2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit3 lesson23(1)教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit3 lesson23(1)教案 冀教版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit3 lesson23(1)教案 冀教版Teaching aims:1.Knowledge: 听懂、理解故事大意,抓住故事中心。2.Skills: 提高阅读理解水平;对学生进行学法指导。3.Feelings: 教会学生学会如何与人相处,让学生认识到人与人之间的亲密关系。Important and difficult points : 理解故事大意Teaching tools : some cardsTeaching procedures : Step1:Warming up : GreetingsReview:Lets chant.Say the chant of P45. How do you go to school?Step2:1) Pre-reading: Here are some cards for you.You can choose one of them and read it quickly.Then try to say one or two sentences. Eg. : house , family , address ,friend , apartment ,how old , how tall , go to school , in the gym. 方法:当学生抽到house 就可以说I am in a house . /This is my house. 抽到how old 可说 How old are you? /How old is Jenny?T: Well done, boys and girls.These cards can help you understand the story.设计意图:这些语言信息有效的提示了故事的要点,教师又有针对性的复习操练,为学生理解故事做了充分准备。2)Learn the story.T:Today we are going to learn a new story-Maddy the Monster. First lets meet three people . Theyre Maddy, Anna, Mr. Scott .(Introduce them simply and show them to the students.)Before we listen to it ,I have some questions for you.Questions:a: Who is Maddy?Whats her address? b: Who is Anna? Whats her address?c.How does Maddy go to school?设计意图:让学生带着问题去听,目的性强,为最终完成任务做全面准备。 3)分段听故事并解决问题设计意图:创设任务情境,引起学生兴趣,使学生处于主动积极的能动状态,触发学生完成任务的迫切需要。 4)第三次再听故事并提1个比较有讨论价值的问题: Are the people in this story scared ? Why ? 设计意图:拓展学生思维,调动了学生运用语言材料组织语言的积极性,提高了口语表达能力。 5) Consolidate the story做活动手册中与故事密切相关的题 设计意图:检验学生对故事的理解程度,进一步加深对故事的理解。Step 3 : Homework: 画一个与故事有关的图,并用英语在下面写几句话。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit3 lesson23教案 冀教版教学目标:1.知识技能。(1)完成本课所涉及的小测试。(2)学生能够读懂故事书中的小故事。2.能力目标:通过小测试及故事理解,提高学生的阅读及听力理解能力。3.情感目标:提高英语学习的兴趣。教学重点:掌握小测试中的6个句子,并能灵活运用。教学难点:听懂并理解故事内容,顺利完成相关练习。教具:录音磁带。教学过程:Class Opening and Review.(1) Greeting.(2) Chant and sing the song in this unit.(3) Play spell to review the main words in this unit.(4)Finish the quiz.a. Use the quiz as the listening exercise. The students finish it on the paper . Play the tape twice. Then check for understanding.b. Ask them write the answer below each question .Story: Maddy the MonsterListen to the radio and think about these questions Is Maddy big or little?Is she old or young?Is she too big or just right for the classroom?Is she too big or too small for the bus?Where does she live?Discuss these questions then read the story.Use the activity book.No 2.Ask the students to listen carefully. Play the tape twice .板书设计: Lesson 23. Are You Ready for a Quiz?Story: Maddy the Monster1.Is Maddy big or little?2.Is she old or young?3.Is she too big or just right for the classroom?4.Is she too big or too small for the bus?5.Where does she live?


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