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2019年(北师大版)六年级数学下册第一单元检测试卷班级_姓名_得分_一、填空。1、把圆柱的侧面沿高剪开,得到一个长方形,这个长方形的长等于圆柱底面的( ),宽等于圆柱的( ),所以圆柱的侧面积等于( )。2、 2.4立方分米( )升( )毫升 4070立方分米( )立方米 325 立方米( )立方分米 538 升( )升( )毫升 3、一个圆柱底面半径2分米,侧面积是113.04平方分米,这个圆柱体的高是( )分米。 5一根长20厘米的圆钢,分成一样长的两段,表面积增加20平方厘米,原钢材的体积是( )立方厘米。 6一个圆柱体的底面半径为r,侧面展开图形是一个正方形。圆柱的高是( )。 7. 一个圆柱的底面周长是12.56厘米,高是6厘米,那么底面半径是( )厘米,底面积是( )平方厘米,侧面积是( )平方厘米,体积是( )立方厘米。 8. 一个圆柱和一个圆锥的底面积相等,高也相等,那么圆柱的体积是圆锥的( )倍,圆柱的体积的( )就等于圆锥的体积。 9. 底面积85立方厘米、高是12厘米的圆锥的体积是( )立方厘米,与它等底等高的圆柱体积是( )立方厘米。 10. 一个长方体、一个圆柱体和一个圆锥体的底面积相等、体积也相等,那么圆锥的高是圆柱的( ),长方体高是圆锥高的( )。11. 把一根圆柱形木料截成3段,表面积增加了45.12平方厘米,这根木料的底面积是( )平方厘米。12. 一个圆锥体的底面半径是6厘米,高是1分米,体积是( )立方厘米。13. 等底等高的圆柱体和圆锥体的体积比是( ),圆柱的体积比圆锥的体积多( )%,圆锥的体积比圆柱的体积少(-)14. 把一个圆柱体钢坯削成一个最大的圆锥体,要削去1.8立方厘米,未削前圆柱的体积是( )立方厘米。15. 一个圆柱体的侧面展开后,正好得到一个边长25.12厘米的正方形,圆柱体的高是( )厘米。16. 用一个底面积为94.2平方厘米,高为30厘米的圆锥形容器盛满水,然后把水倒入底面积为31.4平方厘米的圆柱形容器内,水的高为( )。17. 等底等高的一个圆柱和一个圆锥,体积的和是72立方分米,圆柱的体积是( ),圆锥的体积是( )。18. 底面直径和高都是10厘米的圆柱,侧面展开后得到一个( )面积是( )平方厘米,体积是( )立方厘米。19. 把一根长是2米,底面直径是4分米的圆柱形木料锯成4段后,表面积增加了( )。20. 底面半径2分米,高9分米的圆锥形容器,容积是( )毫升。21. 已知圆柱的底面半径为 r,高为 h,圆柱的体积的计算公式是( )。22. 容器的容积和它的体积比较,容积( )体积。二、判断:1. 圆柱体的体积与圆锥体的体积比是3 1。 ( )2. 圆柱体的高扩大2倍,体积就扩大2倍。 ( )3. 等底等高的圆柱和圆锥,圆柱的体积比圆锥的体积大2倍。( )4. 圆柱体的侧面积等于底面积乘以高。 ( )5. 圆柱体的底面直径是3厘米,高是9.42厘米,它的侧面展开后是一个正方形。 ( )三、选择:(填序号)1. 圆柱体的底面半径扩大3倍,高不变,体积扩大( )。 A、3倍 B、9倍 C、6倍2. 把一个棱长4分米的正方体木块削成一个最大的圆柱体,体积是( )立方分米。A、50.24 B、100.48 C、643. 求长方体,正方体,圆柱体的体积共同的公式是( )。A、V= abh B、V= a3 C、V= Sh4. 把一个圆柱体的侧面展开得到一个边长4分米的正方形,这个圆柱体的体积是( )立方分米。A、16 B、50.24 C、100.485. 把一团圆柱体橡皮泥揉成与它等底的圆锥体,高将 ( )。A、扩大3倍 B、缩小3倍 C、扩大6倍 D、缩小6倍四、应用题:1. 一个圆锥体的体积是15.7立方分米,底面积是3.14平方分米,它的高有多少分米。2. 工地上运来 6 堆同样大小的圆锥形沙堆,每堆沙的底面积是18.84平方米,高是0.9米。这些沙有多少立方米?如果每立方米沙重1.7吨,这些沙有多少吨?3. 圆柱形无盖铁皮水桶的高与底面直径的比是32,底面直径是4分米。做这样的2只水桶要用铁皮多少平方分米?(得数保留整十平方分米)4. 会议大厅里有10根底面直径0.6米,高6米的圆柱形柱子,现在要刷上油漆,每平方米用油漆0.5千克,刷这些柱子要用油漆多少千克?5. 从一根截面直径是6分米的圆柱形钢材上截下2米,每立方分米钢重7.8千克,截下的这段钢重多少千克?6. 一个圆柱形容器的底面半径是4分米,高6分米,里面盛满水,把水倒在棱长是8分米的正方体容器内,水深是多少分米?7. 压路机的前轮是圆柱形,轮宽1.5米,直径1.2米,前轮每分钟转动10周,每分钟前进多少米?每分钟压路多少平方米?8. 有一段钢可做一个底面直径8厘米,高9厘米的圆柱形零件。如果把它改制成高是12厘米的圆锥形零件,零件的底面积是多少平方厘米?9. 一个圆柱形油桶,从里面量的底面半径是20厘米,高是3分米。这个油桶的容积是多少?10. 一个圆柱,侧面展开后是一个边长9.42分米的正方形。这个圆柱的底面直径是多少分米? 11. 一个圆柱铁皮油桶内装有半捅汽油,现在倒出汽油的 35 后,还剩12升汽油。如果这个油桶的内底面积是10平方分米,油桶的高是多少分米? 12.13. 附送:2019年(北师大版)六年级英语毕业试卷听 力 部 分一、听句子,选择你所听到的单词,将字母标号填入括号内。( )1. A. pupilB. peopleC. paperD. purple( )2. A. sonB. sunC. someD. Sam( )3. A. treeB. sweetC. streetD. straight( )4. A. rightB. writeC. whiteD. what( )5. A. coatB. cantC. countD. e( )6. A. cakeB. takeC. makeD. lake( )7. A. thankB. thinkC. thinD. thing( )8. A. priceB. princeC. prizeD. piece( )9. A. nothingB. everythingC. anythingD. something( )10. A. earacheB. headacheC. toothacheD. stomachache二、根据听到的内容选择恰当的应答句,将字母代号填入括号内:( )1. A. Thats all right.B. Yes, I can.C. Thank you. ( )2. A. Yes, I have.B. OK. Here you are.C. Yes, I can. ( )3. A. Yes, there is.B. Yes, it is.C. Yes, they are. ( )4. A. Its in Shanghai.B. Sorry, I dont know.C. No, I cant.