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2019年PEP新版四年级下册Unit5Myclothes导学案课题Unit 5My clothes 总课时6 课时第一课时 年级四年级 主备人 授课人 课型新课 班级 教学方法交际法、游戏法等 学习准备教师准备 一些人物的衣物学生准备 学习用品或衣物学习目标知识目标能听懂、会说、认读本课时的主要句型:Are these yours? No, they arent. Is this Johns? No, it isnt. Its Mikes.并能在情景中进行运用。能力目标能将所学内容在活动中运用情感态度在情景中运用对话进行练习 重 点 难 点能听说认读本课时的句型Are these yours? No, they arent. Is this Johns? No, it isnt. Its Mikes。掌握名词所有格的正确运用导学过程导学过程二次备课自主学习课前复习:复习时间的表达:What time is it? Its four oclock.为新课做准备。二、 课前预习:1、可以查电子词典,听录音或向老师,组长请教句子Its time to go home. Are these yours? No, they arent. Is this Johns? No, it isnt.并知道汉语意思。2、掌握一般疑问句的肯定及否定回答。交流展示全体学生呼英语励志口号:Knowledge is power .热身、复习: 复习前面的内容:时间的表达:教师:What time is it?学生:Its four oclock.(可以根据实际时间回答) 三、小班内查练:写出下列句子的汉语意思。 1、Its time to go home。 2、Are these yours? 3、Is this Johns? 时间的表达练习:学生A:What time is it?学生B:Its four oclock.(可以根据实际时间回答)四、导入新课,板书课题。展示本课学习目标,学生齐读本课学习目标。板书课题:Unit 5My clothes Lets talk导入并指导学习新的内容:Lets talk:教师播放录音1、听录音、学习本课新句型。第一遍,感知课文大意,并小声模仿跟读。第二三遍,大声模仿跟读。(提示:注意语音语调,重点听自己不会的单词和句子。)2、教师讲解后小组内练习课本内容,可以分角色朗读。(注意:No,they arent.What about this hat?的读音。可以根据内容替换shoe为其他物品。小组保证每位同学都练习到2-3遍。)Lets play: 教师拿出准备好的标有课文人物的衣物:Are these yours? Mike?让同学们轮流回答:No, they arent. Yes, they are.出示句子进行练习: Are these yours? (姓名)? No, they arent. Is this Johns? No, it isnt. Its Mikes. (练习掌握名词所有格形式)六、小组合作学习,试着翻译Lets talk,并分角色练习,在进行交流展示。学生交流展示翻译的成果,看谁翻译得生动准确。小组展练:分角色朗读并翻译自己所读句子。3、小组选择展练 自己创编的对话 练 习拓展练习拓展1、小组内自由练习Lets play看一看,读一读,选一选。( )1. Whose is it? A.I can see five. ( )2. What colour is it? B.I have 16. ( )3. Is this your skirt? C. Its Zhang Pengs. ( )4. Are these your pants? D. Yes, it is. ( )5. How many pens do you have? E. No, they arent.师生共同订正答案。Homework:读本课时句子。把本课时句子在实际活动中进行交际。总结这节课我学会了 ,我还懂得了 板书设计Unit 5 My clothesAre these yours? No, they arent. Is this Johns? No, it isnt. Its Mikes. 课后反思课题Unit 5My clothes 总课时6 课时第二课时 年级四年级 主备人 授课人 课型新课 班级 教学方法交际法、游戏法等 学习准备教师准备 单词卡片,相关图片、三年级上册20页的歌曲“Colour song”学生准备 学习目标知识目标能听懂、会说、会读描述性单词:clothes, hat, skirt, pants, dress。 能力目标能听懂Lets do中Put on your shirt./Hang up your dress./Take off your hat./Wash your skirt /Put away your pants.的指令,并能模仿做相应的动作。情感态度在学习中运用新知识 重 点 难 点1、立体掌握单词clothes, hat, skirt, pants, dress的正确发音、认读、汉语意思、形(图)像、拼写等。2、能用相关词汇描述相应的衣服导学过程导学过程二次备课自主学习课前复习: 相关的颜色的单词及表示服装的颜色形容词:green, ed等二、 课前预习:1、可以查电子词典,听录音或向老师,组长请教单词clothes, hat, skirt, pants, dress的正确发音,并知道汉语意思。2、通过I like green skirt .练习I like those pants. 3、录音或向老师,组长请教Lets do中Put on your shirt./Hang up your dress./Take off your hat./Wash your skirt /Put away your pants.