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2019-2020年五年级英语上册Unit6InanatureparkPBLetslearn练习人教pep一、看图,完成句子。1. I can see a _ over the river. 2. There is a _ in front of the river. 3. Are there any tall _ in your city? 4. The mountains are around the _. 5. The _ is very big. 二、选择与句子意思相符的图片。 A. B. C. D.() 1. There is a bridge and many trees in the park. () 2. There is a river in front of the house and a tall tree beside the house. () 3. There are many tall buildings in the city. () 4. There are two cows in front of the house. 三、选择合适的答语。() 1. Are there any trees behind the house?() 2. Whats in the village?() 3. Is there a lake on the mountain?() 4. Are the houses beside the lake?A. There is a river and a forest. B. Yes, they are. C. No, there arent. D. Yes, there is. 四、仿照例子写句子。例:lakes, on the mountainsThere are some lakes on the mountains. Are there any lakes on the mountains?1. buildings, in the city_2. trees, in the park_3. houses, in the village_答案:一、1. bridge2. house3. buildings4. village5. tree二、1. C2. B3. D4. A三、1. C2. A3. D4. B四、1. There are some buildings in the city. Are there any buildings in the city?2. There are some trees in the park. Are there any trees in the park?3. There are some houses in the village. Are there any houses in the village?附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册Unit6InanatureparkPBLetstalk练习人教pep一、 根据图片,选词并用其正确的形式填空。riverrabbitbuildingduckhill1. There is a _ in the forest. 2. There are some _ on the lake. 3. There are some _ in the nature park. 4. Are there any _ in the village? 5. Are there any _ in the park? 二、单项选择。() 1. Are there any lakes in the park?No,_. A. they arentB. there arentC. there are() 2. _ ducks are there in front of the house?Four. A. How manyB. How muchC. How old() 3. Are there _ clocks in this shop?No, there are _ watches(手表) here. A. any; someB. some; anyC. any; any() 4. There _ some animals in the zoo. A. areB. isC. has三、从方框中选出合适的句子完成对话。A:Lets go to the nature park tomorrow, Li Ping. B:That sounds good. 1. _A:There are many trees and flowers. B:2. _A: No, there arent. But there are monkeys and birds. B: 3. _A:Yes, they are behind a farm. We can take photos(照相) there. B:Thats wonderful. Is there a restaurant(餐馆)in the nature park?A:4. _ We can take some food. B:Great. Lets go on a picnic(野餐). A. Are there any tigers?B. Are there any mountains there?C. Whats in the nature park?D. No, there isnt. 四、看图,回答问题。 1. Are there any flowers in the park? _2. Are there any hills in the park? _3. Is there a river in front of the house? _4. Are there any cows in the park? _答案:一、1. river2. ducks3. rabbits4. buildings5. hills二、1. B2. A点拨:four是数字,对数字提问用how many。3. A点拨:一般疑问句中表示“一些”用any;肯定句中表示“一些”用some。4. A点拨:animals为复数,be动词用are。三、1. C2. A3. B4. D四、1. Yes, there are. 2. Yes, there are. 3. Yes, there is. 4. No, there arent.


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