2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 2(2)教案 外研版(一起).doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 2(2)教案 外研版(一起).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 2(2)教案 外研版(一起).doc_第3页
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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 2(2)教案 外研版(一起)教学目标A语言知识目标:1.能从语句中辨别,并正确使用、朗读出如下单词及目标语句:usually; Lunch is usually at half past twelve.B语言技能目标:1.能够在图片的帮助下,听并读懂课文;2.能够在图片的帮助下,用一般现在时简单描述英国人的日常生活习惯。情感态度目标:鼓励学生仔细观察身边的人或事,并热爱生活。 教学重点 辨别,并能正确使用、朗读如下单词及目标语句:usually; Lunch is usually at half past twelve. 教学难点 用一般现在时简单描述英国人的日常生活习惯,并尝试描述自己的日常生活作息。 教学准备 图片、录音机、单词卡片、CD-ROM 教学流程 I. Warm-up (热身活动)1. Greet each other.2. Look and say quickly: 2:00, 7:30, 4:15. 6:453. Group-work: Guess what time it is.II. Presentation (介绍新语言项目)1.师生之间自由对话: what did you have for breakfast/lunch/dinner?2. 教师提问:What time did you have breakfast this morning? 鼓励学生用多种方式表达时间。3. 教师自述自己的饮食习惯:I had breakfast at seven oclock, but I usually have breakfast at half past six. 引导出单词 “usually”,并板书。4. 教师告诉学生:“让我们一起看课文,了解一下一些英国人的饮食习惯。”.III. New-teaching (课文教学)1. 播放录音,请学生边看边听,并用笔划出课文中 “usually”一词。2. 教师提出问题:“What time do people usually have breakfast/lunch/dinner in England? What day is special in England? What do they do on that day? What do they eat?”3. 播放录音,请学生跟读课文,并尝试从课文中找到答案。4. 小组学习。由学习组长带领成员讨论问题的答案,之后全班汇报。IV. Practice (练习)1. 教师用投影的形式呈现学生用书活动2 的图片,然后全班用接龙的方法描述图中内容,每人说一幅图。最后,将全班分成两大组,进行AB问答。2. 请学生根据歌曲配图猜一猜歌词的大意,说一说图中都有什么食物。教师播放录音,请学生体会歌曲的语调和节奏。再放录音,鼓励学生跟唱,最后表演唱,评选最佳演唱小组。IV. Production (任务完成)1. 完成学生用书活动4 ,请学生做接龙说句的练习,提醒学生注意人称的变化。2. 完成课堂活动用书练习1, 先请学生独立完成,然后全班一起订正答案。3. 完成课堂活动用书练习3, 请学生听录音,根据录音在钟面上画出相应的时间,然后同桌间进行问答练习。V. Summary and Homework (小结与作业)1. 全班完成:听录音,复习本单元内容,预习下一个单元内容。2. 个别完成:设计一份自己家人的饮食习惯调查表。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 2(3)教案 外研版(一起)Teaching aim: Describing eating habits.Language point: What did she have for breakfast/lunch/dinner yesterday?She hadVocabulary: egg, email, sandwich, traditional, delicious, hamburger, ate (eat), gave (give), drank (drink), tonightTeaching processStep1. Warming up1. Sing the song: I worked in an office.2. Ask and answer: What do you usually have for lunch?Step 2. Go over1Put this table on the board.Name:Name:When do you usually have breakfast?2. Put st. in groups of four. Have them ask one another the question in the table.Step 3. Learning the text.1. Drawing sts attention:T: You may know sth. about our Chinese food and meals. Do you know sth. about English food and meals? What do often eat? When do they have three meals? Now lets listen and see together. -play the cassette.2. Play again.3. Ask and answer: (1) What time do English people have breakfast?(2)What is the lunch time?(3)What time do they have dinner?(4)Which day is special for them?(5)What do they usually eat on Fridays?Step 4. Learning the song.1. Show pictures.2. Play the cassette.Divide the class into six groups. Name of each group as: eggs and chips; sausages; fish; chicken; sandwiches; vegetables.Homework: (1) Write a short passage about Chinese three meals. (at least 40 words.)(2)Recite the text of Unit2.Bb: Module 2 Unit2In England: Sunday-specialhave breakfast-7:00 chickenlunch -12:30lunch-together potatoesdinner-6:00 vegetablesFridays-fish


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