的正确读法,并知道汉语意思。交流展示一、全体学生呼英语励志口号:Knowledge is power .热身、复习:(一)读句子并翻译 1、Its time to go home。 2、Are these yours? 3、Is this Johns? (二)教师播放歌曲“Colour song”,让学生说出歌曲中提到的颜色。 三、小班合作学习,完成并集体订正下列习题: (一)、写出下列单词的汉语意思。 clothes( ) hat( ) skirt( ) pants( ) dress( ) (二)、翻译下列词组。 Put on your shirt. Hang up your dress. Take off your hat Wash your skirt Put away your pants. (收集到的颜色单词)四、导入新课,板书课题。展示本课学习目标,学生齐读本课学习目标。导入并指导学习新的内容:教师向学生出示图片:问What colour is it?学生:Its red.教师:Whats this? Its a shirt,a rad shirt.引入Lets learn1、听录音、学习本课新单词。第一遍,感知大意,知道单词的意思。并小声模仿跟读。第二三遍,大声模仿跟读。(提示:重点注意听发音。)小组内练习,自己试读然后自信的大声读。比一比,谁读的次数多,谁记得最好。教师:I like that green shirt.What about you.引导学生回答:Me too. And I like those pants.(同时提示单词skirt和shirt的区别。)2、练习活动:识记单词游戏。看图说话:I like the skirt. I like the.看谁说的最准确流畅。3、指导学习Lets do:学生跟录音读,理解意思,然后在做我读你做的游戏。练 习拓展练习拓展小组内练习识记本课单词,确保每位同学都记住了单词。小组展示:每个人读单词并翻译自己所读单词的意思。(我还会说句子呢!如:hatTake off your hat)单词游戏: 先整体认读单词。教师出示单词卡片,全班学生英语单词并读出汉语意思。 小组游戏,由一个组的组长读出动作的指令(用英语或中文),另一个小组读出(中文或英语或作出相应的动作)4、波浪式拼读本课单词Homework:把本课时的单词和短语多读几遍,也可以背下来。总结这节课我学会了 ,我还懂得了 板书设计 Unit 5 My clothes Lets learnclothes( ) hat( ) skirt( ) pants( ) dress( )I like those pants. 课后反思课题Unit 5My clothes 总课时6 课时第三课时 年级四年级 主备人 授课人 课型新课 班级 教学方法交际法、游戏法等 学习准备教师准备 相关衣物、录音学生准备 卡片学习目标知识目标1、能拼写单词apple, people, table。能力目标2、能听、会写句子Chen Jie has a green apple. This is a little bike. That is Uncle Dans table.情感态度:在情景中进行对话 重 点 难 点立体掌握单词apple, people, table的正确发音、认读、汉语意思、形(图)像、拼写等。导学过程导学过程二次备课自主学习课前复习: 复习Lets talk对话,熟悉句型。读单词clothes, hat, skirt, pants, dress。二、 课前预习: 写出下列单词的汉语意思。 apple( )people( )table( )交流展示一、全体学生呼英语励志口号:Knowledge is power .热身、复习: 句子:Are these yours? (姓名)? No, they arent. Is this Johns? No, it isnt. Its Mikes. (复习名词所有格形式)读单词:clothes, hat, skirt, pants, dress。三、小班内合作检查、修订答案: 写出下列单词的汉语意思。 apple( )people( )table( )四、导入新课,板书课题。展示本课学习目标,学生齐读本课学习目标。学生读学习目标五、导入并指导学习新的内容:1、教师呈现图片apple, people, table,并读出单词,让学生知道单词发音,然后引导学生推断le的发音。2、教师解释字母组合le在单词中的发音规律。3、播放Read, listen and chant 的录音、学生认真听并跟读。从而掌握划线部分的发音。 4、完成Look, listen and write 的活动。(注意单词在四线三格中的书写) Chen Jie has a green This is a bike. That is Uncle Dans 练 习拓展练习拓展1、单词交流:小组内练习,确保每位同学都记住了单词。2、复习交流:交流Lets talk内容。教师出示部分物品设计问题,与学生进行交际性问答: Whose coat is it? Whose pants are those?的运用。记忆lets spell Look, listen and write. Chen jie has a green (apple). This is a bike(little). That is uncle Dans (table)Homework:把本课时的单词和短语多读几遍,也可以背下来。总结这节课我学会了 ,我还懂得了 板书设计Unit 5 My clothes apple( ) people ( ) table( )发音: Whose coat is it? Whose pants are those?