2019-2020年三年级英语上册 3A unit2(1)教案 广东版开心.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 3A unit2(1)教案 广东版开心.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 3A unit2(1)教案 广东版开心一、Teaching objective:1. Language functions: Identifying /asking about things in the classroom2. Language structures:Whats this? Its a/an 3. New vocabulary:table, desk, chair, book, pencil, eraser, dog, elephant, fish, duck, egg, fox 二、 Teaching key points :Asking about things in the classroom三、 Teaching difficult points :How to use a/an.四、 Teaching aids :(1) pictures cards(2) Recorder.五、Teaching steps: (Conversation, vocabulary, target, practice 1,2) 1.Greeting:T: Hi, -, how are you today? S: Fine, thanks. And you?T: Im fine, too. 2. Picking up a pencil from the desk. Practice the sentence: Its a .(Help the pupils to understand the meaning and act out).3.Write the sentences .on the blackboard, ask pupils to read aloud and check the responses. Make sure every individual can say.Its a pencil. Its a book. Its a chair. Its a desk. Its a table. Its an eraser.4. Teacher ask: “Whats this?” and then answer: “Its a book.”Repeat more than three times practice the dialogue in roles.5. Let the students take out the picture card, and ask each other.6. Ask several pairs to act in front of the classmates.7.Listen to the recording of vocabulary. Repeat more than 4 times.8. Listen to the tape of conversation. Then act in pairs.9.Read target dialogue.10. Listen to the tape and do the practice 1and 2.11. Listen to the chant. 附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 3A unit2(2)教案 广东版开心一、Teaching objective:1. Language functions: Identifying /asking about things in the classroom2. Language structures:Whats this? Its a/an 3. New vocabulary:table, desk, chair, book, pencil, eraser, dog, elephant, fish, duck, egg, fox 二、 Teaching key points :Asking about things in the classroom三、 Teaching difficult points :How to use a/an.四、 Teaching aids :(1) pictures cards(2) Recorder.五、Teaching steps: ( Activities 1,2 alphabet .) 1. Revision. Collecting some pictures and giving them to one pupils encourage her him to say the sentences. eg: A: Whats this? B: Its a desk. A: And this? B; Oh, its a book.Practice this sentence several times. Do it in groups and in pairs. 2. Activity 2:Look at the picture, point and say: T: Whats this? S: Its aAsk the class to break into groups and make similar dialogues.3. Let the students do Activity 2 In the picture, these things were covered by the cloth, let the pupils to guess these things, use the sentence: “Whats this? Its a/an ”answer.4. Learn the words: dog, elephant, fish, duck, egg, fox 4. 5.Raise the pictures of the words and ask: 5. Whats this? The pupils respond group by group.6.Substituting. Practice pupils break into groups or in pair to practice the patterns.7.Listening the tape of these words.8.Do the exercise of activity 1.9.Listen to the tape, learn to read the chant.六、Homework: 1.Copy the words of page 14.2.Read the chant five times.

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