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2019年(苏教版)六年级下册英语补充习题答案第1课A Listen and judge参考答案:abc(lefB Listen and find参考答案:dLook, read and write参考答案:aYOUNGERbOLDERCTALLERdTHINNEReHEAVIERfSHORTERDLook and write参考答案:1 Who2 The policeman is stronger3 The oranges, the pears.4 hair, shorter, Whose hair is longer than the nursesELook, read and write参考答案:l old 2 bigger 3 shorter 4 longer 5 heavierF Read, write and answer参考答案:Cous.iti, older, three, taller, stronger1Marryis taller than John.2 No,she isnt3 He s good at PE.4 They are going to the super market第2课A Listen and number参考答案:a4 b6 cl d3 e5 f2B Listen and tick参考答案:C Read, match and write参考答案 :1 c The tigers run faster than the pandas.2 a The dogs swim slower than the ducks.3 d The rabbit jumps farther than the cat.4 b The bee flies lower than the bird.D Look and write1 it doesnt2 Does, jump, farther, does3 Does Mr Green drive faster than Mr Brown?4 Do the butterflies fly higher than the bird? No, they dont.E Look, plete and answer 1 zebra, k looks like a horse.2 monkey, Yes, it does.3 panda, lts fat.4 rabbit, Theyre red.F Read and answer1 ft is Monday today.2 Su Yang gets up earlier than SuHai.3 No, she doesnt. They go toschool together.4 No, she doesnt. She cleansfaster than Su Yang.笫3课A Listen and number参考答案:A6 b4 c2 d5 el f3B Listen and match参考答案:1 C.i 2 b, 11 3 d.V 4 e,iv 5 a.iiiC Look, read and write参考答案:1streets 2 bus stop5 museum 6 Middle SchoolD Read and judge3 post office 4 shopping centre 7 train station 8 Primary School参考答案;1 2 3 4X 5XE Look, read and plete参考答案:1 How, take2 tell, to, along, turn, at3 Want, How many, Only4 get off5 How far, about, awayF Read and write参考答案:1 b,da,C 2 Ca,bd3 C,b,a,d 4 a,d,Cb第4课AB b, older2 b,Maths3 a,first4 a,higher5 b,runs6 c,busC1chat2 late3 thief4 smaller5 minutes6 strongD1 How many2 skate,zhan3 Whose,thinner4 get up,early5 Who,taller than6 How far is the,from hereEhavinga,lesson,running,well,runs faster,withjasas,jumps farther,farther,How farF1 There are tjree animals in the stor.2 Ther had a race3 The tiger ran faster than the other animals.4 No,it didnt5 The monkey got first.第5课Aa4 b6 c5 dl e3 f2B1 c, iv2 a,vi3 b,i4 c,v5 b, a, ii6 a,iCl summer2 cloudy3 VVinter4 windy5 autumn6 SpringE1 Su Yangs dad,New York,one year2 Ben, the weather,New York3 rainy, warm, hot, cool, sunny, windy, cold18 2C 3A 4D 5CF1 It s nice.2 No,it isn t.3 It es in June.4 No,it doesn t5 They like to make snowmen.第6课A1a 2a 3c 4b 5a 6bBCPLANS2 PUPPETS3 PART4 4PICNIC5 PLAY6 0PERADACBED2CBDA3 DABCE4 EADBCE1 going to,have a picnic2 Is that,is,are you going ,see a play3 Is that,Yes,speaking,is,What are you going,lm going to have an outing4 Is that,this is,This is,What are you going to do,Were going to take part in the singsing contest, What aboutl*m going to the libraryF1 lts Friday.2 He is going to see a Beijing opera with his Chinese friends.3 She is going to a concert.4 No,she will not.5 She is going to have a picnic with her classmates6 They are going to visrt Mr Zhang and climb a hill第 7课Aa4 b2 cl d6 e3 f5B1./2x4x5x7x/C write a letter,Here you are2 have a brush,for,paint this boat,OK,Here you are3 have some glue,What for,want to make a kite,nght,Here you are4 I have some crayons,What for,want to draw a picture,see,Here you are5 Can i have a notebook,What for,want to do my homework,OK,Here you are.E1 What is you penfriends,is Billy.2 How old is he3 does he,lives,London4 How many people,five5 What are his favourite6 What are his hobbies,His hobbies7 What is his telephone number,His telephone number8 What is his e-mail address,His e-mail sddressF1 write2 postcard3 telephone,fax4 envelope5 house第8课Alb 2b 3a 4a 5b 6aBa 4 good placeb 2 have a picnicc l ride bikesd 6 go to schoole 3 this street,left,second crossingf 5 earlier thanC省略D1 go fishing2 going to go shopping3 is going to go on an outing4 is going to play table tennis5 is going to draw pictures6 are goinfl: to go rowingEverjr hot, often rainy, to go sTvimming, very cold, short, the nights, snows,happy, gets, fly kites, cool,climbing, picnicsFWei Hua,Nanjing, tall, three, my father, mymother and me, was, short, trvelve, long,music, Science andMaths, music, chess, 10 Hunan Road, Nanjing, 附送:2019年(苏教版)六年级数学上册第一单元方程检测试卷班级_姓名_得分_一、填空(16)1、 果园里有梨树x棵,桃树比梨树的3倍少16棵,桃树有( )棵。2、 李卫家养的母鸡是公鸡的8倍。如果养了x只公鸡,母鸡有( )只,母鸡和公鸡一共有( )只,母鸡比公鸡多( )只。3、 三个连续自然数中间的一个数是a,他们的和是( )。4、 小王、小李沿着400米的环行跑道跑步,他们同时从同一地点出发,同向而行。小王每分钟跑280米,小李每分钟跑240米,经过x分钟小王追上小李。列出的方程是( )。5、甲数是x,乙数是甲数的3倍,甲乙两数的和是( )。6、如果x=2是方程3x4a=22的解,则a=( )。7、把下面各等量关系式填写完整。原有的重量( )卖出的袋数=剩下的重量前3天修的米数后4天平均每天修的米数( ) = ( )( 下底)( )2=梯形的面积8、甲数是乙数的4倍,乙数比甲数少6,甲、乙两数各是多少?下面列出了几个方程。每个方程中的x分别表示什么?xx4=6中的x表示( )。(x6)x=4中的x表示( )。x(x6)=4中的x表示( )。5、 口算下面各题。(8%) 3.4aa= a0.3a= 3.1x1.7x= 0.3x3.5xx=15b4.7b= 6.7tt= 32x4x6x= x0.5x0.04x=三、解方程。(20%) 2x0.4x=48(并检验) 8xx=14.73x2.75.94(并检验) 1.3x0.440.6四、列出方程,并求出方程的解。(8%)1、x的7倍比52多25。 2、x的9倍减去x的5倍,等于24.4。五、列方程解下面各题(48)1、 宝华煤矿一号井去年采煤35.1万吨,比二号井的2倍少2.2万吨。二号井去年采煤多少万吨?2、 平江市今年和去年共建商品房560万平方米,今年建商品房的面积是去年的4倍。两年各建商品房多少平方米?3、 甲、乙两船由相距384千米的两个码头同时相向而行,甲船每小时行21千米,乙船每小时行27千米。几小时后两船相遇?4、 新乡中学买了同样多的篮球和排球,买排球比篮球一共少用42元,每个篮球48.5元,每个排球45.7元。篮球、排球各买了多少个?5、 王村要挖一条980米的水渠,第一个星期挖了455米,余下的要在第二个星期完成,平均每天要挖多少米?6、鸡和兔共48个头,120只脚,鸡兔各多少只?


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