2019-2020年四年级英语上册 unit4(2)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 unit4(2)教案 苏教牛津版教学内容:B Look,read and learn .C Work in pairs .G3 Say a rhyme .教学目标:能正确听、说、读、写单词a car ,a bus ,a bike ,a kite .能正确听、说、读单词a balloon 能正确听、说、读、写句子Whats this /that in English ?及其回答Its a 能诵读歌谣Fly ,fly my kite .教学过程:一、Warm up GreetingsSing a song PerhapsFree talk .利用图片、玩具等让学生运用第一课时所学句型进行练说二、Presentation .新授单词a balloon .T师出示实物: Look,Whats this in English ?Oh ,Its a balloon .Its my balloon .Its red .Its a nice balloon .Do you like balloons ? Ss:Yes .T: Now read the word “balloon”after me (twice )T: (出示一张小汽车的图片)Look at the picture .Whats this in English ? S:Its a car .T:( 出示词卡)Now lets read and spell the word “car” Ss: Car C-A-R ,car .T: Very good (让学生读读,写写a car两遍)同法教词a bike ,a bus ,a kite .Play a game: Whats missing ?利用图片进行游戏,进行单词的巩固。三、Work in pairs .1.(学生看黑板上的挂图)T:What can you see in the picture ? Ss: I can see a key (a desk ,two chairs ,a purse )2.T: Wheres the key ?S: Its on the box? T: Wheres the box ?3.T: Now work in pairs ,please .先放手让学生同桌对照图自由练说,随后再指名几组板前操练。四、Say a rhyme.T: Now open your books .Look at Part G: Fun house .Lets say a rhyme:Fly ,fly my kite .听录音,欣赏歌谣。简单介绍大意,朗诵歌谣。朗读童谣时,可加上动作,增加学生朗读兴趣。五、Assign homework .抄写要求四会的单词和句子。朗读并默写要求四会的单词和句子。板书设计:Unit 4 I likeWhats this /that in English ?Its a a puppet a puzzle a doll a balloon a car a bus a bike a kite 附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 unit4(3)教案 牛津版一、 教学目标:1、 理解掌握单词:colour2、 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:Look at my kite. Its nice.Lets3、 了解辅音字母j和k在单词中的读音。4、 能诵读歌谣 Fly,fly my kite.二:重、难点:E部分对话。教学过程第一步:复习(单元重点内容) 1. T: Hello, boys and girls,Glad to see you again.Lets start our lesson.First,look at the pictures and answer my questions.OK? Ss: OK.(ppt car)T: Look. Whats this in English? Its a car.T: Do you like cars? S: Yes,I do. T: Do you like cars? S: No, I dont.2(PPT bus)T: Whats that in English? S: Its a bus.T: Do you like buses? S: Yes,I do. T: Are you clear?(PPT) Heres another picture.Please work in pairs.明白了吗?请和你的同桌进行练习。3OK.Lets have a check. (ppt) 第二步:完成EFG各个板块内容 1.(ppt)Look at the picture.What are Su Yang and Gaoshan talking about ? Listen!下面,我们一起来看图,听一听,高山和苏杨在谈论什么?2. (ppt录音)(S1, e here,please. S1: Yes.T: Look at my kite. Do you like it ? S1: Its nice. I like it.T: Lets colour it. S1: OK.) (ppt )T: There are some new words here.Lets learn.这里有些生词,我们来学一下吧。(T读红色部分,说意思)look at 看,朝看,Look at my kite. (领读)Its nice. 真漂亮!(领读)colour 给着色(领读)(ppt出示 colour 并领读)( 出示未上色的卡片,练习Lets colour it. )Lets colour it red /blue . (回到E文本)3.( 看PPT)T:Read after the tape,please.请同学们听录音模仿朗读。(逐句听,暂停)4( 看PPT)Open your books at page35, Read after the tape,please. 请跟录音一起读。5 Good.Now try to act with your partner.和你的同桌分角色朗读。6(ppt kite)Boys and girls,Gaoshans kite is very nice.Lets go and fly the kite. look! Its high, up to the sky.1) (ppt 播放一遍,学生静听)Fly,fly my kite. 2) T: There are two new words .Lets learn. highsky (ppt显示,老师出示并领读)3)(ppt显示) T:Now open your books at page 37. lets listen to it again. This time you can try to read together.打开书37页,再听一遍录音,你可以跟着录音一起读。4) T: Now, please read it by yourselves.现在请你们自己读一读、背一背。7T:Boys and girls,this kite is very nice. There are many colours.Yellow,green and blueDo you like colours? Yes. Lets play a game about colours.1)(ppt) First,lets read the words of colours.首先我们来读一读关于颜色的单词。(升降2遍) Redyellowblue- brown-green-orange.2) T:Now open your books at 37.现在打开书37页,看游戏规则。这个游戏可以分5-7人一小组进行。其中一个人发令,其他人分别举一张不同颜色的卡片围成一圈。如发令人说:I like red. 举红色牌子的学生出来说:“Here you are”,交出牌子,然后由该学生继续发令。如发令员说了“I like blue”.拿兰色卡片的学生没反应,该学生便失败了,大家就说:“You are out.请出局。”请另一位学生代替该学生。 3)Do you understand ? 现在请几位同学为我们做个示范。4)Clear? Play the game in groups.大家看清楚了吗?请分小组玩这个游戏(暂停)。81)T:Well,heres a story about Mike .这儿有一个关于迈克的故事,请你自己先打开书36页,读一读。(暂停)2)(ppt显示故事内容) Are you OK? Please Listen . 3)(ppt文字)(理解clean)T:“Lets clean the car.” Clean 把弄干净 这里译为“把小汽车清洗干净” clean the desk 把桌子檫干净 。(领读)clean-clean the car-Lets clean the car.T:Do you understand ? Now read after the tape.(ppt文字)9. (ppt显示)T:OK.Its time for pronunciation.Can you read these words? Jim juice key kitchen1)Listen 2)Please read after me.(请跟老师读)。3)read yourselves请你自己再读一读、想一想,在这四个词中J和K分别发什么音?T:Right.J pronunce/ / ,K pronunce发/ k /(ppt)4) Look at the picture. This is a kitchen. This is Jim. This is Jims juice and this is Jims key.Theyre in the kitchen.5) Listen.6) (ppt显示)Now read after me: Jims juice and key are in the kitchen.6) Please read together.7)(ppt )T:Good!这里老师还给你们搜集了类似的单词,请你们自己来读一读。Jack jacket jog kite like bookT: 希望你在课后也能去找一找类似的单词,和同学相互读一读、背一背。Goodbye!

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