2019-2020年五年级英语上册 lesson10教案 科普版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 lesson10教案 科普版教学目标集中复习识词中已学过的本课单词Lets learn 的教学3、Lets sing教学重点Do you want some tomatoes?Oh,yes. Cold I have some cabbages,too?Yes,Here you are.并能灵活运用教学难点能用主题句子进行会话交际教学过程Class opening and reviewA . greetingsB. Free talks(本课涉及购物,老师帮助学生结合以前所学内容使内容尽可能充实,可发展两三组,结合Book Four. Lesson to和Book five lesson 9)C.Keviw the words(这些词虽在集中识词中学过,但这次的学习应彻底,方法可以是做好的课件,先将单词快速的过一次,学生抢答并说出汉字。然后再根据出示汉意写出黑体字单词,由易而难,给学生启示,有过度,易于接受)New conceptsLets learnT:(电脑操作)出示Book Four lesson 10.买鹦鹉情景.Can I hape you?I want. this parrot. Here you are.提出I want. this parrot.那如果妈妈问,你也想要这只鹦鹉吗?我们可以这样,Do you want this parrot?那好几只呢?Do you want these parrots?由此进一步解释Do you want在购物时想买什么,想要什么T:(电脑操作)Now,look at these pictures.Do you want the apple?Do you want the pen?Do you want the peasSs answer the questionsT:Lets Ss drill it eachother.T:Takes out pictures.and asks“Do you want”“Oh,yes. Cold I have some,too”“Yes,Here you are.”Lets play gams(设置情境,买东西时顾客与服务员之间的对话,尽可能简单并为下课的Lets talk 做准备Lets sing(本课歌曲是一首脍炙人口的圣诞歌曲,由于新词量大,节奏很不好把握,学习起来难度稍大,可以根据实际情况用来欣赏,作为本课的调味品,调节课堂气氛使学生得到放松休息.Practice用幻灯片打出相应的问题巩固主题句Class closingsum upSet the talk for the next classSay goodbye .Listening to the sing“Jingle bells”第二课时教学目标Lets talk 的教学,并使学生掌握这种交际用语教学重点熟练掌握We want Could I have并能运用教学难点We want教学过程Class opening and ReviewGreeting通过师生问候,创设英语氛围,并不断变换问候方式复习巩固所学,另外还可以增强师生间的亲切)Free talk (学生精心准备,亲身体验,增强兴趣)Review the 9 words(教师可提前制作单词卡片,正面写词义,反面写音标.并使学生能出could film half eye.最后正反再巩固一次. New concepts一.Into the talk手偶导入法.用手偶绘声绘色的将内容展示依次,让学生脑海里有大致的轮廓。强调We want some potatos. Could I have some tomatoes?并解释What else do you want3.老师再用手偶复述,学生听。一方面帮助学生理解,另一方面锻炼学生听力,情景教学法有利于学生理解教学内容联系。A.跟录音机.放录音(闭书)-放录音(打开书)跟读-自渎B.出示附有关键词的简笔画、复述。C.小组演示二.Play games布置场景,让学生充当售货员,顾客自由联系购物。交际内容可有拓展升华。Practice做练习册,练习5 .6Class closingsum upSing the song“Would you like a cap of tea”.(总结本课,又通过歌曲回顾了上一课所学,既轻松的结束了课程,又温习了旧知识)第三课时教学目标Read for fur巩固Could I ?How much is?What can I do?教学重点How much is?What can I do?教学难点掌握以上3个句子,并能熟练运用教学过程Class opening and reviewGreetingHave a free talkreview出示本课8个单词和音标,让学生读后写出英文及词义。对2会次则只要求写出中文词义Ask and answer 中穿插How much is it?What can I do?等日常交际用语。学习词组be going to . sea a film .one of my eyes.简单了解be going to复习重申How much is it?What can I do?听录音(因为前面有一定的了解,学生听起来不会很吃力)出示问题,带问题去听,问题如下:What day is today?Where is Lece going?Where is Lece now?What does he want to How much is the tictket?Does Lece have 20 yuan?How much money does Lece haveDoes Lece have an idea?How can he want to see the film?根据问题及回答情况,老师了解学生掌握情况,并且也通过思考及回答问题增强对内容的理解。出示挂图,整理思路。看书跟录音机读自渎巩固依据挂图或关键词复述,如有困难可稍做提示Drill小组间编对话,交际中运用。Could I ?How much is?What can I do?How much is it?