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2019-2020年五年级英语上册期中检测卷( )1、A、 B、( )2、A、 B、( )3 A、 B、( )4、A、 B、( )5、A、 B、三、听录音,给句子排序。(10分)( )1、A hamburger, please.( )2、Im hungry, mum.题号听力部分笔试部分总分得分( )3、Id like some milk.( )4、What would you like to drink?( )5、What would you like to eat? 笔试部分(70分)四、 写出下列字母的左邻右舍。( 10分) Gg Vv Pp 五、为各单词选择恰当图片, 将其序号写在题下括号里。(15分) A B C D Eold Thursday Tuesday play football hot( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )六、为句子选择恰当的图片,将其序号写在题前括号里。(15分)( )1、Ms Huang is our music teacher.A、 B、( )2、I often do my homework on the weekend.A、 B、( )3、My favourite food is ice cream. Its sweet.A、 B、( )4、We have beef noodles today. A、 B、( )5、My favourite fruit is banana.A、 B、七、选词填空。(10分)( )1、Do you know Mr. Wang? - No, I _. A、do B、dont( )2、Id like two _. A、sandwichs B、sandwiches( )3、The ice cream is _. A、sweet B、hot( )4、What do you have on _? A、Monday B、Wednesdays( )5、Whats she _? - Shes kind. A、like B、likes八、连词成句。(10分) 1、often you Do books this read in park ? _ 2、he No isnt . _ 3、she Whats like ? _ 4、Id some like tea . _ 5、food favourite Whats your ? _九、阅读理解,对的写T,错的写F。(10分) Hello! Im Li Ming. Im in Class One, Grade Five. My favourite day is Monday. We have PE on Mondays. Our PE teacher is Mr. Ma. Hes young and funny. Hes a good basketball player. After PE class, we have lunch at school. We have chicken, tomato soup and rice. I like chicken very much. Its delicious. After lunch, we go to the playground to play ping-pong.( )1、Mr. Ma is a maths teacher.( )2、Li Mings favourite food is chicken.( )3、Mr. Ma is a good football player. ( )4、Mr. Ma is young and funny.( )5、Li Ming has PE on Fridays. 附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册期中测试题一 .默写26 个英文字母10分二 、从下面四个选项中找出不同类的单词。填在括号中。(10分)( ) 1 .A thanks B that C these D .those( ) 2. A where B when C bag D who ( ) 3 A rice B apple C pear D banana( ) 4 A the London Eye B Big Ben C the Great Wall D the British Museum( ) 5 A T-shirt B skirt C dress D ice-cream ( ) 6 A we B you C your D she ( ) 7 A old B hour C long D small ( ) 8 A wash B met C ran D dropped ( ) 9 A box B pencil C bag D cheese ( ) 10 A three B four C for D five三 英汉互译(20) 1、 hurry up 6、on the line 2、 e back 7、how many 3、 look at 8、take photos 4、 Give out 9、the British Museum 5、a lot of _ 10、the London Eye _ 11. The Greet Wall 12 wait for_13. shopping list _ 14 by bus _15. on the floor _ 16 go to the supermarket _17. at the weekend _ 18 in the tree _19. all right _ 20 live in_ 四 单项选择(20)1、 ( )Ling ling is London Sam and Amy. A、at and B、in with C、in for 2、 ( )We need food our picnic. A、in B、to C、for 3、 ( )Sam _ my T-shirt. A、take B talk C took 4、 ( )Amy and Sam back from China last Sunday. A、e B、came C、will e5、 ( )I went to the zoo_ the weekend. A、at B、next C last6、 ( )- did you go to Beijing.? -Yesterday。 A、what B、where C、 When7、 ( ) Lets some ice creams. A、buy B、to buy C、bought8、 ( )Daming took a photo_ his father. A、for B、 of C、at9、 I need four bottles of _. A、rice B、juice C、apples10、 I often TV on Sunday. A、watch B、watches C、watched11 、I went to the zoo _bus yesterday . A. on B. by C at 12 How _bananas do you want? A much B many C old 13. There are _ people in the park.A lots of B lot of C a lot14. Do you live in London? Yes , Did B dont C do.15. Did Lingling like it? Yes, she _A did B didnt C does16. _ did you e back? We came back last Sunday .A Where B when C how 17. Look ,This redT-shirt is _. A Sam B Sams C your18. There_ a pencil in the box. A is B are C arent 19 .Please give _the books. A of B to C out 20. _forty children A There is B There are C There isnt 五, 从B栏 选出A栏的答案。(5分) A B( ) 1 Did you buy a new coat? A I went there by bike .( ) 2 Where did you go ? B No ,I didnt( ) 3 When did you go there? C I went there last Sunday.( )4 How did you go there? D He lost his cap. ( ) 5 Whats the matter with Ben? E I went to the Great Wall. 六 根据所给情景,选出正确的句子。101.( ) 当你想告诉爸爸这是你的朋友时,你应该说:A. This is my friend. B This is my teacher. C This is my brother.2.( ) 当妈妈问你买了多少奶酪时,你应该说:A. Four bottles. B.One kilo. C. Four pears.3. ( ) 当你询问爸爸在超市买了什么,你应该说:A .What did you buy at the supermarket?B .What did you buy at the shop?C. What did you buy at the book shop? 4. ( )当你询问同桌喝了多少果汁时,应该说:-A. How much juice did you drink?B .How much milk did you drink?C .How may bags did you gay?5. ( )当你想表达他把钢笔弄丢了,你应该说A He lost his pen B .I lost my pen C. She lost her pen.6.当你想告诉妈妈它是我的T恤衫时, 应该说A Its my T-shirt.B They are my T-shirts. C The T-shirt is clean.7. 教室里有十七把椅子A There are seventeen chairs in the classroom.B There are sixteen chairs in the classroomC There are fifteen chairs in the classroom8. 老师让你擦黑板,你应该说-A All right . B Oh no. C No ,he didnt.9. 老师开始上课时,应该说-A Thank you B I am sorry. C Class begin.10. Ninety cats I can see.A 我能看到九十只猫。 B我能看到八十只猫。C B我能看到七十只猫。七 选择合适的句子,补全对话。5A Hello,AmyB -1-A Fine ,thanks,What did you do at the weekend?B:_2_A: Oh,_3_B :Lingling.We saw lots of monkeys.A: _4_B: By bus .A: _5_B:Yes ,She likes monkeys best. We had a good time.A Hello, Daming. How are you?B Who did you go with?C Did lingling like them?D How did you go there?E We went to see monkeys.1 _2_3_4_5_八 连词成句 (10 分 )1、 much ,you ,did, buy,How, cheese? 2、 Where ,you ,did , go. 3、only ,crayons, nineteen, There , are. 4、bought , ice cream, We. 5 the ,matter, Daming, with, Whats ? 5、 九、读短文,选出句子的正确答案。(10) My classroom is very bright and clean. It is not big but it is beautiful. There are forty-six pupils in our classroom. We are cute and lovely. There are forty-six desks and forty-six chairs. Theyre for us. Theres a TV on the wall.It can help us learn.Theres a blackboard in front of the teachers desk.And theres a flag on the top of the blackboard. There are also many pictures on the wall. They are useful for our studying. I like my classroom.( )1、How many children are there in the class? A、46 B、 56 C、 47( )2、The classroom is . A、big and bright B、big and clean C、small and clean ( )3、There is on the wall. A、a TV B、many pictures C、A and B( )4、Theres a flag . A、on the wall B、on the top of the blackboard C、on the desk( )5、-Does the boy like his classroom? - A、Yes,he does B、Yes ,he did C、No,he doesnt


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