( )5. A. No, Im notB. All right.C. Youre wele.( )6. A. There are two.B. Yes, there areC. I have two.( )7. A. From ShanghaiB. In Class One.C. In the classroom.( )8. A. Its three yuan. B. Theyre sixty yuanC. Theyre made in China.( )9. A. I want a shirt. B. I dont like the colour. C. Show me that red one, please. ( )10. A. Hold on, please. B. Sure, it is over there. C. Sorry, but he isnt here. 三、听短文,判断正误,用“”,“”,表示在括号内。( )1. Tom is ten years old. ( )2. Tom has a brother. ( )3. Tom doesnt have any hobbies. ( )4. Tom likes playing chess. ( )5. Tom watches football games on TV every day. 四、听对话,选择正确的单词填在横线上: A: Hello, Liz. B: Hello, Mary. This is my _, (brother, sister)Lily. Were twins. A: How do you do, Lily? B: How do you do? A: Liz, is Lily in your _? (glass, class) B: No. We are in the same school. But we are not classmates. A: Whos that _(lady, lad)over there? C: Shes my teacher. Shes from _.(China, Canada). She _(cant, can)speak very good English. 笔 试 部 分一、判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,用“”,“”,表示在括号内。( )1. fivethin( )2. useusually( )3. lakewait( )4. phonebottle( )5. mehe( )6. lotnote( )7. overold( )8. treeeat( )9. slowdown( )10. horsework二、用直线连接下列英文单词和对应的中文意思。三、选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。( )1. Ive got a toothache. Im going to see the _. A. parkB. doctorC. teacherD. hospital( )2. May I _ your bike? Sure. A. ride B. riding C. read D. to ride( )3. Whose ruler is it? Maybe its _. A. PeterB. PetersC. MarysD. Peters( )4. I want to see a film. Im going to the _. A. cinemaB. schoolC. museumD. bank( )5. _ will you do this Sunday? Ill play football. A. WhatB. WhenC. WhereD. How( )6. What is she doing? She _. A. has a coldB. will dance C. is dancingD. usually goes swimming( )7. Mrs Arthur can _ piano. A. played theB. playedC. plays theD. play the( )8. _ does your father do? Hes an engineer. A. WhoB. WhatC. WhichD. How old( )9. My father _ a new car. He _ it very much. A. have, likeB. has, likesC. has, likeD. have, likes( )10. What time will he _ back tomorrow? A. beB. isC. amD. are四、从B栏中选出适合A栏的答语: AB( )1. What will your dad do next week? a. He is a doctor. ( )2. What are you doing? b. It is green. ( )3. What does he do? c. I surfed the internet. ( )4. Did you have a good time? d. I am watching TV. ( )5. When did you e home? f. Were going to visit art museum. ( )6. What colour is it? g. Yes, I enjoyed myself very much. ( )7. What are you going to do tomorrow? h. OK. My name is Jones White. ( )8. Could you leave your name? i. About eleven in the evening. ( )9. Whats Mary doing now? j. Shes sleeping in bed, shes ill. ( )10. What did you do last night? k. Hell go sailing. 五、下列情景应说哪句话,将其标号填入括号内。( )1. 当你想知道对方最喜欢什么时,问: A. What do you like best? B. Do you like English? C. I like English very much. ( )2. 当你提醒Jack上学不要迟到时,说: A. Dont read in bed, Jack! B. Dont watch TV, Jack! C. Dont be late for school, Jack! ( )3. 当你想知道这周日的天气如何时,问: A. Its Sunday today. B. What does Sunday like? C. Whats the weather like this Sunday? ( )4. 