稍做准备进行表演听Read for fun整体回顾,回味幽默之所在附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 lesson11 第一课时教案 科普版教学内容Book Five How many buns do you have?lets learn and lets sing教学目标To learn and use sentences:How many do you want? I wantHow much do you want? I want2) To understand Count Noun and Non-Count Noun.3) To sing “I See Three Ships”教学重难点To learn and use sentences:How many do you want? I wantHow much do you want? I wantTo understand Count Noun and Non-Count Noun.基本教学过程Step One: Class opening and Review(复习)1Greeting: T says HelloHi,and ask some questions, like; Whats this? What do you want? (利用事先准备好的卡片,进行问答练习,即为本课的学习做了准备,又营造了英语课堂氛围.)2 RevisionFree Talk(学生自己运用所学知识,进行交流,是对知识的巩固,同时也是对口语的一种训练,长期练习可以使学生乐于开口)Numbers: Ask Ss to say form one to twenty.Nouns: First ask Ss to say some Nouns. Second, T go on show some cards or things, let Ss sayTheir names, at one time T writes them on the blackboard.(用开火车的形式让学生说出这些数词和名词,学生便于集中注意力,积极思考,营造良好的学习氛围,同时也为新知识做了铺垫)Step Two: New Concepts(新授)Show some pictures or things in the bigscreen, ( like: four eggs five hot dogs ten apples eleven pens.) Then ask Ss to answer their names.2、Show another pictures .(like: two pounds of meat a pound of beef half a pound of chicken a cup of water a bag of rice)(老师有意识的把可数名词与不可数名词分开,在这里简单地讲一下可数与不可数名词,为后边重点讲解降低了难度,有利于学生理解,易于学习.)3、 Guiding(导入)a T: Now we learn how to ask nounsnumber. Then T writes the two sentences on the blackboard.How many cakes do you want? I want three.How much meat do you want? I want two pounds. And then T asks and answers by himself, after that T lead Ss read them. In the end, T ask and Ss answer like that .b And T tells Ss Count Nouns are different from Non-count Nouns(这是本课的重点,也是难点,老师为了降低难度,要用具体事例告诉学生可数名词与不可数名词的区别。老师用大屏幕上的词帮助学生理解,如 four eggs five hot dogs ten apples eleven pens可two pounds of meat one of beef half a pound of chicken a cup of water a bag of rice .How many用来提问可数名词,How much用来提问不可数名词。)c Let Ss say some nouns (学生各抒己见。教师对学生的正确回答给予表扬。)Step three Practice(操练 )Practice as their booksT asks and Ss answer together. Then change each other.T asks some Ss to be little teachers, practise like that.根据语言学习规律,在教学中人为地创设接近真实的生活情景是非常重要的,它能营造轻松的学习氛围,激发学生交际的愿望和兴趣,通过交流促进双方互相理解,加速交际过程。让学生对旧知识进行了巩固与加深Divide Ss into two parts, and practise. Then change each other again.Practise in pairs.Ask some groups to act.Step four Consolidation and Creation(巩固与创新)Ask Ss to practise in other words of the screen.Ask Ss to try to divide these words on the blackboard into two parts(Count Nouns and Non- Count Nouns)Step five Class Closing(结束课堂,布置作业) a. sing a song Sing “I see three ships”b. HomeworkDo Ex8. in workbook


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