2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit2 lesson14(2)教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit2 lesson14(2)教案 冀教版一、教学目标:知识目标:复习天气的英语句型和单词。2.掌握What time is it ? 和When is it? 两个问句的用法。3.复习表示动作的单词和词组write ,read ,go to school, go home 情感目标: 培养学生积极学习英语的态度,使学生之间能团结协作。发扬合作精神,乐于模仿、敢于开口、积极参与,养成良好的学习习惯。 二、教学重点:学生熟练运用What time is it ? 和When is it? 进行对话练习。三、教学难点:理解课文内容。四、教学准备:“表”的模型、磁带、录音机。 学具准备:自制“表”的模型五、教学过程:(一)复习教师做动作,学生猜词组: read, write ,go to school, go home .教师画简笔画:太阳、雨滴、风、云、 雪。学生说出单词并板书英文单词。教师指图提问:Do you like sun? Do you like rain?.学生回答。教师提问:Hows the weather?学生回答。教师根据回答在相应的图下板书表示天气的单词。小组内练习对话: 互相提问Hows the weather today?和Do you like_?(二)新授1、教师出示表的模型,播出7:00,提问:What time is it ?并回答Its 7:00. 讲解句型汉意和oclock 的用法。2、学生拨表(整点),教师提问:What time is it ?学生回答。之后学生拨表(整点),学生提问:What time is it ?学生回答。3、教师,播出4:30,提问:What time is it ?并回答Its 4:30. 讲解30分的表达方法。然后小组内练习对话: 互相拨表提问、回答What time is it ?4、教师提问:When is breakfast/lunch/supper ? 学生回答In the _ .讲解具体点钟的表示方法:At _.然后小组内练习句型When is_?5、比较What time is it ? 和When is it?的用法。(三)利用课本和录音带学生跟录音带看书。教师讲解难点单词work hard ,do my maths, then 。跟读磁带。(四)练习学生读熟课文并分角色表演课文内容。(五)家庭作业用到What time is it ? 和When is it?编一段对话。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit2 lesson15教案 冀教版教学目标:知识目标:1.将书中的小测试用作复习。仔细观察学生的理解情况。 2.故事The month family能力目标:1继续培养学生的听说读写能力。 2了解特殊疑问句的构成及用法。教学重点:1.复习本单元重点句型及回答。 2.理解故事The month family。教学难点:学生对What day is it?When is ?How is the weather?What is the third(fifth)?的理解与应用。教具、学具:录音机及磁带。教学过程:Greetingsing a song复习Are you ready to listen,class?Stand for the right answer.What day is it?It is Monday,June14th.It is Monday,June 10th.When is breakfast ?At 7 oclock in the morning . At 3 oclock in the morning .How is the weather in December?It is warm and rainy.It is cold and snowy.What is the third day of the week?Its Tuesday.Its Friday.What is the fifth month ?The fifth month is August.The fifth month is May.How did you do ,class?Look at the answer below.Story The month family(use the storybook and audiotape)Prepare to read Do the students remember their first day of school?Were they excited?How old were they ?When did school start this ysar? Read DiscussWhere is he/she ?Is he old or young?What time is it?Is he /she happy or sad?Why?How many girls and boys are there ?Do you like this story?Why or why not? 利用活动手册在做练习前,先阅读这篇故事。第3题是一个听力练习。Class Closing 板书设计: Lesson15: Are You Ready For a Quiz? What day is it? When is breakfast ? How is the weather in December? What is the third day of the week? What is the fifth month ?

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