2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 7 Months of the Year Lesson13教案 闽教版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 7 Months of the Year Lesson13教案 闽教版教学目的与要求 能听懂、会说十二个月份的名称。 能听懂、并用所学的句型谈论各个月份的天气情况,如:Whats the weather like in spring?Its always warm in March, April and May.对学生来说,要记住十二个月份的英语名称有一定的难度,由于本课把月份和天气结合起来教,建议老师按照课文中月份出现的顺序,先教春季的三、四、五月份的英语名称。老师先教单词March, 然后给同学讲解三月份的名称的来历,以引起学生的兴趣。在反复带读March之后,教师问学生:Whose birthday is in March? 一个班级的学生中很可能有几个人的生日在三月份,教师可以让他们站起来说:My birthday is in March. 然后老师统计共有几个同学的生日在三月份。教师还可以继续引导学生说出类似的句子,如:My mothers birthday is in March. 等。1. Learn to say. 学说英语 教师用导入部分所建议的方法教单词March, April和May。学生能够熟练地说出这几个月份的名称后,教师把这三个月份的名称填写在黑板上事先画好的表格里(如下图),并用说:March, April and May are in spring. Whats the weather like in spring? 学生回答:Its warm. 教师在表格的天气一栏填上warm, 接着问:Does it often rain in spring? 学生答:Yes.SeasonMonthWeatherSpringMarchWarmRainAprilMay 教师用导入部分所建议的方法教单词,June, July 和August。在教June时,教师可以说:Childrens Day is in June. 学生能够熟练地说出这几个月份的名称后,教师把这三个月份的名称填写在下面的表格里,并问同学:Do you go to school in July and August? 学生答:No, we dont. 教师接着问:Whats the weather like in June, July and August? 学生回答:Its hot. 教师在表格的天气一栏填上hot, 接着问:Is there any typhoon in summer? 教单词typhoon, 并在表格里的天气一栏填写typhoon。SeasonMonthWeatherSummerJuneHotTyphoonJulyAugust 教师用导入部分所建议的方法教单词,September,October 和November。在教September时,教师可以说:Teachers Day is in September. 当学生能熟练地说出这几个月的名称后,教师把这三个月份的名称填写在下面的表格里,并问同学:Whats the weather like in September, October and November? Is it hot or cool?学生回答后,教师总结说:Its still hot in September. Its cool in October and November. 教师在表格的天气一栏填写如下信息:SeasonMonthWeatherFallSeptemberHotOctoberCoolNovember 教师用导入部分所建议的方法教单词,December,January 和February。在教December时,教师可以说:Christmas Day is in December. 教January时,教师可以说:New Years Day is in January. 教February时,教师可以说:Spring Festival is in January or February.。当学生能熟练地说出这几个月的名称后,教师把这三个月份的名称填写在下面的表格里,并问同学:Whats the weather like in December, January and February? Is it cold?Does it snow? 学生回答后,教师总结说:It is not too cold in December. Its cold in January and February. 教师在表格的天气一栏填写如下信息:SeasonMonthWeatherWinterDecemberNot too coldJanuaryColdSnowFebruary Whats the weather like in Fujian? (福建的天气怎么样?) 这一句中的like是介词,词组be like的意思是“具有特点”。 cool down 是动词短语,意思是“凉爽起来”。cool也可以做形容词使用,如:Is it cool in fall? (秋天天气凉爽吗?)2. Fill in the chart. 填表课本82页的“填表”练习目的在于检查学生是否真正理解课文。课时紧的话,可以不知学生可后完成。3. Play a game. 游戏这个游戏的目的是让同学复习巩固十二个月的表达法,让全班每个同学在小纸条上用英语写上自己出生的月份,放到一起,选出一个代表,来读小纸条,由一个同学在黑板上统计每个月份有几个同学生日。统计数据出来后,代表向全班同学用英语报告结果(如最后一图对话框所示)。4. Look, ask and say. 看图问答这个练习主要操练本课的主要句型和月份的表达法,要求学生根据图表中上海的各个月份的天气情况进行问答。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit 7 Holiday postcard教案 深港版I. Teaching aims and demands:1. Task objectives*Understand more plex or a series of instruction and act accordingly.* Understand simple questions in class*Relate personal experience and information about family and friends by eliciting and responding to simple questions.*Participate in simple role-plays*Provide information by using tables2.Main and difficult points:1) New words and expressions: the UK visit Grandma and Grandpa the US/ climb a mountain Canada/ski and skate Australia play volleyball on the beach 2) Grammar: Tense: Simple past tenseII. Teaching aids: tape recorder, pictures, and cards, CIA etc.III. Time allocation: 7 class periodsIV. Teaching methods and steps:The 1st periodStep 1. GreetingsStep 2. Free talk.Step 3. Lead in1. Ask the students what the weather is like today.T: What is the weather like? Ss: Its T: How is the weather? Ss: Its Step 4. Work on Part A.1) Pre-reading activity.Brainstorming:Talking about holiday, what word do you think of first, everyone thinks of one word.2) Presentation1. Write on the board a brief travel plan with dates, following Marks sample in the book. Tell the students, I am going to travel soon. First Im going to Im going to be infromto 2. rub off the place names. Ask the Ss Where would you like to travel? Why?3.Ask the students to open their books and read Part A after the tape.4. Ask the Ss to answer questions: Where is Mark going to go? When is he going to be there?5. Point to the places on the map. Ask the Ss : What is Mark going to do in the places?Step 5. Consolidation Work in pairs and practice making sentences about their travel plans for different dates.Step 6. Homework1. Recite A2. Exercises in workbook.The 2nd periodStep 1. Greetings and Free TalkStep 2. Revision 1. Review the new words and expressions by dictation.2. check the homework.Step 3. Presentation and practice1. Presentation1) Write on the board my travel plan again. Write on the board the questions words Where? When? What?2) Tell the students to