2019-2020年四年级英语上册 unit1(4)教案 广东版开心.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 unit1(4)教案 广东版开心1.Teaching demands:1.To review “Are you hungry ? Yes, I am.2.Teach the sounds and words3.Learn the new words: hungry, thirsty, grandmother, grandfather short tall, ruler, stapler2.Teaching important points 1.Learn the new words in this unit and the sounds of the third person, singular ,present tense;2.The difference between the third person, singular ,present tense;3. Remember the drill : Do you have .?3.Teaching difficult points :1.Spell the new words correctly2.The sounds of the third person, singular ,present tense;4.Teaching Procedure:Step 1.Revision1.Greetings2.Say hello to the new studentsStep 2.New Presentation1.Presentation :To find a few students to play a role2.To over look the unfamiliar words ;3.Let the students practice a few minutes, then perform it.4.Try to recite Conversation together.5.To teacher the new words in Vocabulary6.to present the new words ;To do the motions to help remember the words.7.listen to the tape for Review8.A few students to repeat after the tape, then the whole class.9.To write down the sentences ,and practice white the teacher,10.Ask and answer questions,11.the studentswork: practice with their partners12.a few students demonstrate the questionsStep 3. Conclusiona)1.TO teach the students say the rhyme and help them to remember the new content.b) 2.Go over all the knowledge and summarize.Step 4.Homework1.To copy the words2. To recite Conversation3.Make preparations for the dictation.4.The designing of the blackboard5.words : hungry, short, tall, stapler , grandfather, grandmother, thirsty6. sentences: Are you hungry? Yes, I am .7.Who is she ? She is my grandmother.教学后记:1. 通过以前所学的知识过渡到新的知识上,由易到难,学生比较容易接受。2. 利用游戏操练和巩固新学单词与句型,学生在较轻松和愉快的环境下掌握知识。3. 个别学生对 “ Are you ?”句型不能正确地回答,需加强训练。 附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 unit1(4)教案 苏教牛津版教学内容:ERead and act及G1, 2.教学目标:能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。通过练习训练学生运用所学英语知识做简单的调查统计。教学过程:一、Prepare for the class .Say a rhyme: A little book .Free talk .(不必拘于师生问答,可放手让学生自由进行会话交谈)二、Read and act .1.师在黑板上写一:九月十日Teachers Day ,让学生了解教师节的英语表达方法。师引导学生学会说Happy Teachers Day !句型拓展,如:Motherss Day Fathers Day . 2.出示图画,学生边听边看图,了解对话的意思。3学生跟读对话。4表演对话。 先由师生示范,再由学生与学生之间表演。5扩充对话。 在学生熟练掌握所学内容的基础上,让他们用This card is for Miss Gao .All right .来扩充对话。三、Fun house .Look and read .出示连环画,让学生把书上的内容仔细观察,反复朗读,了解故事内容。学生听录音,了解图画内容。学生跟读录音。学生反复读对话,自己消化图、文内容,感受到其中的幽默内涵即可。2Work in groups .课前把学生分成八个小组,依照课本中的表格设计八张,分发给八个小组的学生。师到其中一组进行调查示范。同学之间利用Whats in your pencil-box ?How many ?相互问答,并逐个记录结果。没有的物品用0表示。组长汇报调查结果。回答How many students have got pens ? Who are they ?等问题。全班调查。选派一名学生作全班调查,汇总全班情况。四、Assign homework .抄写本单元所学的单词和句型并能默写。背诵并表演Read and act .板书设计:Unit 1 May I have ?Happy TeacherDay !Heres for What s in you pencil case ?Ive got 附单词表a pen a ruler a rubber a ball pen a pencil case a bookmark a brush notebook a book


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