday we went to a restaurant. We ate good food. On Tuesday we went to a park. We sang and danced. On Wednesday we played ping-pong. On Thursday we climed a mountain. We took many pictures. Tomrrow Ill be back home! Miss you and dad. Love John1 、 What did John do on Tuesday?_2 、Did John play ping-pong on Tuesday?_3、What did John do on Monday?_4 、Did John climb a mountain on Tuesday?_5 What did John do on Wednesday?_十、小练笔假期你干了什么,写一写(不少于5句)(5分) My holiday_PEP小学英语六年级下册期末试卷 姓名一、填写字母或单词(5分)tller bgger lnger cld havhppy sd nse bred g二、选出不同类的单词(10分)( )A、penB、bookC、bagD、elephant( )A、catB、pigC、motherD、spermwhale( )A、appleB、grapesC、TVD、watermelon( )A、lakeB、coldC、warmD、cool( )A、playB、swimC、flyD、yello三、将单词排列成正确的句子并翻译(20分)aretallyouHow?译:hurtsMynose.译:looksadtodayYou.译:lastweekenddidWhatyoudo?译:Ifishingwent.译:七、选词填空,并完成(10分)Today (is/was)afunday.I (walk/walked)tomike shomeinthemorning.I (study/studied)Englishwithhim.We (read/readed)funnytonguetwisterstogether.ThenI (went/go)toapark (by/buy)bike.I (flew/fly)kites,It (was/are)awindyday.Suddenlymykiteflewintothelake.Adog (saw/see)thekite.He (jump/jumped)intothelakeandswamtoit.Fireminuteslatter,hereturnedthekiteme.Iwasverygratefultohim.六年级期末模拟试题 姓名一、把不同类的单词找出来,将其序号填在括号里。(10分)( )1、 A. heavy B. big C. long D. smaller( )2、 A. ate B. fly C. bought D. did( )3、 A. run B. swim C. walk D. her( )4、 A. play B. nose C. hand D. leg( )5、 A. him B.us C. me D. I 二、选择正确的选项,填写在前面的括号内。(30分)( ) 1. The monkeys tail is long. The dinosaurs tail is A. long B. longer C. longest( ) 2. Tom lost his book. Hes so sad. We can say he is feelingA. black B. red C. blue( ) 3. One meter is_ centimeter. A. 10 B. 100 C. 1000 ( )4.Tom is 160cm tall. Sarah is 157cm. So _ A. Tom is taller than Sarah. B. Tom is shorter than Sarah.C. Tom is 3cm shorter than Sarah.( ) 5. Your ruler is 10 _.A. mm B. cm C. m( )6. We play games _ Tuesday afternoon.A. in B. at C. for D. on( )7. Lets _.A. to do homework B. do homework C. do homeworks D. does homework( )8. We stay _ home _ Sundays.A. at, on B. in, on C. at, in D. on, on( )9. Look _ the picture and talk _ it.A. of, in B. at, to C. at, about D. in, about( )10. I often _ TV on Sunday evening. A. see B. watch C. look D. look at( )11. He_ born in Beijing. A. is B. was C. are D. be( )12.The boy is sitting_her father and mother. A. among B. between C. after D. before( )13. 当你的好朋友总是运气不佳时,你最应该对他说:_ A. Enjoy yourself. B. Have a good time! C. Good luck! D. Its very kind of you.( )14. 在公众的节日中回答别人的祝福,可说:_。A Thank you. B. Thats OK. C.The same to you. D. Quite right.( )15. Thanks _ your letter.A. in B. at C. for D. with三、下列各句中均有一处错误,当个小医生,把它找出来,并改正在后面的括号内。(10分)( )1、 I am going in a big trip 改正 ( ) A B C D( )2、How do Lucy feel? She looks sad. 改正 ( )A B C D E( )3、I am sorry too hear that. 改正 ( )A B C D( )4、What do you do last weekend? 改正 ( )A B C D( )5、Amy is 4 cm tall than Mike. 改正 ( )A B C D四、给下面的句子选择正确的答语。(20分)( ) What did you do yesterday? (1) Im 160 cm tall.( ) How did you go there? (2) I went to a post office.( ) Where did you go? (3) I have a sore throat.( ) How tall are you? (4) No, I didnt.