2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 8(2)教案 新世纪版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 8(2)教案 新世纪版单元主题5B Unit 8 Eating Out in Shanghai单元介绍本单元Wonderland中的单词都是一些中国小吃,学生大都没有学过,除了dumpling, delicious。教学时应重点让学生听、说、读、写这些单词,用各种不同的方式操练单词,可以组词,可以用各种不同的句型、时态造句,也可让学生在这些单词中挑几个连起来说一段话,或写下来,要让学生灵活运用这些单词。教学时可把Grand Theatre中的meat pies放在wonderland中进行教学,此外还要让学生知道steamed bread, bun, soup, fried rice,sticky rice是不可数名词,sticky rice dumplings 就是zongzi, 掌握动词make的用法和含义:如:make dumplings, make soup, make tea, make cakes, make lunch, make the bed, make paper frogs等。本单元主要学习句型:Would you like to ? Yes, Id like / love to. No, thanks. What would you like to? Where would you like to ? Can I have?Could I have? 及其回答。并让学生了解Could I have?比Can I ?语气上要客气,表示允许、许可,常用在口语中。在教学本单元时可让学生整理学过的食物,并能区分哪些是中餐食品,哪些是西餐食品,哪些是快餐食品。本单元的Grand Theatre“Eating Out in Shanghai”,是前面两个单元School in Shanghai和Holidays in Shanghai的延伸续集,前面是enjoy 0ut in Shanghai,学生已经了解了上海的著名景点,感觉到上海的美和巨大变化。本单元主要介绍上海的中西餐馆的文化,体现上海的国际性。让学生了解如何领外国友人在上海餐馆吃饭的一个过程,知道中西方食品文化之间的一些差异,并能通过介绍中餐各食品的特色,加深对上海食品的了解,增强对家乡的热爱之情。Grand Theatre中对话内容是学生比较喜欢、好理解的,重点是让学生复习、巩固和再现原有的食物词汇,并拓展一些相关的信息,使学生能在编对话时有丰富的语感与自信。要让学生掌握如何领友人在餐馆吃饭的这个过程、学会沟通、表达意愿和介绍食品的种类与特点,能听说、阅读理解对话的内容,并能模仿课文话题编一个简单的对话或做一个简单采访活动。学生的对话过程,在提出建议时可以用到的句型:Would you like to?Id like to、You can tryLets trycould、在表达自己对该食品的喜爱时可以用到:(that、it)Sounds wonderful/delicious/ great 、xxx cant wait。还有在对话中的连接词在这段对话中用的很自然,五年级的学生应该在这个方面应该有所掌握,如:so、oh、well、Mmm、then、ok、as well、I agree 。尽量让学生学着在用英语做事时要自然和自信,对话中句型句式和词汇的丰富由学生自由发挥变化。单元教学目标 听、说、读、写单词:steamed bread, bun, soup, crab, fried rice, dumpling, sticky, delicious,并能灵活运用单词和词组。掌握上述单词的语音、词义及在语境中的使用。能用Would you like to ? What would you like to? Where would you like to ? Can I have?Could I have? 提出建议,征求别人的意见。能区分哪些是中餐食品,哪些是西餐食品,哪些是快餐食品。能用(that、it)Sounds wonderful/delicious/ great 、xxx cant wait。等句子表达自己对该食品的喜爱。能掌握对话中的一些连接词,如:so、oh、well、Mmm、then、ok、as well、I agree等。能听说和阅读理解Grand Theatre中的语言材料,并且能熟练回答Language Lab中的问题。能正确朗读元音音标 /:/ /:/ ,。并能看音标读出、写出相应的单词。能根据字母组合的发音给单词归类并读出单词。能朗读Rhyme, 语音、语调、节奏基本正确。学习能力强的学生能仿照Rhyme自编一首。能了解中西方食品文化之间的一些差异,并能通过介绍中餐各食品的特色,加深对上海食品的了解,增强对家乡的热爱之情。能用68句话写一段外出吃饭的短文。单元课时安排 序号类型内容课时1单词教学steamed bread, bun, soup, crab, fried rice, dumpling, sticky, delicious及句子1课时2对话教学对话:Id like to have及有关食物的单词; Pair work1课时3阅读教学Eating out in Shanghai1课时4音标和儿歌教学Disneyland: The twelve months and Music Box1课时5练习课单元总练习1课时课时教学设计 第一课时预习:课前要求学生查好单词音标;试着自己拼读单词;听Unit 8 Wonderland的录音。课前准备:PPT演示文稿制作及一些食物。教学目标:通过听、说、读、写等活动,熟练掌握单词:steamed bread, bun, soup, crab, fried rice, dumpling, sticky, delicious, meat pies的音、形、义及句子。能在语言环境中灵活运用以上各单词、词组。能用所学单词进行组词、造句。能选用几个单词自编一段话,或写下来。能为自己的身边的人做一些家务活,如烧饭、做饺子等。课型:单词教学课堂活动活动过程教师活动学生活动Pre-task preparation1.Chant:I like spring rolls .Yes, I do.They are nice and good for you. I like dumplings . Yes, I do.And I like dumplings .more than you.I like noodles. Yes, I do.They are delicious and good for you.I like food. Yes, I do.And I like food more than you.2.Daily talk:(1) What food do you usually have for breakfast?(2) What food do you usually have for lunch?(3) What food do you usually have for supper?(4)Do you like Chinese food or Western food? Why?(5)Whats your favorite Chinese food?1. Read the chant.2.