2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit8 lesson16(1)教案 闽教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit8 lesson16(1)教案 闽教版 教学目标:I、知识目标1语音:字母a在单词中的读音。2能听说、认读主要单词:fridge, great3用“There be”句型复习询问物体间位置关系及食物单词可数名词与不可数名词在问句中的运用。掌握两个新句型:Is there anyin the fridge? Yes, there is. /No, there isnt.Are there anyin the fridge? Yes, there are. /No, there arent.4功能:学会如何询问自己需要的物品。II、能力目标:1能听、会读、会写本课主要单词:fridge, great2熟读并学会本课关于询问物体间位置关系及食物单词可数名词与不可数名词在问句中的运用。教学重难点:1语音:字母a在单词中的读音。2词汇:fridge, great3新句型:Is there anyin the fridge? Yes, there is. / No, there isnt.Is there anyin the fridge? Yes, there are./ No, there arent.的理解和运用。教具准备:教学卡片 VCD教学过程:IWarming up1Greetings2揭示课题:T:今天我们继续来学习Home , Lesson16.Ss: Lesson16.3Sing a song: Pat a cake. IIPresentation1语音教学T: Well done! Read after me. a a /ei/ /ei/ /ei/ cake(发/ei/的音还有vase, name, plane, train) / / apple(发/的音还有:bag, cat, rabbit)我们学习过字母a发/ei/和/的音,今天我们来学习它的新的一个发音。Firstly, lets say a chant:We eat cakes.We eat apples.Rabbits eat grass.Grass, grass.Who can guess, grass中的a发什么音? S1:/a:/2听录音T: Great! Lets read. Ss:3找规律assT:我们来找找规律,谁能说出这三个单词有什么相同之处呢?S1:ass4T: Great! ass /a;s/a:/ /a:/ /pa:s/,/a:s/ /a:s/ /pa:s/,/p-a:s/ /p-a:s/ /pa:s/ Ss: (学生根据操练规律全班齐读class&grass)5复习食物单词Great! Rabbits like grass, we like many food. Lets review the words about food.If u like it, read it louder. Ok? Ss: Ok!.(melon apple milk peach egg rice)6复习区分可数名词与不可数名词T:我们接触过不少食物单词,根据词性来分,可以分为哪两种呢?Ss:可数名词和不可数名词T:谁能记得什么是可数名词呢?(可数名词是表示可以一个一个数的,复数形式要加s)(引导学生念出其它的都是可数名词)7按顺序分类可数/不可数名词,分类好可数不可数后引导学生读两遍(升降调)。8Game: 抢读单词。Read these words 2 times,是不可数名词抢读3遍,OK?1)egg banana rice 2)peach ice cream apple fish 3)milk orange cake hamburger91)(PPT)Spell one by one:milk ice cream apple cakeT: Look at these four pictures.(Spell 图1.2.3.4)听写:milk ice cream apple cake(请三位学生上台听写,其它座位上听写)10Teach: fridgeT: So many food. I want to put them in it.(fridge PPT)Whats this? Oh! Its a fridge.1) read it2) spell it and write down on the board3) fridge fridge in the fridge4) Game:四面开花T: (point to S1)*.S1:Fridge,fridge.Ss(前后左右起立快速说):In the fridge.11学习新句型:Is there anyin the fridge?1)Review: There beT: Lets put some food in the fridge. Ss: Yes.T: Look! There is fish in the fridge.T:(点击ice cream图片,引导学生用There be句型)How to say?2)New sentence: Is there anyin the fridge?T: Ok! Is there any ice cream in the fridge? Ss: Yes.T:(操练问句)Read after me. Is there any ice cream in the fridge?Ss: T: Read 4 times, please.(T板书问句)引导学生用Yes, there is.回答4)引导学生用No, there isnt.回答T: Look, there is ice cream in the fridge. Is there any milk in the fridge? Yes or no?Ss: No, there isnt.3)Guessing game:让学生猜红色冰箱的食物。S1:Is there anyin the fridge? Ss: Yes, there is./ No, there isnt.(出示黄色和蓝色冰箱,猜对的奖励ice cream, each one is 3 points)12同样方法教授Are there anyin the fridge? Yes, there are./ No, there arent.IIILearning Text1. T: Today, Sally is hungry. What does she want? Open your books to page75.Lets listenS1:Ice cream.2.Listen& repeat & answer.T: Is there any ice cream in the fridge? Ss: Yes.3.Listen & repeat.IVPractice.1Guessing game:猜classroom,music room里有哪些东西。(自由发挥,T说Y/N猜对的奖励)T: Home is a nice place. Lets play memory game.S1:看一下屏幕,然后猜Is / Are there (a)any in the bedroom?Ss: Yes, there is(are)./ No, there isnt(arent) .2. Chant: The Rooms.T: Do you like your bedrooms? Ss: Yes.T: Lets say the chant: The Rooms.3.Turn to the page 78.Lets do part4:Listen and circle the right answer.T: The first time, pay attention to the rooms and numbers.(中文解释)T: The second time, pay attention to the things and positions. Ss:T: The third time, listen carefully and check the answers.VEvaluation1评价汇总。统计各小组得分。T: How many points?2各小组分别亮出fridge的得分。T: Is there any ice cream in the fridge? Ss: Yes, there is./No, there isnt.T: How many points? Ss: VIHomework1认真听课文录音3遍,家长签字。2完成活动手册上本课的练习。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 Unit8 Lesson16(2)教案 闽教版课题:Unit 8 Lesson 16(第一课时) 教学目标:1.复习词汇:like, beautiful, Thank you.2.学习词汇:sweater, shirt, skirt, socks, shoes, put on, take off,3.学习句型:Put on your, Take off your 4.能听懂、会说赞美别人的句子教具准备:磁带、录音机、衣服、鞋子、袜子。教学过程:教学流程教与学的双边关系教师方面学生方面Step1WarmingUpa. Greetingsb. Free talk: Answer my questiona. Greetingsb. AnswerStep2Reviewing and Leading ina. Show the things (sweater, shirt, skirt, socks, shoes,) and ask: “Whats this?”b. Learn the words cask some students to read the words:a. Answer: Its a b. Learn the wordsc. Read the wordsStep3Learning NewShow the cards(sweater, shirt, skirt, socks, shoes)and readWrite the words: skirt, Sweater, socks, shoes, shirt.Game: The bomb!Game: Point and read Do the action: Put on your shoes. Put on your hat. Take off your hat. Take off your shoes. Take off your socks.Lead in the sentence: Put on your shoes. And teach it. Learn: Take off your shoes.Activity: Put on and take off the clothes.Read and practice in groupsRead the wordsRead after the teacherPlay the gamePlay the gameDo the action.Learn the sentenceRead after the teacherDo the action.Read after the teacher and act itStep4 Practice and Reada. Ask some pairs e to the blackboard to act out the dialogb. Practice with your partnerc. Play the tapea. Practiceb. Do it c. Read after the tapeStep5Warp UpLets see what we have learnt todayReview the words and the dialogsStep6HomeworkSet the homeworkDo the homework

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