ask about my travel by using Where did you go? What did I do there?2. Teach Part B1Listen to the first part of B1. Give out the questions before listening.1) Where did Mark go?2) What did he do there?3) What did he like?4) Where did Mark go next?5) How did he go there?6) What did he like?Step 4. Tell the students to role-play Pat and Koko and talk about the postcards.Step 5 A gameStep 6. Homework1. Recite Part B12. Make their own travel plan. 3. Listen to the cassette of the textbook 3 times.The 3rd periodStep 1. Greetings and free talkStep 2. Review and language pointsStep 3. Teach B21) Show transparency. Tell the Ss to look at the photos of Anns holiday. Ask them What did she do on holiday?2) Tell the Ss to read the postcard and to circle the correct words where there is a choice by checking with the photos.3) Ask individual students to read aloud the sentences of the postcard to check the answers with the whole class.Step 5. Do a survey.Ask your desk mate what he or she did on holiday. Ask some students to report.Step 6 Listen to B3 and circle the words they hear.Step 7. Homework1. Write at lease 5 sentences about one of your holidays.Prepare for a dictation.The 4th periodStep 1. Greetings and Free talkStep 2. Finish part C1. Tell the students to look at the picture of Turtle Mountain and ask them Why is it called Turtle Mountain? What can you do at Turtle Mountain?2. Let the students read the text silently and unaided the first time. Play the tape for the students and ask them to say the sentences after the tape Step 3. Do some consolidation exercise. Billy and Nancy _ Turtle Mountain. They _there. And it was great! The mountain is in _. Billy and Nance not only _ but also _ the mountain. They _ three days there and had a _ time. They _ _ the mountain and _ lots of _. They _ some _birds. They _ very fast! Billy and Nancy _ a lot of_ _ them. e to Turtle Mountain _ three day or three weeks and you can enjoy the clean _ , _and _ there.Step 4 Discussion : Read an ad. Work in groups and make a decision: Which route will you chose? You have to tell:1.Who 2.Why3.How4.What5.Where6.When Step 5. Homework:Write a short passage about what you did on holidays.The 5th periodStep 1. Greetings and free talkStep 2. Review A, B1, B2, B3 and CStep 3. Teach Part E Read the symbols and say the words 1. Play the tape and ask the Ss to listen to the sounds and the words2. Say the words slowly and clearly. 2. Ask some students to read the words3. Play the tape and ask the Ss to listen to the rhyme and then ask them to repeat 4. Play the tape and ask them to listen to the words and then write them under the correct symbolsStep 5. Finish the Workbook exercisesStep 6. Homework:Review what we learnt todayThe 6th periodStep 1. Greetings and free talkStep 2. Review Part CStep 3. Teach Part F1 Ask the Ss to do some research on the cities before they e to class they should find out what they can do in those cities.2.Ask the students to choose a city and make a list of things they can do there.3.Ask the students to work in groups and exchange information.4. Brainstorm the greetings and endings for a postcard.5. Teach them how to write a postcard.6. Ask them to make and write a postcardStep 4. Finish Part G1. Listen and chant after the tape.2. Then ask students to chant by themselves3.Explain some difficult words. Play with Niagara Falls Its time to do sthStep 5. Finish Part H Ask the student to look at the diagram which shows why when it is summer in Australia it is winter in China and vice versa. Ask the students to plete the table about the seasons in the different countries.Finish the rest exercises in workbook.The 7th periodStep 1. Greetings and free talkStep 2. Revision Read Unit 7 and review all the key pointsStep 3. Part I Further reading.1.Arouse interest in reading by asking the Ss How many days does it take to go round the world? Explain that they are going to read about a book written in the days before aeroplanes. Ask them to find out how many days it took for Phileas Fogg to go round the world.2. Tell the students to read the passage again and then circle the correct answers.3. Ask the Ss Did Phileas go around the world in 80 days? The students can find the original 1873 translation of the story at jv.gilead.org.il/pg/80day/Step 4. Finish the exercise.Step 5. Give out the pictures and retell the text.Step 6. Homework.Finish the rest of exercises of workbook.Feedback: The pupils know little about the other countries, so its very important to introduce some countries, such as the UK, the US, France, Canada, Australia and Japan.

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