2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 3 Lesson 18教案 人教新版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 3 Lesson 18教案 人教新版Lesson 18Teaching aims1Fun story:本部分通过Fun story有趣的卡通故事,承上启下地将本单元内容作了归纳总结,并为下一单元的内容铺垫。在童话故事中,真实运用英语,巩固复习本单元所学内容,用图中的意境引发学生的想象力和对新事物的探究欲望。2Just check:通过有趣、夸张的图画,采用所后判断的形式,让学生在愉悦中接受听力测试。3Lets make引导学生按照图画所展示的步骤进行手工制做,同时进行简单的对话,使语言和行动有机结合起来。Main and difficult points: 1能够在几种交际情景中展开话题,并在较为真实的环境条件下实际运用以下语言项目:Look at my Its big. (Small, nice)1) How are you? Fine, thank you. 2) How are you? Good. And you? Im fine. Thanks.3) How are you? Not very well. Oh, sorry.4) How are you? Not too bad. Oh, Im sorry.2能够听、说、认读身体部位名称:nose , eye , face , mouth , head , ear , neck , arm , hand , leg , knee , foot , 并能用英语介绍自己身体的各部位。3能够听懂英语指令语并作出相应的反应。Teaching aids:图片、录音机Teaching procedure:一、Revision A课前播放head , shoulders , knees and toes , 渲染课堂气氛。B全班自由结组表演唱Hello! How are you ? 进入英语情景。C自由表演对话,真实运用英语。二、PresentationA教师自然地走到学生们面前说:Show me your pen, 学生根据指令做出相应动作。教师在给予表扬后带领学生进行Show me your 的语言训练。B教师出示本课图片,让学生观察后说出fun在哪里,让学生充分发挥自己的观察力和观察力,并对反应机敏的学生予以表扬。C听录音,让学生跟读,并指读Fun story ,模仿录音中的语言,语调。D教师引导学生逐图练习会话。让学生几人一组,在组内分角色表演,让每位学生有机会参与,使每位学生得到不同程度的发展。让学生一小组为单位到台前表演,展示操练成果。三、PracticeA教师引导学生拓展想象力,运用学过的语言,编演创新对话,培养学生的创新精神和实际运用英语的能力。B在教师的指导下完成Just make ,训练学生听指令,正确完成动手活动。然后,让学生戴上面具,两人一组进行自我介绍的游戏。C“猜”的游戏。两人或四人一组,其中一人用毛巾蒙上眼睛,用This is my 指着自己的面具猜,如果猜错了,唱一首英文歌曲,猜对了给予奖励。在教师的指导下完成Just check 中的听力练习。四、Writing on the blackboard Look at my Its big. (Small, nice)1. How are you? Fine, thank you. 2. How are you? Good. And you? Im fine. Thanks.3. How are you? Not very well. Oh, sorry.4. How are you? Not too bad. Oh, Im sorry.五、Homework a、听录音,仿读对话。b、发展想象力,编创新对话。c、在实际生活中,综合运用所学内容,进行交流。附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 3 Lesson 19In,Out教案 冀教版GREETINGSING “IF YOURE SAD AND YOU KNOW IT”Play the audiotape, if you want to.DRILLReview parts of the body. For example, use your poster of body parts (or draw a rough figure on the blackboard) and ask what this is? As you point to each part.ROLE-PLAYReview words for feelings. For example, ask the students to name some feelings and write them on the board. Work until you have a plete list (add ones the students miss).Then ask individual volunteers to e to the front of the class and act out one of the words. Tell the class to guess which word it is.New Concepts1. Eyes, ears, mouth, nose.DEMONSTRATEUse your own face to demonstrate eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Write the words on the blackboard and point to them as you and the class say them together.In Chinese, ask the class why we usually say eyes and ears with an s on the end. The students may need help understanding that we have two eyes and ears, and we usually put s on the end of a word to show theres more than one thing.STUDENT BOOK: L19 N1Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books and then repeat the words after the speaker.DRILLTeach the class the difference between whats it? Its a/an _ and what are they? They are_. For example, write the phrases on the blackboard and explain that one is singular and one is plural. Give examples of how to use them and ask the students to repeat them.Lead the class through a question-and-answer drill that reviews old and new vocabulary for body parts. For example, point to parts of your body or hold up vocabulary cards and say:Teacher: Whats this? /What are they?Class: Its a/an _. /They are_.Teaching TipYou may want to remind the class that we say an instead of in front of certain words? Can anyone remember which words? (Words starting with A, E, or O.)ACTIVITY BOOK: L19 N1In this exercise, the students fill in the blanks to make the words that match the pictures. Then they practice writing the plete word on the lines.2. Left, right.DEMONSTRATEIntroduce the concepts left and right. For example, write left and right on the blackboard. Face the same way as the class. Hold up one hand and then the other as you and the class say the words a few times together.Teaching TipSome teachers teach the concept of right (hand) first. They make sure their students have mastered right before teaching left (hand), usually in a later lesson. This is a good method if your students have difficulties learning new vocabulary. You must decide the best approach for your class.STUDENT BOOK: L19 N2Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.DRILLYou can review body parts while you practice right and left. For example, face the same way as the class and lead them in this drill:Teacher: (Hold up a hand.) Right/ Left hand. Say it, please.Class: (Holds up the same hand.) Right/Left hand.Teacher: (Turn to face the class.) Point to your right/left leg. Point to your right/left arm. Point to your right/left ear.ACTIVITY BOOK: L19 N2This exercise requires the students to circle the chair on the right and underline the chair on the left.3. In, out.DEMONSTRATEBring a box to class. Put objects in it and take them out as you say:In. The _ is in the box.Out. The _ is out of the box.Ask the class to repeat in and out with you a few times.DRILLLead the class through a drill such as:Teacher: (Put an object in the box.) Where is it? Where is the_?Class: In the box. /Out of the box. See if the students can answer the question without your help, but prompt them if necessary. Do it again with the object out of the box.Tell the class to listen to your directions. Give mands such as:Put a pencil in your desk. In.Take a book out of your desk. Out.STUDENT BOOK: L19 N3Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books, first just listening and then repeating the words after the speaker.4. Song: “Do the Hokey Pokey.”DEMONSTRATEThe best way to teach this song is with the students standing in a circle. If you can, make one big circle or several small circles.Teach the students the words and actions for the song line by line. For example, in Chinese tell them to put their right hands into the circle; sing put your right hand in. Tell them to take their right hands out of the circle; sing Take your right hand out.STUDENT BOOK: L19 N4Play the audiotape and let the students follow with the pictures and words in their student books. Play it again as you sing and do the actions with the class.In the next verse, substitute “right hand” with:Left hand.Right foot.Left foot.Body.Class ClosingACTIVITY BOOK: L19 N3In this exercise, the students choose words from the word list to write on the lines. Then they draw a picture in each box to match the words


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