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2019-2020年四年级英语复习练习题(I)一 听写(20%) 二 选出不同类的单词(10%)1、window board light picture thirty 2、one twenty forty notebook fifty 3、classroom long short thin strong 4、music math quiet sports science 5、study bathroom bedroom painting kitchen 6、story-book phone sofa table shelf 7、soup noodles vegetable in beef 8、you knife chopsticks spoon plate 9、parents uncle aunt dady fork 10、driver doctor farmer baby nurse 三 翻译家(10%)1、铅笔 4、教师2、书 5、学生3、尺子 6、女孩7、朋友 9、面包8、房间 10、牛奶四 选择正确的问句或答句把对话补充完整(21%)1、A: Good morning.Ok.Good morning.Whats in our classroom?B: A: B: A board, two lights and many desksA: Lets clean our classromm.B: 2、A: Happy New Year!Happy New Year!There are four.My dad, my mom, my brother and me. Is this your father? B: A: B: Yes. Hes my father. A: How many people are there in you family? B: . A: Who are they? B: 五 用序号排列正确的顺序(18%)What would you like? Dad, Im hungry. Whats for dinner? Wait and see. Everythings ready.Id like some rice and soup. Thank you,dad.六 口语(21%)1、课文的朗读与背诵2、英语聊天附送:2019-2020年四年级英语复习试卷教材:义务教育课程标准实验教科书(pep)四年级下册出版:人民教育出版社一、听音圈出你听到的单词(10分)(1) garden gym (2) lunch , dinner (3) fan light(4) six two (5) red yellow (6) warm hot(7) socks , pants (8) cheap pretty (9) boots apple(10) goat potato二、听音,写出下列单词的汉语意思(10分)1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 7、 8、 9、 10、 三、听音,选出答案(10分)1、A:Water the flowers B: play football2、A:Sing and dance B: Eat some rice3、A:Its nine B: Its six oclock4、A:Take off your shirt B: Wash your shirt5、A:Its cold B: Its warm6、A:Lets play football B: Lets go home7、A:Its ten yuan B: Its too short8、A:Ride a horse B: Milk a caw9、A:Yes , they are B: No it isnt10、A:Yes , it is B: No , they arent四、听音,选词意,在括号里打“”(10分)(1)第一( )第二( ) (2)食堂( )卫生间( )(3)体育课( )绘画室( )(4)穿上( )脱下( )(5)十六( )六十( ) (6)西瓜( )黄瓜( )(7)狗( )猫( ) (8)那( )那些( )(9)有风的( )多云的( )(10)短裤( )长裤( )五、听音,圈出你听到的数字(1)4、7 (2)12、18 (3)29、32(4)43、36 (5)55、61 (6)74、87(7)98、19 (8)13、30 (9)15、3(10)138、119笔 试 部 分一、看图写单词(10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、英汉连线(10分) playground 洋 葱 art room 音乐课 rabbit 操 场 music class 羊 羔 lamp 绘画室 go to bed 兔 子 jacket 上床睡觉 jeans 夹克衫 onion 多 少 how much 牛仔裤三、按从大到小的顺序排列数词(10分)two thirteen one eleven three ten four twelvefive six eight fifteen nine seven twenty四、按要求涂色(10分) pink red orange yellow blue green purple white black brown五、句子连线(10分)1、A:Its warm today. B:Its on the first floor.2、A:Where is the canteen? B:lets play football.3、A:Is it cold? B:Its ten yuan.4、A:Is this a teachers desk: B:No, it is.5、A:How much is it? B:No , it isnt.6、A:What time is it? B:No, they arent.7、A:Are they ducks? B:Its two oclock.8、A:Is that your Tshirt? B:Yes, you can.9、A:What colour is it? B:No, its not.10、A:Can I wear my shirt? B:Its white. 听 力 材 料一、(1)garden (2)lunch (3)fan (4)six (5)yellow(6)hot (7)pants (8)cheap (9)apple (10)potato二、(1)puter (2)washroom (3)English class (4)nine(5)short (6)cool (7)green (8)snow (9)big (10)duck三、(1)Go to the garden. water the flowers.(2)Time for music. Sing and dance.(3)What time is it? Its six oclock.(4)Hello! Sa hra. Wash your short.(5)Its in Beijing. Its warm.(6) Its warm. Lets play football.(7)How much is it? Its ten yuan.(8)Hi, Mike, Ride a horse.(9)Are they sheep? Yes, they are.(10)Is this a library? Yes, it is. 四、(1)first (2)canteen (3)P E class (4)put on(5)sixteen (6)water melom (7)dog (8)that(9)windy (10)shorts五、(1)four (2)twelve (3)thirty-two (4)forty-three(5)sixty-one (6)seventy-four (7)nineteen(8)thirty (9)three (10)one one nine

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