课后反思课题Unit 5My clothes 总课时6 课时第四课时 年级四年级 主备人 授课人 课型新课 班级 教学方法交际法、游戏法等 学习准备教师准备 学生准备 学习目标知识目标:能听懂、会说、认读本课时的主要句型:Whose pants are those? Theyre your fathers. Whose coat is this? Its mine.并能在情景中进行运用。能力目标:能跟唱歌曲“This old hat.”情感态度:掌握所学单词在情景中的运用 重 点 难 点1、能听说认读本课时的句型Whose pants are those? Theyre your fathers. Whose coat is this? Its mine.导学过程导学过程二次备课自主学习一、课前复习: 相关的表示衣服的单词二、 课前预习: (提示:1.可以查电子词典,听录音或向老师,组长请教句子Whose pants are those? Theyre your fathers. Whose coat is this? Its mine.并知道汉语意思。2. 掌握名词所有格形式。) 写出下列句子的汉语意思。1、Can you help me, please? 2、Whose pants are those? 3、Whose coat is this? 4、Its mine. 交流展示一、全体学生呼英语励志口号:Knowledge is power .热身、复习:1、热身: 播放本单元A部分Lets do,鼓励学生跟唱。2、小组预习Lets talk,理解对话内容,划出不会读或不懂的单词和句子。(目标提示:能了解文本大意)三、导入新课,板书课题。展示本课学习目标,学生齐读本课学习目标。板书:Lets talk读学习目标四、导入并指导学习新的内容: 教师播放Lets talk录音1、听录音、学习本课新句型。第一遍,感知课文大意,并小声模仿跟读。第二三遍,大声模仿跟读。(提示:注意语音语调,重点听自己不会的单词和句子。)2、自己读2-3遍。3、小组内练习,可以分角色朗读。(注意:No,they arent. What about this hat?的读音。4、教师由词入句,由句如境。如:pants-thoes are pants-thoes are your fathers pants. Socks-these are socks-these are your socks. ( 学生学法提示:注意 thoesthese的读音及意思)小班交流展示 1、小组内交流练习:探讨不了解的对话内容。 2、短语展示:分角色展示,并说出句子的汉语意思。 教师拿出准备好的物品,学生根据物品进行句子练习: Whose pants are those? Theyre your fathers. Whose coat is this? Its mine. 3、及时评价:练 习拓展练习拓展 Lets find out学生是否知道所列衣物的名称,并鼓励自己用学过的句子表达:如:this is my.its +颜色those/these are +复数名词theyare.等。Homework:把本课时的单词和短语多读几遍,也可以背下来。总结这节课我学会了 ,我还懂得了 板书设计 Unit 5 My clothes 单词 短语 句子pants-those are pants-those are your fathers pants.thosethese 读音 意思:课后反思课题Unit 5 My clothes 总课时6 课时第五课时 年级四年级 主备人 授课人 课型新课 班级 教学方法交际法、游戏法等 学习准备教师准备 单词卡片学生准备 彩色笔学习目标知识目标:能听懂、会说、会读描述性单词:coat, shirt , socks, jacket, sweater, shorts。 能力目标:能找出Lets find out 内容,听懂句子I want to wear my blue pants. I want to wear my yellow dress.情感态度:能够学会意思与衣服搭配的表达方式。 重 点 难 点1、立体掌握单词coat, shirt, socks, jacket, sweater, shorts的正确发音、认读、汉语意思、形(图)像、拼写等。2、能用相关词汇描述相应的服装。正确拼写句子。导学过程导学过程二次备课自主学习一、课前复习: 复习前面Lets talk的句子和单词。二、 课前预习: (1.可以查电子词典,听录音或向老师,组长请教单词coat, shirt, socks, jacket, sweater, shorts的正确发音,并知道汉语意思。2. 通过What colour are they?练习颜色单词。) (一)、写出下列单词的汉语意思。 coat( ) shirt ( ) socks( ) jacket( )sweater( ) shorts( ) (二)、将给出的块拼装成新词,写在对应中文后的横线上。 衬衫s t 袜子s 夹克衫j et 毛衣sw ter 短裤sh (ea, ack, ocks, orts, hir)交流展示一、全体学生呼英语励志口号:Knowledge is power .二、热身、复习:1、教师拿出一支红色钢笔,问:whats this? Thiss a pen. What colour is it? Its red.2、学生回忆问东西的颜色。3、读Lets talk的句子三、小班交流,共同修订预习的答案,找出存在的问题:1、完成预习内容。2、试着读一读。四、导入新课,板书课题。展示本课学习目标,学生齐读本课学习目标。导入并指导学习新的内容: 教师播放录音1、听录音、学习本课新单词。(coat, shirt , socks, jacket, sweater, shorts。)