学生回答问题While-task procedure活动一Learn the words:dumpling, soup1. Guess: Whats Miss Wangs favorite Chinese food? (引出单词:dumpling)2. 教师出示音标3. Ask: (1)Can you make dumplings?(2) Who can make dumplings in your family?(3) What can you make?4. 引出soup (出示一段烧番茄汤的录像,边放边教)T: What are these?T; What is she doing?T: Can you make egg and tomato soup?T: Lets make egg and tomato soup.T: Make a dialogue like this.A: Can you make _ soup?B: Yes, its very easy.A: Lets make_ soup.B: _.活动二Learn the words: steamed bread, bun, meat pies1.T:(创设情景)Oh, its eleven oclock. We are hungry. I think Yu Garden is a good placing for eating.What do you want to have for lunch in Yu Garden?2. T: OK. (出示课件)Wow, so many Chinese dishes.Do you like Chinese dishes? Why?(出示)Chinese dishes are very delicious.3. _ (is) is delicious.4. T: And do you want to have snacks, too?(出示点心)(1)Whats this? (引出bun) Whats in the bun? 出示:Theres some pork in the bun.Theres _ in the bun.5. Is this bun? (引出steamed bread)T: Do you usually have steamed bread for breakfast?T: What snack do you usually have for breakfast?T: I usually have meat pies for breakfast.6. Make a dialogue like this.活动三Learn the words:fried rice, sticky, 1. T: What do you usually have for lunch? (引出fried rice)2. Do you like fried rice? Why?T: Fried rice is spicy. So lots of foreigners like fried rice.Do you know What food do lots of foreigners like as well?3. T:(拿出食物) This isnt fried rice. Its sticky rice. I dont like sticky rice. Because its too sticky.Do you like sticky rice? 出示:sticky rice dumpling=zongzi4. 活动四:learn the words: crabT: What are these?(引出crab)Where are these crabs from?1. 学生猜测老师最喜欢的中餐食品。2. 学生根据音标拼读单词3. 学生回答问题4. S: They are eggs and tomatoes.S: Shes making egg and tomato soup.S: Yes, its very easy.S: OK.S: 自编对话1.学生回答问题2. 学生跟读单词和句子3. 学生操练4. 学生回答和操练5. 学生问答6. 小组编对话A: Do you usually have steamed bread for breakfast?B: No, _A: What snack do you usually have for breakfast?B: I usually have _ for breakfast. I think _.2.学生操练,Lots of foreigners like _as well.3. 学生操练A: I dont like_.B: Why dont you like_?A: I dont like _because_.1.学生回答:S: These crabs are from Yangcheng Lake.These crabs are from_2.学生操练_is (are) from_.Post-task activities1. Read the phonetics and the sentences on the board.2. Memory test.3. Lets have a try.(1)I think c_ are every delicious.(2)Chinese people eat much r_ for their meals.(3)May I have some e_ and tomato s_?(4)I cook v_ for my family every day.(5)The s_rice is for making Zongzi .(6) Pork b_ are very delicious.(7) Most foreigners like f_ rice very much.(8) I have d_ for my breakfast once a week. 4. Choose three words and say some sentences.1. Read together.2. 小组活动:看谁记得单词最多3. Do exercises.4. Say some sentences in groups.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 8(2)教案 湘少版Teaching aims:1.Tell the children to be honest.2.Can listen and say the new words of Part B.3.Knowledge :mine his ours theirs yours art exhibition Thats not mine! Teaching emphasis and difficulties:mine his ours theirs yours art exhibition Thats not mine! Teaching aids :Pictures , cards, recorder, tape , puter.Teaching methods:1.Direct Method.2.Audio-lingual Method.3.Games.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead in1.Greetings .2.Warm up:1. 