2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module5 unit1(4)教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module5 unit1(4)教案 外研版Module 5 DecisionsUnit 1 It is big and light.Teaching aimsAssessing informationDifficult pointsUsing adjectives to describe objectsTeaching aidsradio tapes cards picturesTeaching methodteaching pratice playing gamesTeaching stepsStep 1 Warm up1.Sing an English song.2. Ask the children some questions at random.Step 2 ReviewGo over the words: old new light heavy big smallStep3Presatation1.The teacher asks the class if you like shopping or not.And how do you go shopping ?Encourage the class to say :I want to buy a long and nice skirt.2.Lingling is going to China.Ms Smart decided to buy her a new bag.Which will they buy at last?3.Listen to the tape carefully.Then answer my question.Step 4 Practice1. Finish activity 2.2. Finish activity 3 in groups.Step 5 ActingsAct out the dialogueStep 6 ReviewGo over all the new points.HomeworkTalk about the animals which do you like best.Choose adjective words to describe it附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module5 UNIT1(5)教案 外研版(三起)Teaching objectives:1. Words and phrases: light broken heavy pocket2. Sentences: Its big and light. Its got two pockets.3. Grammar: It is ; I have got .Use adjectives to describe objects. Teaching properties: cards tape-recorder CAIA. Songs: Poem of Module 4 Unit 2B. Free talk: Describe your bag or a picture.C. New concepts: Stept1. Leading and new words Today were going to learn how to describe something use big, small, tall, short, fat, thin and so on. Take out your bag .Whose bag is big? (Students answer)Whose bag is heavy? Whose bag is light? Whose bag is broken? Whose bag has pockets? In this way, show the new words. Have the students understand and remember them. At last, try to make sentences with these words.Step2. TextOpen the book and listen to the tape recorder , listen again and repeat, (show ppt= power point) look at the screen and read the questions:(1).What does Lingling need?(2).Where are Lingling and Ms Smart?(3).Whats the black bag like?(4).Whats the green bag like?(5).Which bag has got pockets?(6).Which bag has got wheels?(7).Which bag does Lingling like?(8).Which bag does Ms. Smart like?(9).Which bag did they buy? Read the text for several times then answer the questions. At last give the answers on the screen .Read the text in groups, in pairs, one by one, boy and girl. Try to retell.Step3. PracticeShow the pictures: elephant, bird, panda dog, tiger, pencils, shoes, kites, bags. Practice to describe the pictures, using the words: fat, thin, heavy, light, beautiful, big, small, cute, new, old, broken, nice.Stept5. Homework Describe animals.Games: Draw yourself. (Draw a picture of yourself and try to describe.)Designs: Module 5 Unit1 Its big and light.P1porcketP2brokenP3heavyP4light Its gotIt has

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