2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module1 Unit2 period2教案 广州版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module1 Unit2 period2教案 广州版课题名称:Unit 2 教学内容:Work With Language教学目标:1学习单词whose.2学习句型Whose is (are) ? Its(Theyre)教学重、难点:1句型由Whose ?引导的问句及其回答。2人名所有格的表示法。3Whose与whos 的区别与应用。教学媒体1.录音带 2.实物或图片教学过程:1.热身(1)读单词和划线句子,听写单词和句子。(2)朗读U2对话。(3)图示,操练由How much引导的句型及回答。2.呈现与操练(1)根据图片,引出句子Whose T-shirt is it?指导学生回答Its Xiaolings.学生操练句子。(2)替换图片练习。(3)学习Whose are they? Theyres.学生找出两组句子不同的地方。看图操练。(4)学习单词whose.3.巩固与发展(1)练习:模仿句子,在练习本上写出来。4.小结:小组讨论,由whose引导的句子是怎样的?由代表说出讨论结果。5.布置作业(1)读背10页的句子。(2)抄背单词和句子。板书设计Unit 2Whose Whose T-shirt is it? Its Xiaolings.Whose shorts are they? Theyre Yongxians.教学反思在本课中,学习询问物主的句型,情境性和实用性较强,因此适合把教学生活化,把枯燥的教学融入学生熟悉的生活画面。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module1 Unit2(1)教案 外研社一、教学内容:学生用书:第一模块第二单元活动1、2、3、 二、教学对象:小学四年级学生 三、教学准备:单词卡片、教学用书、多媒体、动物头像卡 四、教材、学情分析 新标准小学英语三年级起点第三册面对的是小学四年级学生,内容趣味性强且贴近生活,注重培养学生运用英语的能力。本课是unit1 的延伸学习,核心依然是“Numbers” ,加入了游动物园的情节。要求学生掌握一些数字及动物单词。学生经过学习unit1,已经掌握了数字单词,所有本课着重句型。 五、教学目标 知识与技能目标1.基本能听懂,会读,会说 thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred等数词; 2.本能听懂,说出并读出“ Number +and +number +is+ number.”这一数字相加的英语表达法; 3.听懂、会说句子: Have you got?及答语Yes , I have.或No , I havent. 文化策略目标:理解句型Have you got和Ive got 的用法。 情感态度目标:培养学习英语的兴趣动机,在交际和活动中培养自信心。 六、教学重点:能听,读,说 thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred等数词; 难点:能听,说,读“ Number +and +number +is+ number.”这一数字相加的英语表达法; 七、教学过程 Step 1 :Warming-up (1).唱英文歌“Ten Little Indians” (2).出示a chant: Thirteen, thirteen, thirteen white pandas, Fourteen, fourteen, fourteen black mice, Fifteen, fifteen, fifteen green frogs, Sixteen, seventeen,eighteen,nineten, There are twenty little Indians Step 2: Presentation(呈现) (1). 再次巩固数字 T : I have same cards,numbers and animals. Who want ? Ss : T: When you get a number card, you must read the number or tell us the animals name. T :Here you are. What is this? (2).呈现 Have you got 这个句型 T: Oh, I forgot that, I should put thirteen on the blackboard. I want to find thirteen. T: Have you got thirteen? ( 问一个手上拿有13数字卡的学生,引导学生说Yes, I have.) T: Have you got fourteen? (问一个拿的不是14数字卡的学生,引导他说No, I havet.) 用同样的方法从15说到20, 也穿插问动物(板书句子) (3).呈现Number +and +number +is+ number T: Now, I want twenty-one. Have you got twenty-one? T: Who can help me get twenty-one? Who can find out twenty-one? (提问几次,问几个学生,然后贴一张one的卡片在twenty 旁边,引导学生找出twenty 和twenty-one之间的联系,这个设计是为了培养学生的观察能力,也为了让他们体会成功学英语的自信心)T: You are so clever. Twenty and one is twenty-one. 依此类推引导学生说出:Twenty and two is twenty-twotwenty and nine is twenty-nine. 有学生可能会说five and sevent is thirteen 等。 Step 3: Imitation Practice(模仿性操练) (1). T: Do you like games? Maomao and Panpan are playing a game now. Who is the winner? Lets listen to the tape. (2).个人练 T: We also play this game, ok ? A student e hare and pike up a card. Who will try? (一个学生上来抽一张卡) T :Have you got a lion? / have you got twenty-two? (请几个学生上来进行问答,如果学生说“No , I havent.”。就引导他们说:“No , I havent. Ive got ) (3).全班练 T :I point to a number or an animal,group 1 ask group 2,group 2 answer. (出示课件,课件的句子留有空白让学生想单词) Step 4: consolidation(巩固性操练) T: Now,you can take away this cards, make dialogues with your partner 点几对学生来抽查 Step5: development T: Thera are many animals in the zoo.Lets listen to a chant:zoo T: Lets play a number bingo game.Three or four students as a term. One say numbers, others write down the numbers. A number is 3 points.At last , count how many numbers have you written and how many points have you got. T: you must use this sentence:“I have gotpoints.” T: All the classes repeat“ she/he gotpoints” . Step6: homework Play the game in page5. 板书 Ive got twenty-six points thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety twenty twenty-one twenty-two twenty-three twenty-nine Have you got Yes,I have. No,I havent.Ive got

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