当你想知道字典的价钱,问: A. Have you got a dictionary? B. How much is the dictionary? C. I like this dictionary. ( )5. 当你想了解别人是否需要一杯茶时,问: A. What are you looking for? B. What do you like best? C. Would you like a glass of tea? 六、连词组句: 1. I, Ben, to, may, speak, _ 2. to, I, park, get, how, the, can, _ 3. price, of, is, book, the, this, what, _ 4. my, gift, I, to, buy, mother, a, for, want, _ 5. and, water, this, drink, medicine, more, take, _七、阅读理解(I)Jims Family Its nine oclock in the evening. The family is at home. Jims father is sitting in a chair. Hes watching TV. Jims mother is standing near the window. Shes giving some food to a bird, Polly. Polly says, “Thanks! Thanks!”Wheres Jim? Oh, hes behind the door. Kate, Jims sister is looking for him. They are playing games. They have no homework on Sunday evening. 根据短文选择正确的答案。( )1. There are _ people in the family. A. threeB. four C. five D. six( )2. Who is watching TV in a chair? _. A. JimB. Jims motherC. Jims fatherD. Jims sister( )3. Jim and Kate are _. A. good friendsB. two girls C. two boysD. brother and sister( )4. The children _ doing their homework. A. arentB. isnt C. dontD. not( )5. Whats Kate doing? A. Shes doing her homework. B. Shes standing near the window. C. Shes looking for a pen. D. Shes playing games. (II) (Jane meets Henry. Shes on her way to the hospital to see her friend, Susan.)Henry: Where are you going, Jane? Jane: Im going to the hospital to see Susan. Henry: I saw her yesterday. Whats the matter with her? Jane: Shes sick. She had a headache. Then can I catch a No.7 bus to get there? Henry: No. A number 13 bus will take you to the hospital. Jane: I see. Thank you. (一)判断正误,对的用T表示;错的用F表示: 1. Jane is going to the hospital. ( ) 2. Janes friend, Henry was ill. ( ) 3. Jane meets Susan on her way to the hospital. ( ) 4. Jane is going to get to the hospital by taxi. ( )(二)请你试着回答这个问题: Why is Jane going to the hospital? _试 题 答 案 听 力 部 分一、听句子,选择你所听到的单词,将字母标号填入括号内。(B)1. A. pupilB. peopleC. paperD. purple(A)2. A. sonB. sunC. someD. Sam(C)3. A. treeB. sweetC. streetD. straight(A)4. A. rightB. writeC. whiteD. what(C)5. A. coatB. cantC. countD. e(B)6. A. cakeB. takeC. makeD. lake(B)7. A. thankB. thinkC. thinD. thing(D)8. A. priceB. princeC. prizeD. piece(D)9. A. nothingB. everythingC. anythingD. something(C)10. A. earacheB. headacheC. toothacheD. stomachache原文: 1. How many people are there in your family? 2. Mr Wangs son is an engineer. 3. Some boys are running in the street. 4. Lets go and play table tennis. All right. 5. How many monkeys can you see? Lets count them. 6. Can I have an apple? Sure. But take the small one. 7. I think music is very interesting. 8. Give me a piece of paper, please. 9. Theres something wrong with the puter. 10. I have a bad toothache. 二、根据听到的内容选择恰当的应答句,将字母代号填入括号内:(C)1. A. Thats all right.B. Yes, I can.C. Thank you. (B)2. A. Yes, I have.B. OK. Here you are.C. Yes, I can. (B)3. A. Yes, there is.B. Yes, it is.C. Yes, they are. (B)4. A. Its in Shanghai.B. Sorry, I dont know.C. No, I cant.