( ) Whats the matter? (5) Yes.( ) Which dog is heavier? (6) She feels happy. ( ) How does Amy feel? (7) The yellow one is heavier.( ) Can you fly? (8) I went there by bike.( ) Do you have a sore throat? (9) I watched TV.( ) Did you go hiking yesterday? (10) No, I cant.五、选词填空(10分) 1、An elephant is _than a dog.(tall taller)2、Did your mother _clothes yesterday?Yes, she _a lot of clothes.(wash washed)3、_did you go on your holiday? I went to BeiJing.(Where When)4、Are you _English now? Yes, I am. (learn learning)5、Look, Sarah and Amy _dancing.(was are)六、阅读短文,判断.(10分)My name is Mike. I am 12. I like singing. I am from Nanhai. My friend and I had a long holiday last month. We went on a trip. I went to Hangzhou with my parents by plane. We saw the West Lake. John is my cousin. He is one year older than me. He went to Beijing by train. He visited the Great Wall. Alice is my pen pal. She is from Canada. She is in Guangzhou now. She went to Hong Kong by bus. She ate good food and bought some clothes. Tim is my classmate. He is English. He went to Huangshan by plane. He climbed the mountains. Tim and Alice are one year younger than me. We are all in Grade 6 now. We are going to a new middle school in September. We will be in Grade 7.1、Mike went to TangShan last month.( )2、John is one year younger than Mike.( )3、Tim is Alices classmates.( )4、We will be Grade 7 in September.( )5、Tim is 13 years old. ( ) 七、阅读下面的短文,完成问题。(10分) My name is May. I am an American girl. I am in Foshan with my parents now. My father Mr Li is an engineer in a shoe factory. He designs the beautiful shoes. He likes drawing pictures. Usually my father goes to work by car. But yesterday he went by bus with my mother. My mother Mrs Li is an English teacher. She often goes to work on foot. She loves the children and she says they make her feel young.1.How did Mr Li go to work yesterday ?_2. Is May in America now ?_3. Who loves the children ?_4. Whats Mr Lis hobby ?_5. What does Mays mother do ?_附送:PEP英语四年级上册四会单词词汇表Unit 1window 窗户 have (我们)有 board 写字板 new 新的 light 灯,灯管 go 去 picture 画,图画 where 在.哪里 door 门 puter 计算机 floor 地板 teachers desk 讲台 classroom 教室 wall 墙 many 许多的 fan 扇子,电扇 our 我们的 clean 打扫,清洁,擦干净的 classmate 同学 good idea 好主意 have a look 看一看 all right 好吧,好的 seat 座位 good job 干的好 ear 在.的旁边 you 你 what 什么 see 看 in 在.里面 me 我 the 这个,这里 look at 看. we 我们Unit 2Chinese book 语文书 pencil 铅笔 English book 英语书 twenty-one 二十一 math book 数学书 thirty-one 三十一 schoolbag 书包 forty-one 四十一 stiry-book 故事书 fifty 五十 notebbook 笔记本 too many 太多了 colour 颜色 too many 太多了 fat 胖的 heavy 重的;沉重的 may 可以 whats=what is-sure 当然可以 sorry 对不起 here you are 给你 book 书 bag 包 ruler 尺子 pen 钢笔 pencil-case 铅笔盒Unit 3long hair 长头发 short hair 短头发 thin 瘦的 strong 健壮的 quiet 安静的 friend(s) 朋友(复数) chinese 中国的 like 喜欢 his 他的 photo 照片 hes=he is has (他/她)有 name 名字 he 他 teacher 教师 student 学生 music 音乐 science 科学 sports 体育运动 puter game 电脑游戏 painting 绘画 shes=she is her 她的 youre=you are she 她 right 对的;正确的 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 friend 朋友Unit 4study 书房 bathroom 卫生间 bedroom 卧室 living room kitchen 厨房 its=it is hey 嘿 fish 鱼 