2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit6 Lesson31-32教案 人教新起点.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit6 Lesson31-32教案 人教新起点2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit6 Lesson31-32教案 人教新起点Lesson 31教学目标:1. 情感目标:(1)通过本课的学习,培养学生发散思维的能力和创新的精神。 (2)注重培养学生的合作能力。2. 知识目标:(1)能够听说读写与烹饪有关的单词。(2)能够听说读写描述和询问简单菜肴制作过程的相关交际用语。3.3. 能力目标:能够运用所学的词汇描述烹饪过程。教学重点:1. 能够听说读写与烹饪有关的单词:plate, bowl, stir-fried, cut, wash, serve, put, crack, add salt, mix 2句型:How do you make ? First, Second, 教学难点:描述烹饪过程的一些动词,如:stir-fry, crack 等词的用法。 教具准备:实物 磁带 录音机教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动反思1. at the pictures.This is a kitchen. What can you see in the kitchen?Discuss with your neighbors.Lets have a petition. Look at the picture. A boy and his mother are cooking in the kitchen. What do they make?How do they make?Listen to the tape, choose the correct pictures.Listen to the tape again.Then learn a new sentenceHow do you make?First,Second,Do a guessing gameAsk students choose one of the dishes. Show and say how to make the dish of the class.Discuss with them neighbors.Review the words before we have learnd.Look at the books and have a petition. Then answer the questions.Listen to the tape. Look at the picture and choose the correct pictures.Learn to say some sentence.Read the sentence one by one.Play a gameStudents to practice.Lesson 32教学目标:1. 情感目标:能够通过谈论烹饪过程的活动中,积极运用所学语言进行表达和交流。2.知识目标:(1)能够听说读写与烹饪有关的单词。(2)能够听说读写描述和询问简单菜肴制作过程的相关交际用语:What do you need to make it? I need. 3.能力目标:能够在相应情景下使用本单元所学的主句型,对制作菜肴所需要的原料进行谈论。教学重点:1. 词汇:pepper,cucumber, sugar, sauce, soy sauce, vinegar. 2. 句型:What do you need to make? I need教学难点:不可数名词的理解,如:sauce, vinegar等。教具准备:磁带 录音机 卡片教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动反思1. the words in Lesson31.Take out the picture. What can you see in the picture? What do they need to make the dishes?What are they doing?Listen to the tape and ask some question.How many dishes do they make? What are the dishes?How do you make them?Teach the new words.Listen to the tape again and do the Part A.Pair work.Choose and make a new dish.Read and spell: serve, cut, wok, oil, put, wash, stir-fry, crackThere are some dishes on the table.Discuss with them partner. What do they need to make the dishes?I needListen to the tape and answer the questions.They are make seven dishes.Learn to say: cucumber, pepper, sauce, sugar, soy sauce, vinegarListen to the tape again and circle.S1: What do you need to make a sandwich?S2: I need eggs, bread and vegetables.Discuss with them neighbors.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit6 lesson31教案 人教新起点教学目标: 1.掌握本课涉及的单词:serve,cut, oil,put,wash,stir-fry,crack,add salt,mix. 2.掌握句型:How do you make ?First,Second, 学生能用英语描述烹饪步骤。教学内容:1. 学习本课涉及的单词:serve,cut,wok,oil,put,wash,stir-fry,crack,add salt,mix. 2. 通过排序活动使学生感知和学习本棵得主句型和描述烹饪动作的词汇.3. 猜词游戏,根据动作猜出本课涉及的单词.2.学习句型:How do you make ?First,Second, 用英语描述烹饪步骤。小组举行“厨艺大赛”。教学重点:1.词汇:serve,cut,wok,oil,put,wash,stir-fry,crack,add,salt,mix.2.句型:How do you make?First, Secend,教学难点:描述烹饪过程的一些动词,如:stir-fry ,crack等词的用法.教学用具:单词卡片、教学录音、烹饪的道具。教学过程:(一)出示投影(图),谈论情景图,初步感知新语言.1. Look!This is a kitchen .What can you see in the kitchen ?通过识别图中物品引导学生复习以学过的单词,并导入新词.2.在初步学习上述动词的基础上,教师带领学生做TPR活动,进一步加深学生对这些单词的印象。3.小组单词接龙活动。(二)Listen and numberSon:How do you make stir-fried tomato and eggs,Mom?Mom:First,wash the tomatoes and cut them.Next,crack the eggs and mix the eggs with tomatoes in a big bowl.Then ,put some oil in a wok ,heat the oil,add the eggs and tomatoes and stir-fry for 2 minutes.Finally,add salt and sugar and serve on a plate. 1.让学生听A项录音,并依据录音为主情境下的小图排序。然后同桌之间相互检查、订正答案。2. 学生找出单词卡片,老师说单词,学生排序。(三)Do and guess. 教师根据B项的活动提示,先请一位学生同教师进行活动示范,然后让学生以小组为单位开展猜词活动,其他组员以抢答的形式猜词。(四)造句练习学生就某一动词造句,学生可以自由发挥。例:“Cut the tomato. Cut the bread.”等。(五)“厨艺大赛”活动。教师可以根据C项的语言提示,创设一个“厨艺大赛”的情境,激发学生开口讲英语的兴趣。让学生以小组为单位,在提供的菜肴中选出一道作为“参赛作品”,经过准备后,每个小组都上讲台汇报,组内每个成员陈述一个烹饪步骤,看那个组陈述得最流利、准确、完整。课后反思:


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