2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 12(6)教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 12(6)教案 冀教版General Goals for Unit 2In this unit, Li Ming, his mother, Jenny and Danny see Tian anmen Square and the Palace Museum, and they go shopping at Wangfujing. This unit reviews words to describe actions and people, and adds new describing words and new action words to the students vocabulary.Specific Goals for Unit 2 Mastery VocabularyStudents can read, write, say and aurally understand the following vocabulary:Adverbs:quickly, slowly, loudly, quietly Adjectives:easy, hard, manyNouns:Camera, picture, everyoneIrregular plural nouns:Men, women, children, peopleVerbs:help, hurtOral Vocabulary Students can say and aurally understand the following vocabulary:Standard phrases:Take a pictureAre you okay? Yes/No.Be careful!Dont worry.Lesson 12: The palace museum一、Suggestions for review Play a variation of “Stop! Go!” to review “How old are you? I am years old.”二、Key conceptscamera, picturehelp, hurt三、Introduce Demonstrate “camera” and “picture” with real objects. Role-play “hurt” and “help” by pretending to cut your finger (with scissors, for example) . Say “Ouch! I hurt my finger!” Take a bandage to a student (bring the bandages in advance) and ask the student to “help” you. Role-play with other volunteers. Ask a volunteer to initiate the dialogue by pretending to hurt himself or herself.四、Practice五、Use the activity bookNumber 1 in the activity book is a listening exercise on the audiotape as follows:When the monsters eat the correct number of bananas, Li Ming can go in the house. Listen. Write the number in each circle.eight hundred forty-foursix hundred forty-threetwo hundred elevenseven hundred twentynine hundred fifty-sevenone thousandeight hundred eighty-sevennine hundred fourteenthree hundred eighty-three六、Homework:2、3、4附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Lesson 12(7)教案 冀教版一、教学目标:1、认知目标:能听懂会读本课的内容。( 1 )掌握词汇camera, picture, help, hurt,并能读、写、说出和听懂这些词汇。(2)可以说出和听懂film, take a picture, May I take your picture? I hurt my .。Dont worry. I can help you.等用语。2、能力目标:能在一种贴近现实生活的语境中正确地运用所学的用语进行对话,以达到“学习活动化,活动交际化”的目的。3、情感目标:激发积极的情感因素。(1)在学习运用Dont worry . I can help you.等用语的过程中学会关心他人,与他人进行友好的交际。(2)通过情景对话,感受到所学知识融汇到实际交往中的乐趣,从而激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学习英语的积极态度,使学生乐于合作参与,勇于进行交际实践二、教学重点、难点教学重点:(1)掌握词汇camare, picture, help, hurt.(2)会用受伤后求助及如何安慰别人等用语。教学难点:运用本课所学的用语进行情景对话。三、教具、学具准备照相机、胶卷、相片、剪刀、创可贴、纸片、录音机等。四、教学过程:一、Class opening and review1、师生间互相打招呼问好并自由对话。Hello! Are you happy? Whats your name? Nice to meet you.(营造英语氛围,让学生进入学习英语的状态。)2、唱“Head, should, knees, toes”.(学生一边唱一边指着身体各部位,一方面达到复习人体部位名称的词汇,另一方面活跃了课堂氛围。)3、Show me.学生按指令拿出实物并说This is a .。(养成良好的听说习惯和用英语思维的习惯。)4、How oid are you?/I am _years old.二、New Concepts(一)呈现新知camera, film, take a pictrue, picture及要帮别人照相的用语。(1)教师假装去公园玩,对学生说:I am going to the park today. I want to take my camera.What a camera ? Look! I can show you!接着呈现实物camera, 板书单词,教读练说camera.(2)呈现实物film,教读练说film,This is film.(3)边说边演示Film goes in the camera. Now Im putting film in my camera. 让学生理解。(4)T:Ok! Lets take a picture.边说边演示take a picture.让学生边说边做出照相动作。(5)教师拿着照相机与一些学生对话,演示要帮别人照相的用语,并帮他们照相。T: May I take your picture ?S: Sure./ No, thanks.lian(6)练说句子,分两大组相互问答?同桌两人相互问答,并做出照相动作。(7)实物呈现 picture. 板书单词,教读练说。(打破常规的直接呈现单词,直接教读句子的教学模式,通过语境利用实物及动作演示来呈现单词和句子,让学生很直观的、很自然的接受新知。)(二)操练巩固新知(1)游戏:猜一猜。(2)游戏:找朋友。(3)创设情景:小伙伴们相约去一个地方玩,然后相互帮照相。学生分组自编小对话。(在活动在游戏、游戏活动中操练,让全班同学热情高涨,跃跃欲试,学生在情景会话中感受运用英语的喜悦。)(三)呈现新知 hurt, help , 及受伤后求救和安慰别人的用语:I hurt my . Dont worry! I can help you .( 1 )露出贴有创可贴的手臂,引出单词 hurt, 板书单词,教读练说,让学生口头造句。(2)教师剪纸,装作伤着了手指向学生求救,让学生帮包扎。T: Help! I hurt my finger. 引出help, 板书单词,教读练说单词及句子。(3)当最后一名说完I hurt my .时,教师拿出创可贴边安慰边帮他包扎。T: Dont worry ! I can help you. 教说句子。(四)操练巩固新知(1)让几名学生分别指着受伤的身体部位向全班同学求助。进行对话。(2)同桌练习求助、安慰的用语。 (3)学生自己创设情景表演求助、安慰。(五)利用教科书 No.1(1)学生翻开书,同桌讨论书上插图,试读单词和句子。(2)播放录音磁带,学生跟读。(3)齐读。(既紧扣教材,又抛开教材来设计新知的教学,然后再回到教材,通过学生自主活动,把书本上的知识内化为实实在在的语言交际能(六)利用教科书 No.2(1)各小组试读课文,自学讨论How old is the Palace Musuem ? Danny 发生了什么事?他说了什么?(3)听录音磁带跟读。(4)齐读课文。四、Class closing.作业:完成本课的活动手册五、板书设计 Lesson12:The Palace Museumcamera I want to take my camerafilm This is film.picture take a pictruehelp I can help you


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