isnt=is not here 这里 home 家 room 房间 school 学校 classroom 教室 phone 电话 bed 床 sofa 沙发 shelf 书架 fridge 冰箱 table 桌子they 他们 arent=are not theyre=they are key 钥匙 open 打开 look 看 please 请 on 在上面 no 不;不是 window 窗户 desk 课桌;书桌 door 门 chair 椅子 bed 床 Unit 5rice 米饭 fish 鱼 noodle(s) 面条(复数) beef 牛肉 vegetable 蔬菜 soup 汤 have 吃 dinner 晚餐;正餐 wait 等 Id like=I would like bread 面包 milk 牛奶 egg 蛋 water 水 hungry 饥饿的 for 为;给 thank you 谢谢你 knife 刀 chopstick(s) 筷子(复数) spoon 勺子 plate 盘子 fork 叉子 help 帮助;帮忙 pass 传递 ready 准备好了 try 常识;试一下 help yourself 随便吃 show 展示 yummy 好吃的 food 食物 use 使用 chicken 鸡肉 fish 鱼Unit 6family 家庭 parents 父母 uncle 叔叔;舅舅 aunt 姑姑;婶;姨 baby 婴儿 people 人 member 成员 only 只有;仅仅 puppy 小狗 gee 用以表示惊奇、赞赏 e 来 who 谁 sister 姐妹 brother 兄弟 father 父亲;爸爸 baseball player 棒球运动员 driver 司机 doctor 医生 farmer 农民 nuese 护士 look 看上去;看;瞧 young 年轻的2019年PEP英语四年级上册知识点及词汇总结第一单元:1. 能够简单描述自己的教室,如:This is my classroom. Its big. 2. 能够说出教室中设施的颜色,如:The door is green. / The windows are yellow 3. 能够听懂并发出打扫教室的一些指令,如:Clean the classroom / door / window / board 4. 会唱歌曲“In the Classroom” 5.掌握A至I大小写字母;熟悉其中例词的读音。6. 认读A、B部分Lets learn、Lets talk中的单词和句子。7.理解Lets do、Lets chant等部分的内容。9.了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。10. 了解西方国家相互尊重、体谅对方的有关文明礼仪。第二单元:1. 能够简单描述自己的书包,如:I have a new schoolbag2. 能够说出书包中的物品名称,主要指书记文具用品。如:10 sharpeners, 12 erasers 3. 能够听懂一些指令,然后把物品放到相应的位置上如:Put your pencil in your desk4. 会唱歌曲“Books and pencils”5.掌握J至R大小写字母;熟悉其中例词的读音。6.拼写掌握六个单词pen, pencil, bag, book, pencil-case, ruler.7. 认读A、B部分Lets learn、Lets talk中的单词和句子。8.理解Lets do、Lets chant等部分的内容。9.了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。第三单元:1.掌握S至Z大小写字母;并认读其中的例词。2.能掌握四会单词teacher, student, boy, girl, friend 。3.认读A、B部分Lets learn、Lets talk中的单词和句型。4.理解Lets do、Lets chant等部分的内容。5.了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。6. 能够向别人简单介绍自己的朋友及其特征,如:My friend is strong. He has short hair. 7. 能够说出自己或朋友的爱好,如:I like music. She likes science.8. 能够提问别人的姓名,如:Whats his/her name?9. 会唱歌曲“Friends”。10. 了解中西方在接受礼物时不同的习惯。第四单元:1. 能够简单描述自己的家,结合学过的语言描述各个房间及室内家具陈设的名称、特征等,如:This is my house. Its big. 2. 能够询问、猜测物品的位置,并做出相应的回答,如:Where is/are?3. 能够听懂并发出一些指令,如:Go to the living room4. 会唱歌曲“My Bedroom”5.熟练掌握本单元四会单词的拼写。 6.听、说、认读A、B部分Lets learn、Lets talk中的单词和句子。7.理解Lets do、Lets chant等部分的内容。8.了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。9. 了解西方国家的房屋结构以及各部分的名称。第五单元:1. 能够询问一日三餐的食物及饮料。2. 会使用用餐时的基本用语,如:What would you like for? Help yourself.等。3. 能够听懂并发出传递与使用餐具的一些指令,如:Pass me a plate, please. Use the chopsticks.4.掌握A、B部分Read and write中的十个单词的拼写。5.认读A、B部分Lets learn、Lets talk中的单词和句子。6.理解Lets do、Lets chant等部分的内容。 7. 了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。8. 了解中西方饮食文化方面的一些知识。第六单元:1. 能够简单介绍自己的家庭,如:This is my uncle. 2. 能够简单描述家庭成员,如:Hes a baseball player. He looks strong.3. 能够听懂一些指令,如:Draw and introduce your family. Act like a 并做出相应的动作。4. 会唱歌曲“Father and mother”。5.掌握单词father, mother, sister, brother, doctor, nurse, driver, farmer,能熟练听、说、读、写。6.认读理解A、B部分Lets learn、Lets talk中的单词和句子及Lets chant部分的句型。7.了解Story time、Good to know等部分的内容。8. 了解国家中家庭成员之间的称呼习俗。

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