第一遍,感知大意,并小声模仿跟读。第二三遍,大声模仿跟读。(提示:重点注意听发音。)2、小组内练习,自己试读然后自信的大声读。比一比,谁读的次数多,谁记得最好。3、 教师由词入句、由句入境。 如:socks-where are my socks?what colour are socks? (替换单词进行练习)游戏活动 规则:一个同学说出单词的单数(或复数),由另一个同学说出这个单词的复数(或单数),同时说出别的名词单数或复数,再由下一个同学接着进行。如:sock-socks、shoes-shoe、. 师生评价:谁读得最准确,谁反应最快。练 习拓展练习拓展 1、拼读单词。 2、继续完成Lets find out学生动手给这些服装涂上自己喜欢的颜色,并鼓励自己用学过的句子表达:如:this is my.its +颜色those/these are +复数名词theyare.等。Homework:把本课时的单词和短语多读几遍,也可以背下来。总结这节课我学会了 ,我还懂得了 板书设计Unit 5 My clothes coat( ) shirt ( ) socks( ) jacket( )sweater( ) shorts( )socks-where are my socks?what colour are socks?课后反思课题Unit 5My clothes 总课时6 课时第六课时 年级四年级 主备人 授课人 课型新课 班级 教学方法交际法、游戏法等 学习准备教师准备 录音学生准备 学习目标知识目标:掌握Tshirt, pants, shoes, hat四个单词和句子These are Johns shoes. This is Chen Jies dress.的拼写。 能力目标能翻译并理解文章意义,正确回答问题和书写句子。(能灵活运用所学知识)情感态度:能听懂Story time的内容 重 点 难 点1、立体掌握单词Tshirt, pants, shoes, hat的正确发音、认读、汉语意思、形图)像、拼写等。 2、 能用相关词汇简单描述Whoseare these? Whoseis this?导学过程导学过程二次备课自主学习一、课前复习: 日常口语交流。 A: Whose. are those? B: They are. A: Whose.is this? B: Its.二、 课前预习: (提示:先请教Read and write短文内容,并知道汉语意思。2. 圈出不懂的单词和句子,小组之间比一比,看谁翻译的准确,老师进行指导。) 1、写出下列单词的汉语意思。 Tshirt( )pants( )shoes( )hat( ) 2、根据短文内容完成下列问题。(1)、re these Sarahs blue pants? (2)、This is Amys red T-shirt. (3)、Whose shoes are these ? (4)、Whose hat is this? 交流展示一、全体学生呼英语励志口号:Knowledge is power .二、热身、复习: 日常口语交流。 A: Whose. are those? B: They are. A: Whose.is this? B: Its. 师生交流,检查预习内容,提示学生一会儿进行修改订正:三、导入新课,板书课题。展示本课学习目标,学生齐读本课学习目标。四、导入并指导学习新的内容:教师播放Read and write的录音1、听录音、了解大意。第一遍,初步感知课文大意,并小声模仿跟读。第二三遍,大声模仿跟读。(提示:注意语音语调,重点听自己不会的单词和句子。)2、自己读2-3遍。3、小组内练习,试着翻译短文。 小班交流 1、小组内交流练习:探讨不了解的短文内容。交流核对四个问题的答案。 2、look and write展示:读句子,说出句子的汉语意思。我还会写出的句子: ,意思是 3、及时评价:Lets sing:教师播放歌曲,学生聆听或跟唱,学习歌曲内容。练 习拓展练习拓展 一、用 is 、am、 are 填空。 1. What colour it? 2. I WuYifan. 3. This my new coat. 4. These your pants. 5. Whose the skirt?二、story time . 1、 教师播放录音。学生根据图意了解故事大概内容,教师可以适当提出问题。 2、师生共同分享故事Homework:把本课时的单词和短语多读几遍,也可以背下来。总结这节课我学会了 ,我还懂得了 板书设计Unit 5 My clothesTshirt( )pants( )shoes( )hat( )These are Johns shoes. This is Chen Jies dress. 课后反思附送:2019年pep最新人教版五年级英语下册期中试卷一、 听录音,选择你听到的单词、短语或它们的汉语意思。(5) ( ) 1. A. younger B. stronger C. longer D. thinner ( ) 2. A.牙疼 B. 头疼 C. 喉咙疼 D. 感冒 ( ) 3. A. skiing B. skating C. sick D. swimming ( ) 4. A. 生气的 B. 兴奋的 C.疲劳的 D. 无聊的 ( ) 5. A. eat B. ate C. get D. feet二、 听音选择与录音相符的图片(5):三、Listen and choose. 听问句,选择正确的答句。(10)( )1. A. Im 40kg.B. Im 154cm.C. Im 12.( )2. A. Shes fine.B. He has a cold.C. He feels happy.