2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Lesson7 In the restaurant教案 陕旅版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Lesson7 In the restaurant教案 陕旅版 在餐馆就餐,我们首先看看菜单,这里有什么饭菜,价钱怎样,再决定自己吃什么。 这些句子能帮你顺利的在餐馆就餐:May I have the menu? Id like some salad. Shall we have some meat? 这一课的生词有: pork meat salad menu学习字母 o 在重读开音节中的读音规则。教学目的 :1.会说会用这些句子:May I have the menu? Id like some salad.Shall we have some meat? We have pork but no chicken today. 2.会说会用会写这些单词: pork meat salad menu 3. 准备前几课学过的的食物饮料的图片和词卡。 如:火腿肠,热狗,汉堡,牛奶,果汁,面包,米饭,面条,饺子 ,汤,鸡,鱼,大肉,牛肉, 蔬菜,可乐,果汁,咖啡, 茶等。 4.了解字母o 在重读开音节中的读音规则。课前准备:1.根据对话内容,参找31页主图做一个课件。课件中的对话参照句型词汇学习中的内容设计。2.教师准备两个手偶一个男孩,一个母亲。3.准备pork meat salad menu 的单词卡片。 4.准备一个类似于餐馆的菜单,上面标有各种食物的名称 。 教学过程:热身(Warming up)手偶A:Tom B:Mum 对话引出话题:A:Mum,Im hungry and thirsty. Is lunch ready? B: Just a minute, please.A: May I have a banana? B: OK.A: May I have an ice cream.B: Sorry.You may have it after supper. A: Shall we have fish? B: No. We have beef but no fish today.2. 新课展示(New Presentation) 老师播放课件,让学生了解本课话题。课件中是一位餐厅服务员等后即为顾客点餐。课件中的对话内容如下: A是一位服务员。 B,C,D分别是顾客 。 A: What would you like? Can I help you? B: May I have the menu? A: Here you are. B:Id like a hamburger and some salad . sa-lad salad(示词卡 )沙拉 salad C: Id like a hot dog and a sausage.A: A hamburger and some salad for you. And a hot dog and a sausage for you. What about you? Sir? salad? apple salad pineapple salad What salad would you like? D: Shall we have some chicken? A: Sorry.We beef but no chicken today. D: Ok.I want some beef.May I have the menu? 我看看菜单好吗? May I have ? 我可以要点吗?常用已提出请求,在餐厅是顾客向服务员提出要求的用语。Certainly./Sure./Ok.或Sorry, you cant. 如:May I have an ice cream, mum? Ok. May I have a look? Sure. Here you are. 2) Shall we have.? 一种客气的请求或是在同伴之间的提议,我们可以来点 吗?回答也是Certainly./Sure./Ok.或Sorry, You cant. 如:Shall we have a break? 我们休息一下好吗? Shall we have dumplings for lunch? 午饭我们吃饺子好吗?3)me-nu menu 出示菜单说几遍之后,拿出词卡拼读 menu 餐厅服务员可以这样帮顾客点餐:What would you like? Here is the menu. Please have a look. 4)出示图卡和词卡拼读meat 这是一个符合读音规则的单词 meat 中的字母组合ea读/ /。 引导学生用这个单词说说话:Billy likes meat very much .He is fat. Sue doesnt like meat. She is thin. Shall we have some meat? 5) The pork here is nice 出示图卡和词卡拼读 pork pork pork 老师可以介绍一下字母组合or读/ /的现象。 6) Id like some salad. salad(示词卡 )沙拉 有各种水果切成小块加奶油拌成。sa-lad 3. 巩固活动: 1)老师拿出准备的本课和以前学过的词卡。请一个同学上来拿上图卡扮演服务员,老师拿上词卡(注意:老师的词卡上的个别单词那个同学手上没有),给全班同学展示。全班同学当顾客,看着老师展示的词卡,对那位拿着图卡的同学说话: 老师先一个一个单词展示,比如展示的是沙拉。SS: May I have some salad? 拿着图片的同学赶快在图卡里面找出沙拉的图,展示给同学们,说: S: Sure.Here you are. SS: Thank you. 在活动进行顺利了以后,老师可以及时加大难度,比如一次展示两个甚至三个单词,让学生说出: SS:May I have xx, xx, and xx? 如果老师展示的这个词,比如是大肉,拿着图卡的同学找不着这个图, 他可以拿出同类的食物,比如主食,肉类或是饮料中的另一个图卡展示给同学们,但要这样说:Sorry. We have beef but no pork today.2)请一位同学扮演服务员,上前来拿着事先准备的餐单。老师拿出准备的各种食物的图卡,展示一张给全班同学,同学们看着老师的图卡,说话 : 比如图是茶.SS: Shall we have tea? 餐单上有这样东西,老师说:T: Sure. /Ok. 餐单上没有这样东西,那个当服务员的同学说:S: Sorry.We has coke but no tea today. 4.听录音学习对话:Lets listen to the dialogue, then answer the questions.1)What would Nancy like ? (Salad.)2)What about Bruce? (He likes some meat.) 3)Do they have any pork? (Yes. They have pork but they dont have chicken.) 5.语音学习:复习字母o在重读闭音节中,也就是以辅音结尾的音节中, 读短音的现象。给学生一些单词,包括一些生词让学生通过拼读得以巩固:fox box dog cock top clock mop o在重读开音节中,也就是以元音结尾的音节中, 读长音。如:nose home those 给出更多的单词,读一读巩固这种读音规则。 