2019-2020年六年级英语下册 6B Unit 6 活动单教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语下册 6B Unit 6 活动单教案 苏教牛津版班级 姓名 学号 【学习目标】1掌握be going to的用法。2了解动词在一般将来时的句子中的形式,be going to中的be动词会随着主语而变化。 3 能用正确的语音、语调朗读课文,并正确理解课文含义。【活动方案】活动一:复习句型,巩固be going to的用法。1. 小组会话What are you/they going to do? Im /Were/Theyre going to.What is he/she/it going to do? Hes/Shes/Its going to.2. Play a game.活动二:听录音,初步理解导入部分的内容。听导入部分录音,回答问题。(1) What day is it today?(2) Whats the weather like today?(3) What are David and Gao Shan talking about?活动三:运用多种阅读方式,理解对话部分的内容。1听读课文,判断下列句子的正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。( ) David is going to see the Beijing opera with Gao Shan.( ) David is going to meet Gao Shan at six in front of the Garden Theatre.( ) There is a concert in the school tomorrow.( ) David is going to play the piano at the concert.( ) Nancy is going to play the violin at the concert.2选择你喜欢的人物,分角色朗读课文,填表。NameActivities(活动)WhenGao ShanDavidon Sunday afternoonNancy3请在小组内分角色再读课文,如果你还有不能理解的短语或句子,请先画出来,然后在小组内请教同学,如果还不能解决,请举手问老师。【课堂反馈】1. 请朗读下列短语或句子,然后将其译成汉语。(1)Hello.Is that Gao Shan?(2)warm and sunny(3)have school(4)call Gao Shan(5)talk about their plans(6)see a Beijing opera (7)Would you like to join us?(8)in front of(9)by the way(10)tomorrow afternoon(11)at the concert(12)of course2. 比一比,哪组课文读得最好。3.完成下列句子。(1)They going to (take) photos this morning.(2 ) Su Hai going (cook) nice food for me soon .(3 ) you going to (play)football next Sunday?(4 ) What she to (do ) tomorrow evening?.(5)I to New York next year.【Homework】1听磁带,模仿录音中的语音语调,熟读课文。2抄写句子和短语2+1遍。附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册 6B Unit 7(5)教案 苏教牛津版教学内容B Look read and learn & C Look and say教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读、写词组glue , write a letter 。2、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组a postcard , writing paper , an e-mail , an e-mail , a fax number3. 四会句型:Can I have What for? I want to do 4、能根据图片提供的情景进行描述和对话。5、了解几种常见的通信设备及相关词汇并会用英语向别人要自己需要的材料。教学重点1、能正确地听、说、读、写词组glue , write a letter。2、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组a postcard , writing paper , an e-mail , an e-mail , a fax number教学准备1、教具准备1)关于通信设备的实物、图片。2)录音机和磁带。2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。教学过程Step 1:Warming up :1. Greetings : Good morning boys and girls!2. Free talk :What day is it today ?What date is it today?Whats the weather like today ?Which season do you like best? Why?Oh, Miss Yu dont have an English book?Can I have your English book? 引导回答: Sure .Here you are .Oh,Thank you.I dont have a pen, Can I have your pen? 引导回答I dont have a telephone. Can I have your telephone?Step 2:Presentation :1、Oh, this is a telephone.(领读) Look here, I have some telephone numbers for you. This is 110 、119、122、120、114,if you have some problems, you can call them. They are telephone numbers.领读学习telephone number My telephone number is 88754345. Whats your telephone number?2. Is it a telephone? 出示传真机,学习。3Look, yesterday I received a letter from my penfriend.师出示一封信,学习单词letter4.a,T: This is a letter from my penfriend .What should I do now ?S1:You can write a letter.(师可以做手势提示)T: I can write a letter to my penfriend .What do I need ?Guess !S1:You need some writing paper .(可用汉语说)课件出示:writing paper,教授单词,师手拿几张信纸,强调some writing paper (渗透writing paper是不可数的名词) T:I want to write a letter .Can I have some writing paper ?S1:Sure.Here you are.(与学生操练多次后,板书Can I have? Sure.Here you are.)师得到很多张信纸后问:Do you want some writing paper ? Ss :Yes .引导学生用: Can I have?要信纸,这时教师可以问:Why ?引导生回答:I want to 与学生操练两到三次后把Why ?变成What for ?操练,并板书What for ?I want to 课件出示图片,让学生用I want to造句。5.T:I have some writing paper .I start to write the letter. Dear lily:师在信纸上写上几句话。Oh, I have finished the letter. What do I need now ?Look! 课件出示信封一角,S1:信封从而引出:an envelope 领读师生用所学的句型造句。T:Can I have an envelope ?S1: What for ?T: I want to write a letter.S1:Sure.Here you are.生生操练4.I also need some glue T: some glue 语气加强,渗透glue为不可数名词a.Make some sentences with “glue”.S1:I have some glue.S2:There is a bottle of glue on the desk.S3:I want to buy some glue.5、I want to post a postcard to her.学习postcard6、If you dont want to write a letter to her, you can surf the Internet and write an e-mail to her学习an e-mailStep 3 Play games:1.Whats missing ?2.Draw a picture .T:(教师拿出一些彩纸)Look, I have some beautiful paper .Do you like it ?Ss: Yes, I do .T:You can say “Can I have”(引导学生用所学的句型向老师要纸,可以以小组的形式要纸。)T:Now, boys and girls ,look here ,if you want to have a ruler, you can draw a ruler. Draw something what you want.学生画完后,师拿起一个学生的画:(夸张地)T:How beautiful! Whats this ?S1:Its a T: What for ?S1:I want toMake a dialogue.(Work in groups)Can I have some paper?What for? What for?I want to draw a picture ,draw a picture.Sure ,sure ,Here you are. Step 4:Look and say .1.Look at this picture, work in pairs2.Act the dialogues.3.Write the dialogues.Step6:Homework :1,Copy the new words four times.2,Part C in your copybook .


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