(C)5. A. No, Im notB. All right.C. Youre wele.(C)6. A. There are two.B. Yes, there areC. I have two.(B)7. A. From ShanghaiB. In Class One.C. In the classroom.(B)8. A. Its three yuan.B. Theyre sixty yuanC. Theyre made in China.(B)9. A. I want a shirt. B. I dont like the colour. C. Show me that red one, please. (B)10. A. Hold on, please. B. Sure, it is over there. C. Sorry, but he isnt here. 1. Happy birthday to you, Linda. 2. May I have a look at this bag, please? 3. Is this box for me, Miss Wang? 4. Excuse me, wheres the Great Wall? 5. Thank you very much, Mr Wang. 6. How many brothers do you have? 7. What class are you in? 8. How much are the shoes? 9. What about this red one? 10. Could you lend me your story book? 三、听短文,判断正误,用“”,“”,表示在括号内。()1. Tom is ten years old. ()2. Tom has a brother. ()3. Tom doesnt have any hobbies. ()4. Tom likes playing chess. ()5. Tom watches football games on TV every day. 原: Hello, my name is Tom. Im eleven years old, and Im in Grade Six. I have a brother. Hes ten. We study in the same school. We like our school, we like our teachers and classmates. But sometimes were not happy with much homework. How about you? We have many hobbies. We love sports, I love football best and my brother likes playing chess. I watch football games on TV every weekend. Do you like it? 四、听对话,选择正确的单词填在横线上: A: Hello, Liz. B: Hello, Mary. This is my sister, (brother, sister)Lily. Were twins. A: How do you do, Lily? B: How do you do? A: Liz, is Lily in your class? (glass, class) B: No. We are in the same school. But we are not classmates. A: Whos that lady(lady, lad)over there? C: Shes my teacher. Shes from China.(China, Canada). She can(cant, can)speak very good English. 笔 试 部 分一、判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,用“”,“”,表示在括号内。()1. fivethin()2. useusually()3. lakewait()4. phonebottle()5. mehe()6. lotnote()7. overold()8. treeeat()9. slowdown()10. horsework二、用直线连接下列英文单词和对应的中文意思。三、选择填空,将答案的标号填入括号内。(B)1. Ive got a toothache. Im going to see the _. A. parkB. doctorC. teacherD. hospital(A)2. May I _ your bike? Sure. A. rideB. ridingC. readD. to ride(C)3. Whose ruler is it? Maybe its _. A. PeterB. PetersC. MarysD. Peters(A)4. I want to see a film. Im going to the _. A. cinemaB. schoolC. museumD. bank(A)5. _ will you do this Sunday? Ill play football. A. WhatB. WhenC. WhereD. How(C)6. What is she doing? She _. A. has a coldB. will dance C. is dancingD. usually goes swimming(D)7. Mrs Arthur can _ piano. A. played theB. playedC. plays theD. play the(B)8. _ does your father do? Hes an engineer. A. WhoB. WhatC. WhichD. How old(B)9. My father _ a new car. He _ it very much. A. have, likeB. has, likesC. has, likeD. have, likes(A)10. What time will he _ back tomorrow? A. beB. isC. amD. are四、从B栏中选出适合A栏的答语:AB(k)1. What will your dad do next week? a. He is a doctor. (d)2. What are you