( )3. A. I cleaned the room. B. I clean the room. C. I am cleaning the room.( )4. A. Im going to Hong Kong.B. Im going there by plane.C. Im going to buy a book.( )5.A.I went to Hainan. B.I go to Hainan. C. I want to Hainan. 四、听录音,填空。(10)1 . Amy is taller and _ than Sarah . 2 . John is sick. His throat is _ and his nose_ . 3 . Zhang Peng _ English book at home last _. 4 . Did you _ the room last weekend? 5 . He _ _on his holiday.6. Last Sunday, I _ hiking and _ mountains.笔试部分 (60%)五.选出读音不同的一项。(5)( )1. A pain B baby C tail D banana( )2. A coat B know C boat D look( )3. A pear B hair C chair D ear( )4. A work B actor C mirror D doctor( )5. A minute B hungry C must D thus六、按要求写出所给单词的适当形式:(10)1 heavy_(比较级) 2. have_(第三人称单数) 3. bought_(原形)4、is_(过去式)5. My bag is _(big) than yours.6. He is _(young) and stronger than me .7. I _(buy ) presents on my holiday .8. What _ (do) you do last weekend ?9. She _ (see) the elephants last Monday . 10. Sarah _(feel) sad, because she failed her math test.七、读一读,选择正确答案(5)( )1.-Sam is 160cm tall. Ted is 10cm shorter than him. -How tall is Ted? A. 150cm B. 160cm C. 170cm ( )2、My throat _ sore, my nose _.A. is, hurtB. are, hurtsC. is hurts( )3.-_did you go on your holiday? Shanghai A. What B. Where C. How ( )4. We _ books last night. A. read B. reads C . readed ( )5、Did you went swimming last weekend?A Yes ,I didnt B No ,I didnt C No ,I did 八根据图片完成下列问答九根据上下文,补充完整,并将编号写在相应的横线上。(5)Zip: Hey, Zoom. _?Zoom: I went to the hospital on the weekend.Zip: _?Zoom: Yes, I was sick.Zip: _?Zoom: I had a fever and my throat is sore.Zip: You should do sports and make yourself to be stronger.Zoom: You are right. _?Zip: Thats a good idea. But I will go swimming this afternoon.Zoom: _. Zip: Sure! Lets go together.A、What was the matter? B. Can I go with you? C. Where did you go last weekend? D. Did you feel sick? E. How do you feel? F. Did you go swimming with me? G. Lets go swimming tomorrow, OK?十、阅读理解,判断正误。(5) Last weekend we had a birthday for our classmate Zhang Xiaohui. She is younger than me, but I am shorter than her. And she looks stronger. Of course she is heavier than me. We went to a shop to buy a present for Xiaohui. What did we buy? We bought a doll for her. Because she told me “ I havent got a lovely doll.” When she got our present she looked excited. She was very happy. We went to the zoo. We saw elephants. We wanted to row a boat in Daming park, but it was later, we had to go home. We had a good time on that day. ( )1. Xiaohui is taller than me. ( )2. I bought a doll for Xiaohui. ( )3. We went to a shop last month. ( )4. They had a good time on Xiaohuis birthday. ( )5. We rowed a boat in the park十一写作:介绍你和你家人在五一假期里的活动。