2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 1(6)教案 外研版(一起).doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 1(6)教案 外研版(一起)TitleBook10 Module5Unit1 Your bag is broken.Teaching contents:1. This black bag is nice. Its big.2. Its very heavy.3. Look at this green one. Its light.Teaching aims:知识目标:A. 能运用所学语言进行交流。B. passage.能力目标:A. 通过学习,学生能在实际生活中用英语对事物、人进行描述。B. Train the students ability of munication.And read the passage.情感目标A. 培养学生根据情景猜测语义和在尝试中自我修正的学习策略。B. Try to be the winner.Main points:munication1. words: heavy light broken wheel easy2. Drills: Your bag is broken. It has got wheels. This is heavy.Difficult points:Passage. 通过介绍自己的学习用具和自己的身体部位来复习巩固对事物描述性的表达,同时让学生理解并运用“With+名词”句式来表达“用什么东西做某事”。Teaching aids:Picture, cassette, CAI ,some cardstape recorder stickers ect.Periods:3 periods.Teaching stepsTeachers ActivityStudents ActivityRe-preparation一、Lead in.1. 展示一个黑色的包,让学生猜包里装着什么。(调动学生参与教学活动的积极性)2.学生猜完后,教师从黑色包里拿出一个红色的包,引导学生对这两个包进行比较。通过对两个包地比较,唤起学生已有的和本课内容相关的旧知识、旧能力(用形容描述物体),为学习本课的重点内容作好铺垫。(大屏幕上给学生展示已学过的所有形容词,给学生打好台阶。) 3. 进一步引导学生观察两个包,导入本课重点词汇broken ,进而用课件帮助学生理解broken的含义。The red bag is old, its very very old. Its even broken. (教师的食指从破洞中伸出。)二、Learn the text.1. BrokenA. 课件呈现图片几个破碎的鸡蛋帮助学生理解broken.B .用单词卡片教授单词,强调o的发音。C .课件呈现展示几种情景帮助学生运用。(断了的铅笔,断了胳膊得妇女;断了的大树,最后展示一个哭泣的小女孩。)用语言:The is broken.通过不同情境让学生明白broken在不同场合的运用,体现学以致用,学用结合。D .学生拿起自己的包进行描述。(大屏幕上给学生提供所用到的语言及词汇。)2.Heavy lighta .(与上面环节衔接。)比较两个学生的书包,导出词汇heavy light拿起两个学生的书包(一个重,一个轻。导入 heavy , light. 师:s bag is pink, its beautiful. But its very heavy.费力的举起书包。晃动另一个书包: s bag is purple, its nice. And its very light. 教师的动作要夸张。)b .用课件呈现情景帮助学生理解两个词。(一个宝宝试图抱起比自己还打得石头,一个小女孩轻松的提着小花篮。)c .卡片学习词汇heavy lightd .引导学生联系实际,说出重的东西,轻的东西。大屏幕展示一头大象和一只猴子在玩跷跷板,大象把猴子高高的跷到天上。引导学生说:The elephant is heavy. The m is light.在引导学生观察周围的物体进行比较。用语言:The desk is heavy, the pencil is light. 大屏幕再次呈现两个包。The black hag is heavy, the red bag is light. But the black bag has got wheels. (导入下一环节) 3.Wheela .比较两个包导出wheel b .学习单词wheel.强调ee发音。 C. 屏幕出现自行车:The bike has got wheels. What else has got wheels? 引导学生说出生活中有轮子物品。 用语言: has got wheels.4. Easy.a.大屏幕展示一些带轮子的物品。教师:The wheels make our lives easy. 1+1=2 Its easy. 234/12=? Its not easy. 通过算式,使学生进一步理解单词。b.屏幕呈现起自行车和开汽车的情景:For me, riding a bike is easy. Driving a car is not easy. Whats easy for you, and what isnt easy for you? 引导学生结合自己的情况运用词汇。并适时进行德育教育Practice make perfect. If we keep on practice. More and more things will be easy for us.三、巩固、操练。让学生对每一组图片中的任意一幅进行描述,其余学生根据描述猜出是哪一幅图。让学生在游戏中巩固语言,变枯燥的机械训练为有趣的意义训练四、理解、认读对话。1. Read and find the words those you dont know. (自读并找出不认识的单词).2.Help with each other.(合作学习解决不认识的词汇)3. Check to read. (教师检查,帮助学生查缺补漏。)4. Read the text and answer the questions.A .Whats wrong with Linglings bag?B .Which bag does Lingling like?C .Whats the shorting(缺点) of the black bag?D .Which bag did Lingling buy?五、拓展、运用语言知识。根据描述让学生猜出所描述的人或物。用课件使描述语言一句一句呈现,看谁最先猜出。Practice:Whats in the bag?Maybe its Practice:The black bag is big.The red bag is smallLead in and use the word: broken.Practice:The is broken.ake the belongs to practice.petition.OntheBBModule5Unit1 Your bag is broken.Your bag is broken!This black bag is nice. Its big.Its very heavy.Look at this green one.Its light.Teaching notes附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 1(7)教案 外研版(一起)设计理念根据本课的教学内容,结合学生已有的认知水平。在本节课的设计上,我采用了任务型的教学模式,遵循了兴趣教学原则,直观教学原则与循序渐进的教学原则,学生通过在活动中观察,体验,讨论,合作,竞赛等形式主体性得到充分发展,综合语言能力得到提高。教学目标:知识目标: a. 学习形容词“broken”, 并对所接触过的形容词进行整理运用。 b. 