doing? b. It is green. (a)3. What does he do? c. I surfed the internet. (g)4. Did you have a good time? d. I am watching TV. (i)5. When did you e home? f. Were going to visit art museum. (b)6. What colour is it? g. Yes, I enjoyed myself very much. (f)7. What are you going to do tomorrow? h. OK. My name is Jones White. (h)8. Could you leave your name? i. About eleven in the evening. (j)9. Whats Mary doing now? j. Shes sleeping in bed, shes ill. (c)10. What did you do last night? k. Hell go sailing. 五、下列情景应说哪句话,将其标号填入括号内。(A)1. 当你想知道对方最喜欢什么时,问: A. What do you like best? B. Do you like English? C. I like English very much. (C)2. 当你提醒Jack上学不要迟到时,说: A. Dont read in bed, Jack! B. Dont watch TV, Jack! C. Dont be late for school, Jack! (C)3. 当你想知道这周日的天气如何时,问: A. Its Sunday today. B. What does Sunday like? C. Whats the weather like this Sunday? (B)4. 当你想知道字典的价钱,问: A. Have you got a dictionary? B. How much is the dictionary? C. I like this dictionary. (C)5. 当你想了解别人是否需要一杯茶时,问: A. What are you looking for? B. What do you like best? C. Would you like a glass of tea? 六、连词组句: 1. I, Ben, to, may, speak, May I speak to Ben? 2. to, I, park, get, how, the, can, How can I get to the park? 3. price, of, is, book, the, this, what, What is the price of this book? 4. my, gift, I, to, buy, mother, a, for, want, I want to buy a gift for my mother. 5. and, water, this, drink, medicine, more, take, Take this medicine and drink more water. 七、阅读理解(I)Jims Family Its nine oclock in the evening. The family is at home. Jims father is sitting in a chair. Hes watching TV. Jims mother is standing near the window. Shes giving some food to a bird, Polly. Polly says, “Thanks! Thanks!”Wheres Jim? Oh, hes behind the door. Kate, Jims sister is looking for him. They are playing games. They have no homework on Sunday evening. 根据短文选择正确的答案。(B)1. There are _ people in the family. A. threeB. fourC. fiveD. six(C)2. Who is watching TV in a chair? _. A. JimB. Jims motherC. Jims fatherD. Jims sister(D)3. Jim and Kate are _. A. good friendsB. two girls C. two boysD. brother and sister(A)4. The children _ doing their homework. A. arentB. isntC. dontD. not(D)5. Whats Kate doing? A. Shes doing her homework. B. Shes standing near the window. C. Shes looking for a pen. D. Shes playing games. (II) (Jane meets Henry. Shes on her way to the hospital to see her friend, Susan.)Henry: Where are you going, Jane? Jane: Im going to the hospital to see Susan. Henry: I saw her yesterday. Whats the matter with her? Jane: Shes sick. She had a headache. Then can I catch a No.7 bus to get there? Henry: No. A number 13 bus will take you to the hospital. Jane: I see. Thank you. (一)判断正误,对的用T表示;错的用F表示: 1. Jane is going to the hospital. () 2. Janes friend, Henry was ill. () 3. Jane meets Susan on her way to the hospital. () 4. Jane is going to get to the hospital by taxi. ()(二)请你试着回答这个问题: Why is Jane going to the hospital? _(略)


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