2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 2教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 2教案 外研版一、准备阶段: 教学目标:情感目标:培养学生乐于助人的品质。知识目标: 学习句子:The train is going up/down/past the hill.能力目标:能够用英语问路和指路 教学重点;1. 学习句型The train is going up/down/past the hill.2. 掌握单词及词组:Train/up/hill/down/past/station 教学难点:掌握表示地点和方位的词 辅助资源: 挂图、录音机、磁带、图片二、教学过程:I. Warming up TPR活动:教师或一名同学下口令turn left/hands up/hands down等,全班学生做动作。II. Revision:请几名学生展示自己上节课画的路线图并向大家介绍从自己家到学校的路线,教师可把学生的路线图用投影放出来。 (此活动既使学生的作业得以反馈,复习了已学过的知识,又为本课的新内容做好铺垫。)III. Presentation:1. 教师准备一涨有课文背景图案的挂图,将小山、房子、学校、火车站分别贴在图上,并讲解单词hill和station。2. 出示火车图片并说:Theres a train from Beijing to our city.Where is the train going? 将火车贴在山上的位置,引导学生说出:“The train is going up the hill.板书该句子。3. 移动火车到山下的位置问:“Where is the going now?引导学生说出:“The train is going down the hill.4. 同样方法讲解 Its going past.5. 呈现课文:出示课文挂图,提问学生:Where is the going now放课文录音后,学生回答问题。(听课文之前教师先给出问题能有效的帮助学生理解课文及巩固刚学过的重点句型。)放录音,学生边听边指出句子。跟录音朗读课文。IV. Practice:1. 活动:火车在哪里。教师将“hill”, ”houses”, ”school”, ”station”,图片交给学生请他们站在相应的位置。将”train”的头饰交给另一名学生,并邀请一些学生乘坐火车。老师请火车开动起来,并请其他同学一起说出火车经过了哪些地方。(此活动的目的在于在活动中巩固、练习表达方位的单词。培养学生的合作精神。)2. 完成P8练习3。学生两人一组,学生A说出路线,学生B根据A的描述找到相应的地点。学生A:Go straight on, turn left. Its on your night. 学生B: Is it the supermarket? 学生A: No, it isnt.3. 活动:How can we go to Carrefour?学生以小组为单位讨论后设计出从学校到最近的一家Carrefour的路线图。然后到前面来给全班学生讲解路线,选出最合理的一组获胜。4. 学Chant。 教师首先播放一遍chant录音,请学生边看图边听。学生找出生词,教师解释词义并指导学生读音。再放录音,逐行停顿,学生边听边模仿学说。听录音连贯跟读几次,鼓励学生加上动作。5. 学唱歌曲。 教师首先播放一遍歌曲录音,请学生边歌词边听。学生找出生词,教师解释词义并指导学生读音。再放录音,逐行停顿,学生边听边学唱。听录音连贯跟读几次,鼓励学生加上动作。V. Summary: 请学生总结今天所学的重点句子和单词。VI Homework看P8图来描述火车所在位置。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语上册 Module 2 Unit 4(2)教案 广州版I. Objectives 1. Vocabulary mean, cap, wear, hat, be wearing2. You mean that short boy with a black cap be wearing.3. Difficult points (1) be wearing (2) difference between hat and cap.II. Processes 1. Leading in KiKi and CoCo are friends, today, well learn Friends2. Presentation (1) Look, KiKi has a cap. “cap ” cat CoCo has a hat. “hat” (2) T: KiKi is wearing a black cap. “wear” ear 加上饰物 wear is wearing are wearing be wearing (3) show the picture of P16 T: acts out the dialogue on P16 once. Teach “mean” (feedback)Look at the picture and listen to the tape Read after the tape. (Twice)role playDialogue 2. P16 Students do by themselvesRead it out 3. summing up (1) read the new words, and dialogue (2) take notesHomework:copy the new words.听、读、背 P16 Layout: Unit 4 Friends- You mean the short boy cat capwith a black cap? Hat- No, hes not short and ear wear “be wearing” Hes not wearing a black mean cap Hes wearing a yellow T-shirt and a brown hat.Unit 4 Friends 第二课时I. Objectives 1. Vocabulary: thin, heavy, young, weak, ugly 2. You mean that tall girl in a red coat? 3. The man is old and thin. He is wearing a hat and a coat.II. Processes 1. Revision (2) Whole class read P16 (1) act out the dialogue. 2. Presentation (1). T: Now Mr. Chen and Tomoko are talking about the girl over there. (show the picture) (2) Imitate Tomoko & Mr. Chen act out the dialogue * in a red coat with long blonde hair (3) listen to the tape (4) read after the tape (twice) (5) whole class read the dialogue3. Show pictures P15 teach adj. (1) weak, ugly, heavy, thin, young (2) show picture one by one (feedback)4. Lets learn together P19(1) Look at the pictures(2) Ask students to read the sentences(3) Put a tick or a cross after reading(4) whole class read the sentences5. Summing up (1) read the new words and dialogue (2) take notes.Homework:copy the new words and dialoguelisten read recide P17review new words of U4Layout Unit 4 Friends With long blonde hair In a red coat A pair of brown shoes An Australian girl

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