掌握功能句“This black bag is nice / big .” “But its heavy.”能力目标:使学生能用形容词对身边事物的明显特征进行描述,比较。情感目标:激发学生的积极情感,培养学生交流与合作的能力。教学重点:单词: broken及其他形容词的运用。功能句: This adjective noun is adjective. Its adjective.教学难点:能够灵活运用形容词,对事物的鲜明特征进行描述,了解及感受形容词在句中的不同位置。教学准备CAI课件、录音机、图片教学流程.Warming upa.Greetingsb. Say and act the poem . “ In spring, it is warm.” (M4 U2)c.T: I love spring, summer ,autumn and winner. But my favourite season is autumn. Because autumn is cool .The leaves fall from the trees and its a harvest season. Whats your favourite season? And why? . Presentation a.T:Do you like the game “ find out the differences”找茬?图一:In Picture A , the monkey is thin. But in Picture B it is fat.In Picture A , the snake is short. In Picture B it is long.In Picture A , the bag is big. But in Picture B it is small.图二:In Picture A , the pencil is good .In Picture B it is bad.T: Great! The pencil is bad because it is broken.(出示单词卡片bread/break/broke/broken,让学生感受单词的发音)板书brokenb.T:What is broken?(出示胳膊折了和筷子断了的图片)The arm is broken./ The chopsticks are broken.c.Present the task:刚才同学们都能够准确地找出以上事物的不同特征,让我们通过今天的学习,用英语更加全面地描述事物的特征,并给他人提供建议吧。 .New Teaching1. Text Leading:a. T: Lets learn Module 5 Unit 1. “Your bag is broken.”(板书课题)Read in a happy/sad/angry/shy way.b. Whats wrong with Linglings bag? What will Ms Smart do? Lets watch the CD-ROM.S: Linglings bag is broken. Ms Smart will buy Lingling a new bag.c. Open your books .Lets listen again and answer the questions.T:How many bags are there? From the colour/size, what are the differences?S:3 bags. Two are black, one is green. Two are big, one is small.( 师贴卡片black/big)T:(手指屏幕)Lingling thought :This black bag is nice. This black bag is big.d. (教师板书并领读) nice.This black bag is big . (斜体字部分为单词卡片)e. Say the drills in different ways.(in fast/slow way; in high/low voice)f. How about the green bag? This green bag is light. This green bag is small.2. Drills learninga. T:Look, a nice bag? This black bag is small and new. Its light and its smart. How about your bag? (鼓励学生运用黑板上的句式及形容词描述自己的书包5-6 个)b. T: Will lingling choose the black /green bag? Why not? S: No,because its heavy/small.师重复整个句子并板书But its very heavy. (斜体字部分为单词卡片)c. T:Why will Lingling choose the 3rd bag? Lets follow the tape and find out the answer.S: Because this black bag has got wheels, and it will be easy for her.d. Describe them all together pletely. (运用三个包的图片)e. Listen and match.(练习册)f. T: Look carefully, here we can change this adjective into another adjective like this. Read together. Ss: This big bag is nice. Its black .But its heavy.Ss: This heavy bag is nice. Its black. But its big.(教师将形容词卡片进行变换,“blackbig、bigheavy”,让学生感受其变化并自己总结:形容词既可以放在be动词之后,也可以放在名词之前)3. Practisea. Please describe the things around you in your groups. Or you can describe one picture on Page 19.b. Please describe the pictures on CD-ROM.c. Do the listening practice. . Consolidation. Play a guessing game.(一名学生上前面朝大家,其他同学根据电脑中出现的画面给出提示,该生根据提示猜出单词。) 如:Its an animal. This animal is gray.Its big.It has got a long nose and 2 big ears.Key: An elephant.(根据学生的描述,快速猜出单词,其中包括食物、饮品、动物、著名景点以及水果。) . Task-fulfilling.1.T: Lingling will go back to China. She wants to buy parents and Daming presents. But shes got no idea. Will you help her?T: She wants to buy mum a coat. But which one is better? (Say one by one )She wants to buy dad a watch. Which one is better? (Discuss in groups.)板书设计: Module 5 Unit 1 Your bag is broken.The bag is nice and big. But its very heavy.


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