2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 2(3)教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 10 Unit 2(3)教案 外研版教学目标1书信的学习;2三组读音练习及其区别教学重点和难点语音的区别与比较;书信中动词的过去式和一般式的区别教学手段录音机的使用培养学生听,读的正确学习方法.教学步骤教 师 活 动学 生 活 动二次修改1Warmup(热身准备)2Leading-up(导入)通过提问 Where are you going to go this weekend? What are you going to take? When are you going to go? Whos going to go with you? 复习unit 1重点内容上节课我们知道为旅行做准备,现在他已到美国。下面就让我们一起看看所见所闻。通过学习,大家可以模仿来介绍自己旅行见闻和感受。根据问题的难易让不同层次的同学回答,尽量扩大学生的参与面3课文学习第一部分书信的学习: 1学生带问题初读这封信,划出自己不懂的单词或句子,并回答问题,参考问题如下:Where is Daming now?When did Daming arrive?Who met Daming at the airport?How did they go to their flat?What food did his grandma make? Etc生自主学习,并同时在书上标出不认识的单词短语,小组合作交流,解决疑难,教师根据学生划出的生词或句子作一定的解释。弄清书信意思。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module 2 Unit 1(6)教案 沪教牛津版课题Module 2 Unit 1 Animals in the zoo 学习目标Knowledge: 1)To master the new words about direction: left,right,up, down, along, step, holiday, tourist and hotel.2)Learn to use the sentences to show the way: Walk along Cross. Go up/down.Ability: 1)Learn to talk about “Asking and showing the way”2)Learn to see the map of the rout.Value of emotion and attitudes: To educate students how to show the way.Let students know “Help others as a happy way of life”.重点Using prepositions to indicate position and direction. e.g. Turn left. Go up the steps.难点How to say the felicitous sentences while somebody asking you the way. e.g. Walk along Cross. Go up/down.教学方法task-based teaching method , situational teaching method, discussion and cooperation教具Multimedia, pictures, sticker , cassette and one map教学过程教学内容 教师活动学生活动教学意图Pre-taskpreparation1. Free talk 2. Lead in.To find the months which we have rest.T: Which months we will have a long rest?January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.T: What did Shanghai hold in May, 1st?Show the picture of Shanghai China EXPOLearn: touristLead the title:“Asking the way”Guess& speakS: January, February, July, August.Summer holidayWinter holidayHoliday HotelS: Shanghai China EXPO See the pictures and find the tourists.Making students interested in the lesson.Enlarge their scope of knowledgeTo lead what we will learn today.While-taskprocedure1.Listen to a song “ Pengoins game”2. Learn the new words and phrases.3. Play a game.4.Knowledge petition5. Listen and stick6. Help others show the way 7.EmotionaleducatinT: Which word do you hear?turn left, turn right, on the left, on the righta step-stepsgo up/down the stepsSay the orders.Turn left, turn right,Hands up, hands downShow the questions about the traffic驾驶自行车出行是环保、健康的交通参与方式。在没有非机动车道的道路上,您认为自行车应该在道路的( )通行。A. left B. rightGive students the map of Yanan Road and turn on the recorder. Go to Cross walk along.Present the map of our school “Help others as a happy way of life” S: left, right Read in turns.Listen and repeat.Do the actionChoose the correct answerB. rightListen to the passage then stick the labels in the right place.Help the girl fid the way to our school“助人为乐”Say the words and get ready for the following steps.To practice abilities of speaking and thinking.To enrich their scope of knowledge and let them to think hard.Improve listening and get involve in the passageMake students more familiar with the patternTo educate students spirit of mind.Post-taskactivities1. Presentation2. SummaryAsking students to draw the map of your home and write down the rout. Sum up the importance and difficultiesGo to _ Road. Cross _ Street. _ is on the left/ right. Walk along _ Road. It is my home.Listen & LearnTo consolidate the target language and to improve students ability of speaking and writing.Emphasize theimportanceHomeworkTo make a dialogue about asking and showing the way.Asking students to remember the homeworkWrite the homeworkMoral education板书设计 Module 2 Unit 1 Asking the way leftupturn go right down

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