2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 2(1)教案 人教新版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 2(1)教案 人教新版一、教学内容与分析:1. Just speak本部分通过同学之间互相展示自己的新书和水壶的活动展开对话,自然地引入本课句型,让学生感知、学说:I have a让学生通过看录像,模仿、理解、表演这些句子,最终能在生活中灵活运用。培养学生之间友好相处,团结友爱的好品质。本部分主要语言点是:I have an water battlestorybook,Can I see it?Here you are2. Just read本部分为学生提供了图片bottle教师应注意的语音难点是1)字母组合oo发短音;教学卡片和录音,目的是学习生词:storybook,water2)water中的a发a:音;a:音要发得足够长。3. lets chant学说韵律歌谣I haveMe too!通过实物的变化,反复练习I have以达到举一反三、复习巩固的目的。二、课前准备:1. 准备实物:故事书,水壶2. 准备一些学习用品,作为奖品奖励给表现出色的学生。3. 准备教学磁带。4. 准备教学挂图。三、教学目标与要求:1.指导学生能在真实的情景中理解。会说以下句子: Lets to go to school. Lets go。Look. I have a new water bottle/story book. Look at my new pencil-box. Whats in it?A marker and some crayons. Whats in my bag? Whats on the table? 并能在现实生活中灵活运用这些语言。能听懂下列祈使句: Show me your marker. Draw a water bottle. Colour it.2.帮助学生正确地听,说,认读本单元出现的与学校生活有关的10跟生词: classroom, school, story book ,water bottle ,marker, crayon, Chinese book ,English book, desk, chair.要求学生灵活运用这些词造句.编对话进行操练。并能在实际生活中运用。3.通过听录音.跟读模仿.使学生熟悉如何用英语打招呼.发指令.询问并介绍物品.培养学生灵活运用语言的能力。 4.培养学生收集信息.整理信息.分析信息的能力。5.通过对话教学和活动,培养学生主动与他人交际的意愿; 使他们逐渐形成相互了解.相互友爱等积极的情感态度和主动合作的意识,同时提高学生的学习兴趣。四.教学过程: 1.热身复习(Warm-upRevision)1)请大家一起演唱歌曲:Nice to see you again ,活跃课堂气氛。2)教师问学生:新学期开始了,你们都买了什么学习用品?请学生用英语说出。复习旧单词,为本课作铺垫。3) 创设情景,让学生表演上节课的对话。2.新课导入(Presentation)教师出示一个书包对大家说:I have a new bag。然后从里面边取东西,边说:I have a new rulerI have a new pen等句子。这样几个句子以后,学生很直观地理解new和have在语境中的意思。让学生模仿例句I have,用自己的物品表达,在此基础上,让同位的学生互相介绍,教师选择学生手中比较精美的学习用品,带表情地给予评价Cool! Good!教师出示一个水壶,学习本课新词water bottle,请学生们跟读模仿。用同样方法出示一本故事书,学习新词storybook,在教学中可根据实际情况增加Chinese book,maths book等单词以满足学生的需求。播放本课录音,让学生边看挂图边听录音。再次播放录音,并要求学生模仿录音跟着说。每放一句,要暂停一下,给学生留出时间模仿,教师引导学生一边模仿,一边猜测句子的意思。模仿几遍之后,再找几个接受快的学生单独模仿。请大家跟读模仿,了解全篇对话,并仿照实例改编.表演。请学生用实例造句I have a,每说出一句,教师就拿出与学生所说的一样的东西(如:书,尺等),说:Me,too,反复几遍之后,再请学生模仿直至能独立说出来。3.趣味操练(Practice)1)将全班分成若干组,每组指定一个物品,如:书,水壶等。要求各组每个成员轮流用句型I have a new说出本组所拥有的物品,看哪个组说得正确又熟练。2)教师和学生一起说chant。4.课堂评价(Assessment)教师指导学生完成活动手册本课内容。1)听录音,根据录音内容把人物和所拥有的物品连线。然后要求学生指图说句子,如Kate has a new bag等。2) 指导学生观察图画,然后读出各个图画一侧的三个句子,请学生选择三个句子中哪一个正确说出了图画内容。3) 教师提供参考答案,指导学生给小印章涂色,并进行自我评价。5.补充活动(Additional activities)1)用所学到的单词作替换练习。(用I have)2)请学生表演本课的Just chant,大家拍手齐说,教师可引导学生为chant设计一些动作。附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson 2(1)教案 冀教版课 题Lesson2 Meat Chicken and Fish授课时间one教学目的与要求1. Know about the words “meat chicken fish”. They can read, can write.2. Review the numbers from one to ten, and learn from eleven to fifteen five numbers in all, by paring the numbers from one to five.3. They can use the words and the numbers in oral life.重 点The words and the numbers难 点Learn the reciting way by syllable the words板书设计Lesson2 Meat Chicken and Fishmeat 鱼肉chicken 鸡肉 水 drinkfish 肉 果汁 juice教学过程一、Greeting. T: Hello, everyone. How are you? Ss: Im fine. Thank you! And you? T: Im very well. Thanks.Warm up.二、Leading.1. Review the words “table food eat drink” by showing the cards.2. Then ask them two questions: When we are hungry (do the action), we want to _. When we are thirsty (do the action), we want to _.3. If Im thirsty, I can drink (the answers from the students) Then I show some cards (water juice meat chicken fish), they can select to answer my question. I stick them on the blackboard.If Im hungry, I can eat (the answers from the students)Then I show the cards again.The students will point to the meat chicken fish. Maybe they cant read them, but they can point to or say the Chinese, I will stick them.In order to lead into the next questions.I lead into the new content indirectly.三、New concept.Part1Today, we will learn three new words. (pointing to the blackboard to show the three cards)1. meat, “m” and “eat”, we can divided it into two parts. Its easy for us to recite. “meat” we can eat.Let the students make some sentences using the word “meat”.2. chicken “chi” “c” “ken” “鸡肉”, then make sentences.3. fish “fi” “sh” ”鱼肉”, then make sentences.4. Match.Move the cards, then match the correct words. Read them for two times.Part21. Show the lantern slide. T: Whats this? Ss: Its an apple. T: How many apples are there? Ss: One apple. T: Now, how many apples? Ss: 11个。 Eleven apples.Through the paring, they learn the numbers. one-elevenabnormity two-twelve three-thirteen teen four-fourteen five-fifteen2. I show some other pictures, such as: trees eggs balls circles chairs desks pens markers First: say out the words. Second: say out the numbers.3. Freely speaking. Speak some sentences between one and ones partner using the numbers, then do the action.Part31. Listen to the tape.2. Deal with the activity books.Its easy for the writing and the reciting.The aim is let the students more familiar with the words.Strengthen the recollection.Practice for strengthening.Cultivate theability of their speaking.More familiar with the words and the numbers


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