hole coke rose note pose vote yo yo hole附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1(1)教案 外研版(一起)1. Teaching Aims: Knowledge Aim: Learn 6 new words(hot dog, waitress, cola, dollar, cent, enjoy) and 4 emphatic sentences.What do you want? I want a hot dog, please.How much is it?Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.)Ability Aim: Ordering food and drink .The student can order food and drink in all kinds of restaurants polite speech, then can express the money correctly.Moral Aim: Foster students cherish the public installations and treasure the food, dont waste the food.2. Teaching Emphasis: What do you want? I want a hot dog, please.How much is it?Its thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.3. Teaching Difficulty: want +n. and want + to do sth. How much .and how many.4. Teaching Method: Deductive Approach, Game Approach, Encouragement Approach, Task-based Approach 5. Learning Method: Deductive Approach, Game Approach6. Teaching Tools: board, tape, money, hat, plate.7. Presentation:Step one: warming-up (5 minutes)1) Greeting each other.2) Talk something about the festival, and elicit the money. How much have you got in the festival? Ive got 100 Yuan. Ive got 99 dollars.Step two: Learn to the new words. (Hot dog, waitress, cola, dollar, cent, enjoy) Ways: A student read, others repeat. Look at the pictures and say out them in English. Play the game. (drive the train) Check through the results according to spelling the word or fill in the missing words.Step Three: Learn to the sentences.1) The teacher shows some money to ask the students to express them in English.2) The teacher write some numbers on the board and ask the students to say out them in English. ($1.60, $4.20, $9.70, $3.50, $3.78.)3) The teacher say out the price, then the students write down the numbers so that practice the sentences,”how much is it? Its .”4) The teacher draw some pictures on the wall according to the students favorite foods and drinks ,then ask the students to express their requirements so that practice the sentences,” what do you want? I want ”5) At last, the teacher writes two sentences on the wall: how much is it? Its . What do you want? I want 6) Practice the emphatic sentences in pairs and display the results in the front of the class.Step Four: Learn to the dialogue.1) Look at the pictures and try to describe them correctly and quickly.2) Listen and fill in the blank.Name Food Drink Price Dad A hamburgercolaThirteen dollars and twenty-five cents.DamingA hot dogcolaSimon A hamburgercola3) Listen and repeat.4) Listen and repeat again, pay attention to the tone and intonation.5) Role plays in groups. (A is waitress, B is Simon, C is Daming, D is dad.)6) Show the results .The teacher give a suitable remark and encourage the weaker students.Step Five: Activity Book1) Answer the questions.2) plete the text.3) Listen and plete the table.Step Six: Homework1) Write the new words and read the them.2) Read the dialogue and recite them.3) Woke in groups and show the results next class.4) Listen to the tape 30 minutes and the householders sign on the books.Step Seven:Design Board:Module 1 unit 1 I want a hot dog.$3.75 $1.25 $2.00Hamburger cola hot dog $1.60, $4.20, $9.70, $3.50Rice water coffee chickenWhat do you want? I want How much is it? Its . hotdogwaitresscoladollarcentenjoythirteencent(s)twenty-five


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