2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 4 What time do you go to school单元教学设计 鲁教版五四制.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 4 What time do you go to school单元教学设计 鲁教版五四制.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 4 What time do you go to school单元教学设计 鲁教版五四制 教 材 分 析本单元以Daily routines and times为话题,共设计了三个部分的内容。旨在通过单元教学使学生学会谈论日常行为、询问并答复有关时间的问题、询问并回答人们在特定时间所从事的活动。 教 学 目 标一) 知识储备(key words):Talk about daily routines What time do you usually get up? I get up at six oclock.When does Alicia take a shower? She takes a shower at five oclock.Ask about and say times What time is it? Its eleven oclock.Ask for daily actions What do you do in the evening?When do people usually eat dinner?三) 情感目标:养成良好的作息习惯,珍惜时间,充实快乐地度过每一天。 教 学 重 点Words and phrases(1)词汇:run, get, up, shower, take, either, taste, quickly, job, oclock, night, hour, after, put, station, quarter, brush, early, tooth, man, am, afternoon, evening, homework, (2)短语 go to school, get up, take a shower, put on, go to work, get to, listen to, go to bed, do homework, go home, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening教学难点When questionsWhat time is it?(formulaic)Adverbs of frequency 教学方法T ask-based teaching method Audio-lingualMethodSs learn first, then teacher explains. 学生情况分析本单元的主题是运用when和what time引导的特殊疑问句询问时间、运用数词表达不同的时间,通过对目标语言的学习使学生学会更合理地安排自己的学习和课外活动时间。对于when引导的特殊疑问句用来询问时间我们已经在第一单元学过,教师要引导学生比较这两种特殊疑问句用来询问时间时的异同,从而正确使用它们;在表达不同时间段时要运用数词,学生对新的目标语言运用得心应手。单元学科知识体系构建 课时分配The First Period: Section A(1a-2c)The Second Period: Section A (2d-3c)The Third Period : Section B (1a-1e)The Fourth Period: Section B (2a-2c)The Fifth Period: 3a-Self checkThe Sixth Period: Revision and test附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Unit 4 What time do you go to school单元综合测试 鲁教版五四制(一)默写下面的短语和句子:1、去上学_ 2、吃早饭_3、洗澡_ 4、几点_ 5、在五点_ 6、起床_7、刷牙_8、上床睡觉_ 9、早饭后 _ 10、去上班_ 11、大约六点十五_12、 写作业 _13、她什么时候去上学? _(二)根据句意及首字母提示,写出正确的单词: 1. Tom usually has d at 6:30 in the evening. 2. He often walks to school, but s he takes a bus to school. 3. T for asking me to your party. 4.Ice cream t_ good . 5. What time do you u get up?(三)选择填空: ( ) 1. What time do you usually go to bed? At half _ _ nine. A. at B. to C. past D. in ( ) 2. What do you usually do _ Sunday? We enjoy ourselves at the guitar club. A. in B. at C. on D. of ( ) 3. _, please? I think its about 5:30. A. What time do you get up B. Wheres your watch C. When is it D. What time is it ( ) 4. _ interesting movie it is! A. What a B. How an C. What an D. How ( ) 5. Do you want _ at five in the afternoon? A. get home B. get to school C. to get here D. go to there ( ) 6. Can you _ me about your life in England? A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell ( ) 7. What time _ Jim and Ann _ volleyball? A. does, play B. do, play C. are, play D. do, playing ( ) 8. When _ your mother _ up? A. do, get B. do, gets C. does, get D. does, gets ( ) 9. _ brother usually _ dinner at home. A. My, have B. My, has C. I, have D. I, has ( ) 10. Now please look _ the picture and listen _ me. A. at, at B. at, to C. to, at D. to, to ( ) 11. What time is it now? _ eight thirty. A. It B. Its C. Is D. Its ( ) 13. Its _ now. A. nine and forty-four B. nine-forty-four C. nine forty-four D. nine and forty four ( ) 14. Peter usually gets up _ six _ the morning. A. at, in B. in, at C. at, at D. in, in ( ) 15. Thanks _ your help. A. at B. in C. for D. of ( ) 16. Thanks for _ me. A. helping B. helps C. help D. to help ( ) 17. _ does your mother work? In a school A. Where B. When C. What time D. How ( ) 18. Bill often _ a shower in the morning. A. makes B. do C. takes D. to have ( ) 19. What time is it? Its _ nine-thirty. A. on B. around C. in D. at ( ) 20. He _ at 7:00 in the evening. A. get home B. gets to home C. gets home D. goes to home(四)选词填空:morning, schedule(时间表), breakfast, aunt, homework, shower, dinner, brother, when, get up, 1. Whats Jennys daily(日常的) _? 2. My mothers sister is my _. 3. Do you take a shower every _? 4. He eats _ at about 6:30 every evening. 5. After school, she does her _. 6. This is her _, his name is Tom. 7. I have an egg for _ every morning. 8. My father takes a _ every day. 9. _ do you go to school? 10. Mike _ early in the morning.(五)用所给动词的正确形式填空: 1. _(e) and_ (show) us!. 2. Lets _ (clean) the classroom. 3. My parents _ (watch) TV in the evening.4. Mr Brown _ (go) to work at six every day. 5. He _ (not go) to bed at 8:30. 6. She _ (do) her homework at 7:00 in the evening. 7. Scott _ (work) very long hours. 8. What time _ you usually _ (get) up? 9. Im the last one _ (take) a shower.(六)完形填空:John is a Canadian. He lives in a tall building. He gets up at _1_ every morning. He _2_ home at seven oclock. And he gets to school at seven forty. He has _3_ classes in the morning and two in the _4_. After school, he likes to play volleyball _5_ his classmates. He goes home at five thirty_6_. He and his _7_ have dinner _8_ home. _9_ he does his homework. He goes to _10_ at around nine thirty. What a busy day!( )1. A. six fourty B. six forty C. seven fourteen D. seven forty ( )2. A. goes B. gets C. es D. leaves ( )3. A. eight B. ten C. four D. twelve ( )4. A. morning B. evening C. night D. afternoon ( )5. A. and B. with C. to D. like ( )6. A. a.m. B. p.m. C. in afternoon D. in the morning ( )7. A. teachers B. mothers C. parents D. students ( )8. A. at B. in C. out D. behind ( )9. A. When B. Then C. How D. Why ( )10. A. bed B. the bed C. a bed D. beds(七) 阅读理解:Jane is a nice girl. She lives in London. She studies(学习)in a middle school. She gets up at six every day. She likes learning English. Shes a bright girl. She draws pictures well. After school, she often reads newspapers with her grandmother. At seven oclock in the evening. Jane has supper(晚饭)at home. Every day at eight she does her homework and she goes to bed at nine. ( )1. Jane lives in _. A. England B. New York C. Paris D. China ( )2. What does Jane like to do? _. A. She likes reading story-books B. She likes drawing big pictures C. She likes reading Chinese D. She likes learning English ( )3. She is a _ girl. A. nice B. clever C. tall D. nice and bright ( )4. What does she often do after school? _. A. She draws pictures B. She has supper C. She does some reading with her grandma D. She does her homework ( )5. What time does she go to bed? _. A. 8:00 B. 9:00 C. 8:35 C. 9:30 (八) 写作:根据下列表格提示,以My Saturday为题写一篇60词左右的英语短文。 时间活动内容7:00起床7:30吃早饭8:00-11:00做家庭作业12:00吃午饭14:00-17:00与朋友一起踢足球18:00吃晚饭19:00-21:00在家看电视21:30去睡觉_


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