可包含天气,时间以及你的感受和心情。注意时态,不少于六句话。(5)_ _附听力材料和答案:听力材料一.听录音,选择你听到的单词、短语或它们的汉语意思。(5)1.thinner 2.have a cold 3. skiing4.excited5. ate 二、听音选择与录音相符的图片(5):1. Whats the matter , Xiaohong?My leg hurts 2. How are you ,Lili ?I failed my math test,I am sad 3. What did you do last weenkend ,Chen Jie ?I washed clothes last weekend 4. How heavy is your brother ? He is 70kg , he is stonger than me 5、What did you do on your holiday, Zhang Peng ?I climbed mountains on my holiday4. 听录音,根据录音将下面各图片的顺序重新排列,并将序号填在各图片下的括号里。(5)1.What did you do on yesterday ,Mike?I played football on the playground yesterday. 2.Whats the matter, Sarah ? My throat is sore.3.What did you do in Hang Zhou, Xiao ying? I rowed boat there.4.How did you go to BeiJing,WuYifan ? I went there by train.5.How do you feel,Liu Yun? I feel angry , because m y brother broke my pen.四、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列句子的对错。对的在题前的括号内打“”,错的打“”。(5)Sarah, Mike and Amy are cousins. Sarah and Mike e from America. Sarah is 150cm , 45 kg.She likes shopping. Mike is 160cm ,50 kg.He likes making kites. Amy is from America, too. She is 145 cm and 38 kg.Amy likes swimming. Last weekend, they went hiking together. They climbed a mountain, flew kites and took pictures on the mountain.五、Listen and choose. 听问句,选择正确的答句。(5)1. How old are you ?2. How does he feel? A. Shes fine.3.What did you do last weenkend ?4. How are you going there ?5. Where are you going ? 六、听录音,填空。1 . Amy is taller and thinner than Sarah . 2 . John is sick. His throat is sore3 . Zhang Peng read English book at home last weekend. 4 . Did you cleaned the room last weekend? 5 . He visited his grandparesents his holiday. .七、听录音,找出所听到的句子的汉语意思(5)1. A. My arms are longer than yours2. B. If you are sick see the doctor3.A. Mother is going to buy me a new skirt I am happy.4. B. In the afternoon ,wuyifan washed his clothes and cleaned his room5. C. On Wednesday, we sang and danced.八、听录音补全对话。Liuyun: Wuyifan ,You look so happy today !Wuyifan : Yes ,I have a good time on my holiday.Liuyun: _Where did you go_on your holiday ?Wuyifan : I went to Hei LongjiangLiuyun: _How did you go_there?Wuyifan : I went by train.Liuyun: What did you do there ?Wuyifan: I _went skiing_ and _visited my uncle_.Liuyun: _Who did you go with_?Liuyun: I go with

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