师生问候。2.A game-Dragon gameStep 2 Presentation 1.出示B部分的单词和短语的图片和单词卡片: mine his ours theirs yours art exhibition教学新单词。2.Quick response : Show the pictures and new words of the new knowledge and have the children say them as quick as possible .3.Have the children listen and read Part B.4.Teach the sentence pattern: Thats not mine!Step 3 Practice1.A game: Patting flies(拍苍蝇) 将单词卡片或图片贴在黑板上,并标上序号,教师或一名学生用手势示意序号,其他学生大声地读出序号对应的单词,每轮派两名学生到黑板前,根据所听到的读音快速地指到正确的图片或单词。2.A game :The police catch the thief .3Play a game : Guessing game with pictures.4.Practice: Thats not mine/ yours /his /ours /theirs /hers!Step 4 Consolidation1Listen to the tape and read Part B.2Copy the new words, phrases and sentence patterns “Thats not mine/ yours /his /ours /theirs /hers!” .3.Homework :Read Part B and copy the new knowledge for 5 times .4.Sum up:对学生的表现进行评价,给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生说的欲望。5.Homework :Read Part B and copy the new knowledge for 5 times .第二课时Teaching content: Part ATeaching aims:1. Tell the children to be honest.2.Can listen and say the sentences of Part A.3.Knowledge : be long to spot same stripe a police station honest kind luckyTeaching emphasis and difficulties:1. be long to spot same stripe a police station honest kind lucky2. The dialogue of Part A.Teaching aids :Pictures , cards, recorder, tape .Teaching methods:1.Tasks teaching method.2.Audio-lingual Method.3municative Method.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead in1.Greetings .2.Warm up:1. 师生问候。2.Free talk:T: Show me your rubber /ruler/pen/ Is this your ruler? Is that his/her pen? Whose blackboard is it? Are these your pens?板书my ,your, her , his, our, their, 带读。 Step 2 Presentation 1.出示图片和卡片,板书并教单词:be long to spot same stripe a police station honest kind lucky2.教学会话中的句型。3.Read the dialogue of Part A.4.听课文A部分录音,整体感知课文内容。5.Listen to Part A 、B and read after the tape.6.自由朗读。Step 3 PracticeRead and perform Part A. Step 4 Consolidation1. Read and perform Part A. 2.Sum up: 对学生的表现进行评价,给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生说的欲望。3.Homework :Read Part A and copy the new knowledge for 5 times .Make some sentences with the sentence pattern.第三课时Teaching aims:1.Enable the Ss retell the text;2.Enable the Ss finish Part D and Part E.3.Tell the children to get up early.Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss finish Part D and Part E.Teaching difficulties:There are some new words in the Ex. Teaching tools:Tape, recorder, VCDTeaching methods:1. Tasks Approach2.Audio-lingual Method.3. municative Method.Teaching steps:Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Read Part A together.3. Ask 2 Ss to retell the text.Step 2 Presentation and drill1. Finish Part D: T:Whats this man? S:Hes a policeman. T:Whos this boy ? S:Hes Peter. T:Where are they? S:Theyre in the police station. T:Whats that in the police station? S:Its a purse. T:Whom does the purse belong to ? Whats in the purse?2. Listen and answer the questions.Step 3 Practice Part E: Lets play.Step 4 Consolidation1.Do Ex. Workbook Unit 2.2.Evaluation.3.Homework. Revise Unit 2.


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