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2019-2020年六年级英语下册第二单元第三课时练习题一、 圈出下列句子中的错误并改正1. Some people feel sick the winter._2. My throat hurt._3 What the matter? _4 I have toothache._二 选出不同类的单词1 happy sad excited headache2 headache toothache earache arm3 board angry sad happily4 head tooth earache eye5 what why how sick三阅读短文,正确的写T, 错误的的写 F Lily: How are you, Kate? You look so happy.Kate: Yes, I am excited. I am going on a big trip. How are you, Lily ? You Look sad today. Lily: I failed the math test.Kate: I m sorry to hear that.( )1. Kate is very happy.( )2 Lily is very happy too.( )3 Lily is going on a trip.( )4 Kate failed the math test. 附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册第二单元第二课时练习题一、听音, 填空A: Whats the _ with you?B: I have a _ and a _.A: Show me your tongue, What did you eat yesterday?B: I ate some _ and _.A: What else did you eat?B: I also ate some _.A: oh, you ate so many things, Take these medicines three times a day. You will feel better.B: Thank you, doctor.A: You are wele.二、 读一读,连一连1 How are you feeling? A 我感觉好些了。2 have a headache. B 你感觉怎么样?3 Im feeling better. C 发烧。4 have a fever D 头痛5 In the winter E 在冬天三 选择( )1 _- - I feel sick.A. How do you feel? B How are you?( ) 2_- My nose hurts.A Whats the matter? B Do you feel sick?( ) 3 My leg _A hurt B hurts( )4 What is the matter with your mom?-_A My nose hurts B Her nose hurts.( ) Do you have a headache?-_A Yes, I do . B Yes, my throat is sore.听力答案: 1 matter 2 fever headache 3 eggs bananas 4 dumplings


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