2019-2020年四年级英语下册 LLesson 31Are You Ready for a Chant教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 LLesson 31Are You Ready for a Chant教案 冀教版一、教学目标1、通过学习使学生会唱这首歌谣,大致了解故事的主要情节。2、以情感培养人,以兴趣引导人,培养学生热爱学习,团结合作,友好竞争的精神,教会学生学会和他人相处,礼貌待人的好习惯。二、教学重点歌谣的学唱,节拍要准确,发音正确。三、教学难点阅读故事,理解故事的大意。四、教学过程(一) Class opening and Review: 1.Greeting. 2.Sing “I Am Drawing” (二) Key Concepts:3.Teach the“I My Chant” . Play the audiotape ,Ss follow words and pictures in their students books. Then teach the chant line by line to the students. T sings one line or part of a line and get Ss to repeat after you . Use the pictures in the students book to help Ss remember the words. 巩固sb like(s)to sth 句型. Write the words on the blackboard: I , my, you, your, we , our, they, their, he, his, she, her4.Practice in pairsMake sure the students can say and understand the structure before I let them practice, and then have them practice the structure with some limited substitution.5.Story: “The Diffos”.(1)Prepare to read.Use some questions to prepare, such as: Do you have any unusual likes or dislikes?Do you know anyone who does?Do you think the people in this story are unusual? Why? (2)Read Play the tape of the story and get Ss to listen carefully and rearrange their story all ordingly.Feedback: ask individual s to read out the story in the correct order.(3)Group DiscussUse some questions to reinforce the main idea of the story.What do the Diffos do thats different from other people?Would you like to live with the Diffos? Why or why not?In the story, do the other students like the Diffos to sing in the library ? Why not?Do you like this story? Why or why not? Feedback: hear from a few group spokes people of their groups ideas. 6. PracticeDo the activity book No1 &2(三)Class closing 7.Homework: Role-play about the story.五、板书设计Lesson 31 Are You Ready for a Chant? I , my, you, your, we , our, they, their,he, his, she, her 六、教学反思 在本次课上,我特别注意了自己角色的转换与控制,在启发与示范后,能够把足够的时间留给学生,让学生努力实践与展示自己。同时也使课文对话变成实际交流中的表达和交流需求。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 LLesson30 My favourite school work教案 冀教版一、教学目标1、掌握单词: write, read。2、会用my favourite school work句型会话。二、教学重点write(a story), read(a book) I am drawing,(song)三、教学难点掌握句型My favourite school work is _ Can explain their favourite school works and asking questions about the 四、教学过程(一)Greeting and Warming-up:1.Greeting: Hello, boys and girls! How are you today ?2.Play a game: Can you guessWhat do I like to do ?What does he/she like to do?S: You/He/she like(s)to_.复习动词词组Play basketball Sing a song Read booksDraw a picture 继续学习巩固sb like(s)to sth 句型,复习一下动词like(二)Key Concepts:3.T: Yes .I like to _and_.But my favourite school work is _.4 Showing the pictures with the courseware, and ask the students what they cansee.5.T: Today lets learn Lesson30 My favourite school workT: Do you know what about school work?S: T:Tell the class these active are “school works.”Teach “read a book”, “write a story” a few times.T: My favourite school work is to play on the puter.I like to play on the puter.Whats your favourite school work?Students should answer follow the teachers demonstrate.(Single.)Showing the courseware(A girl is reading a book): “Whats she doing?” (1) “Its you!Whats your favourite school work?”then practice several times with different students.(2) Ask 4 or 5 students, “Whats your favourite school work?” they should say“Our favourite school work is to _.”(3) Ask the whole class “Whats their favourite school work?” The studentsshould answer with “Their favourite _.”6. Read the text after the radio.7.Drill: Stuents in the classroom practice to ask and answer the questions eachother. To find out who has the same hobbit in 3 minites.8.Learn the song:.Listen to the new song one time. “I am drawing” with the actions.Follow it at the second time.Sing the song together: 五、板书设计Lesson 30 My Favourite School WorkWhat s your favourite school work?play basketball / sing a song/ read books/ draw a pictureMy favourite school work is to _.六、教学反思 本课重点学习喜欢做的学校活动,继续学习巩固sb like(s) to sth 句型。本课内容比较精练,与学生活动紧密联系在一起,学生会感到非常有趣,学生本来就喜欢运动,再加上课文中还安排了一个儿歌,所以学生会有很高的学习兴趣。

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