2019-2020年新标准三年级Module1 Unit2 How are you导学案.doc

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2019-2020年新标准三年级Module1 Unit2 How are you导学案三年 级 英语学科 教 师:何开斌学习内容Module1 Greetings第二课时Unit 2 How are you? 学习目标知识目标Words: good morning how are you thank Sentences: Good morning How are you? Im fine, thank you.技能目标I can introduce myself and make friends with classmates.重难点及突破措施重点:见面问候用语及如何问候早上好。难点:用“Good morning”问候早上好;用句型“How are you? Im fine, thank you.”进行见面问候。突破措施:通过情景对话的练习模式操练语言点。用教师示范,学生模仿,小组竞赛的方法巩固运用所学重点内容。课前准备tape-recorder录音机 word cards单词卡片 multi-media多媒体课件导学案设计个性化设计预习学案一、I can read the sentences我会读这些句子 Good morning. How are you? Im fine, thank you.二、I know the words我认识这些单词 good morning how you fine thank三、I know the meaning of the dialogue.我知道课文的意思。自主乐学合作交流一、Warm up 1. Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, teacher. 2. Talk freelyThe teacher walk to a student and say “Hello” to him/her. T: Hello, Im your teacher.Ss: Hello, Im 3. Put on the headwear and ask four students to greet others like the people in the text.二、Lead in 老师对学生说:“今天,Sam刚刚起床,就有一只小鸟和一条小狗分别来向他问好。我们一起来看一看,他们是怎样使用英语向Sam问好的。”三、Text teaching 1. Look and listen. 2. Listen and find who are talking. Bird and Sam Dog and Sam. 3. Listen and repeat. 板书:Good morning 领读并解释其意思 4. Read in your group. 5. Put on the headwear. And act it out. Group work.带上头饰,分角色表演课文,比一比哪组做的好。 6. Game: 老师拿出带有“how”“are”“you”“Im”“fine”“thank”“you”的卡片,打乱顺序,请几名学生上前按照正确的顺序排成一队把他们排成通顺的句子。然后反复读几遍,看看哪组读的最棒。 7. Lets sing the song : Hello Hello 边做动作边唱,然后让学生上来表演。五、Exercise: Read and match六、Sum up Good morning 早上好How are you? 你好吗?Im fine, thank you. 七、Homework Greet your classmates using what we learned today. 同学见面用今天所学的用语来问候一下吧。八、Blackboard design.1.Words: good morning fine thank you how 2.Sentences: Good morning. How are you ? Im fine, thank you.3.Exercise: Read and match 多媒体课件展示1. a. Good morning, Sam. Hi, Im Liping.2. b. How are you? Good morning.3. c. Hello, Im Xiaoqiang. Bye-bye, Xiaoqiang.4. d. Goodbye, Liping. Im fine, thank you.检测反馈课外拓展教学反思附送:2019-2020年新标准三年级英语期中复习题班级:_ 姓名:_ (Jiankang Yang 07、9) 一、听音,补全单词。1、( ) _se A. j B. u C. v 2、( )_ _sy A. ee B. ei C. ea3、( ) m_ke A. a B. e C. i 4、( ) l_vely A. a B. o C. e5、( ) sh_ _s A. or B. oo C. ro 6、( )dr_gon boat A. e B. a C. i7、( ) _dea A. a B. i C. e 8、( )inst_ _d A. ee B. ie C. ea9、( ) p_ _ple A. oe B. eo C. ee 10、( )w_t A. e B. a C. i二、听音,圈出听到的内容。1、Do you use chopsticks in England?2、Lets make a cake for Mum and Dad!3、Look at those ducks over there!4、I can jump far.5、Can I have an ice cream?三、听音,打。1、( )A. They are pens. ( )B. They are pencils.2、( )A. I use chopsticks. ( )B. I use my hands.3、( )A. Its hard for you.( )B. Its easy for you.4、( )A. Please go to your room.( )B. Please be quiet!.5、( )A. This bird can fly. ( )B. This bird cant fly.四、选择填空。1、( )Do you want rice? Yes, I _. A. want B. do C. want to2、( )We use _ and _. A. knife, fork B. knife, a fork C. a knife, fork3、( )What are you eating? Im _ a hamburger. A. eating B. eat C. to eat4、( )_ _ Amys books. A. These is B. These are C. This are5、( )Daming can _ _. A. fast run B. run far C. run fast

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