2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 14(1)教材教法 冀教版(一起).doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 14(1)教材教法 冀教版(一起).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 14(1)教材教法 冀教版(一起)一、教材分析:1. 本课主要复习以往所学的单词和词汇。了解定冠词的用法。2. 根据此年龄段学生活泼好动的特点,教师应灵活运用多种教学方式,充分调动学生的求知欲,让学生体会到英语语言的魅力。3. 本课重点: 词汇与短语:play the guitar, play the piano loudly, softly, down, wantto do二、教学建议:1. 教师可以找一些相关的形象的图片来给学生讲解主要概念,例如: They are singing loudly.He is playing the guitar.2. 在给学生讲短语弹吉他和弹钢琴时,告诉学生一定要在乐器前加上定冠词the,同时问一问哪些学生会演奏乐器,都会演奏哪些乐器。然后告诉学生有时间多听一些音乐,慢慢培养乐感,而且还可以陶冶情操、培养音乐欣赏能力。3. 利用课件为学生放第14课的歌曲,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,让他们从中找到乐趣。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 14(1)教案 冀教版(一起)一教学目标:1. 知识与技能:巩固词汇:loudly, softly, down, wantto do掌握词汇:play the guitar, play the piano, love to do, fall from.使学生能熟练地将所学到的词汇和短语组成句子,应用到实际生活中去。3. 过程与方法:注重灵活多样,丰富多彩课堂气氛的形成。通过多样的教学活动和教学评价的展开,使学生更好的掌握本课知识。3. 情感态度与价值观:激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性。培养对音乐的欣赏能力。二教学重难点:教学重点:掌握词汇:loudly, softly, down, play the guitar, play the piano, love to do, fall from,wantto do教学难点:定冠词the的使用,掌握短语:play the guitar, play the piano三教学设计思路:本课主要是对过去常用副词的复习。通过播放歌曲(见视频资源)的形式,使学生重温所学到的副词。对于课文内容,采取开个小小音乐会的形式来使课堂气氛活跃,并提高学生的学习兴趣。四、教学过程教学过程Teaching Process 教学媒体Teaching Media教师活动Teachers Activities学生活动Students Activities设计意图Design Purpose课程导入(Warm up and lead in)多媒体,课件Step 1Greeting:T:Hello,everyone. How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you. How are you?T: Im fine,thanks. Step 2 教师播放:Sing Loudly(见视频资源)。复习学到的单词。教师板书:slowly quickly quietly loudlySs greet with their teacher and review what they have learned. To make students be polite and review what they have learned呈现新课(Presentthe new lesson)录音机,多媒体课件。Step 1T: Do you like sing?Ss: Yes or No.T: Who can sing a song for us?Teacher asks some students to sing songs.T: Who did sing loudly?Ss: .T: Who did sing softly? Teacher explains the word “softly” to students. Ss: .T: Ok, Lets look at these pictures. 教师出示guitar, piano的图片(见图片资源)。T: What is this? Ss: .教师板书:guitar piano 教师出示play the guitar, play the piano的图片(见图片资源)。T: What is he / she doing? Ss: .T: Ok. Lets think how to say 打篮球,踢足球?Ss: Play basketball, play football.教师提醒学生球类前不加定冠词the, 乐器前要加上定冠词the. Step 2 T: Lets look at Jennys music lesson.教师播放优秀课件:Lesson 14-1 (见优秀课件),学生阅读课文。Teacher asks the following questions:1) Who wants to learn a new song?2) Who will play the guitar?3) Who will play the piano?4) Does Danny sing loudly or softly? Step 3 T: Do you want to learn a new song now? Ss: Yes.T: Ok. Lets listen to sing a song. Can you understand it?Ss: .教师板书并讲解词汇:fall from e down go inside T: Ok. Lets sing the song again. 教师播放优秀课件:Lesson 14-2 (见优秀课件)。教师和学生一起唱歌。T: Who can sing it?Teacher asks some students to sing the song.Step 4 依据课文内容,分角色模拟开演唱会的场景。Students learn new words, phrases and learn to sing a song.Step 1 To make students learn new words and phrase Step 2 To make students learn to read the textStep 3 To make students learn to sing a song Step 4 To make students use what they learned into the real situation 课堂评价Evaluate 多媒体,课件随堂练习:Fill in the blanksEveryone _ to sing. Mr. Wood is going to _.Jenny can _. Mr. Wood _everyone to sing _. But want Danny _to sing _.Students do exercise.To check students learning ability


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