2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit3 period2教案 广东版开心.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit3 period2教案 广东版开心教学目标:1.巩固Vocabulary部分的单词和Target部分的句子。 2.熟练掌握Can I ?句型及其问答。 3.学会唱Can I have a pen?这首歌。教学重点:以can 开头的一般疑问句及其问答。教学难点:Practice 2部分的问题及其问答。教学过程:一、Revision1.随意抽查几位学生背诵Conversation.2.出示Vocabulary部分的单词卡,并让一位同学。 来扮演动作,其它同学猜单词并拼读出来。3.让学生2个一组,手拿实物,一边做动作,一边对话。 A: Can I ? B: Sure. Here you are. A: Can I ? B: No, sorry.二、完成Practice 1 Listen and circle. 1.给2 分钟学生默读并理解句子的意思。 2.Listen to the tape and circle. 3.Correct the answer and then read after the tape.三、完成Practice 2 Ask and answer. 1.师生对话,教师走到学生面前就地取材,问答: 1) T: Whats this? S1: Its a book. T: Can I use your book? S1: Yes. Here you are./ Yes, you can. 2) T: Whats that? S2: Its a pen. T: Can I use your pen? S2: Sure. Here you are./ No, sorry. 2.让学生认真看书,熟读句子。 3.学生两人一组拿起物件进行问答。 4.笔头完成对话。四、Sing the song: Can I have a pen? 1.启发学生看图理解并熟读歌曲。 2.Listen to the tape carefully and then repeat. 3.分组比赛,一组唱问题,一组唱回答,看哪一组唱得好。 4.Sing the song together, 一边做动作,一边唱。五、Activity 1: Look, read and match. 1.师出示图片,让学生用开火车的形式快速说短语: watch TV call my mother go to the zoo buy a book borrow a stapler listen to a song 2.游戏:找图片比赛 规则:课前每人准备一套有关Activity 1的图片,每组派一位代表出来,教师说短语,看哪一组代表最先找出相应的图片,哪一组就获得1分,最后分数最多的一组为胜。 3.在相应的短语上贴上图片。 4.打开书本,完成Activity 1的配对练习。 5.学生结对相互检查答案,教师巡视,帮助有困难的同学。六、小结。七、作业: 抄写第三课所学的单词,并背诵。教学后记:熟练掌握Can I ?句型及其问答。学会唱Can I have a pen?这首歌。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Unit3 period2教案 苏教牛津版课题 Unit 3 A purse A&G 第二教时 三维目标知识与能力1.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语e here .Let me see .Not at all .Excuse me ,? Im sorry .Sorry ,I dont know .Wheres ? Perhaps hes /shes in where are you ?Im 2.学唱歌曲Perhaps过程与方法培养与锻炼自主学习的能力,分享学习资源,和同伴共同完成学习任务。情感与态度学习英语的兴趣浓厚,敢于用英语进行交流和表达。教学资源预习作业* 听U3A部分录音,熟读课文.* 学会唱歌曲Perhaps教学准备单词卡片、PPT、投影仪、练习纸学 程 预 设导 航 策 略A.热身导入(2分钟)Free talkGood morning.Fine,thank you.OK.Thank you.B.预习展示(4分钟)齐读课文. C.教师导航(14分钟)Its a storybook.Its a tape.Perhaps its in the desk.Perhaps its on the chair.拼读单词同桌练习句型I cant find ,Wheres she /he ?Shes /Hes in the 朗读句型Shes in the classroom . Let me seeS1: I cant find ,Wheres she/he ?S2: Let me see . Shes /Hes in the classroom .朗读句型Let me see .Not at all ,ehere .Is this your ? Yes ,it is .No ,it isnt S1:Is this your ? S2: Yes ,it is .S1:Hereyou are .S2:Thank you .S1:Not at all .学习句型Whats that over there? Perhaps Its s .跟读单词a purse.No,it isnt.Its Yang Lings.跟读课文。朗读课文D.合作探究(6分钟)E.融会贯通(5分钟)F.反馈总结(7分钟)一 选词填空(got, bag, thank, ball, all, card, sure, I, chair, in )1.-May_have a notebook?-_. Here you are.2.-Heres a _ for you, -_you.3.-This _is for Mike, -_ right.4.Whats_ your school_? -I;ve_two_pens.二 根据所给情景,写出句子1.你想进老师办公室是说:_2.有人敲门,你让他进来说:_3.有人跟你借橡皮,你借给他说:_4.你想要一本抄写本说:_G.作业布置(2分钟)明确作业要求及下一堂新课目标。Good morning.How are you?Lets go to the zoo.How lovely! 复习B部分单词。教师出示实物或图片提问。T:Whats this?T:Whats that on the desk?T:Wheres my key?T:Wheres my umbrella?5.拼读单词。创设真实情境,在交际中引出新授句型。1.利用图片,复习句型: I cant find ,Wheres she /he ?Shes /Hes in the 2.出示句型,领读,认读句型: Wheres ?3.出示A部分挂图,指导观图,学习句型:T:I cant find Yang Ling .Wheres she ?Let me see ,oh , shes in the classroom .出示句型,指导朗读句型: Shes in the classroom .Let me see .4.师生之间,同桌之间操练句型。 5.师事先拿学生的文具用品,创设一个Lost property office ,然后取出学生的物品走到学生面前说Are you ? Is this your pencil box?在得到学生肯定答复后,引导他们说Thank you .教师边摆手边回答Not at all .出示句型,指导朗读如下句型:Let me see .Not at all ,e here .Is this your ? Yes ,it is .No ,it isnt .6.指导学生利用实物操练句型:Is this your ? Yes ,it is. Hereyou are .Thank you .Not at all.7.创设真实情境,利用室内物品学习句型Whats that over there? Perhaps Its s .指导学生实际操练句型。8.学习新单词 a purse .教师指远处钱包询问:Whats that over there ?出示图片领读单词。1.T出示一个钱包提问:Is this your purse?T:Whose purse is it? 2.生听录音回答问题。3.再放录音,让学生跟读录音。4.指导读课文。朗读课文,回答问题.教师巡视指导。背诵A部分。根据课文自编对话。


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