2019-2020年五年级英语下册 MODULE2 unit1教案 沪教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 MODULE2 unit1教案 沪教牛津版教学目标: (1) 知识与技能目标: 1. 通过学习认识单词 kilo和词组 kilos of,从而达到对单词和词组的理解与表达,特别是 kilo(s) of (可数名词与不可数名词的搭配)。 2. 在学习中巩固Wh问句, 并能运用这些句型描述动物的早餐时间,早餐内容和早餐数量,从而逐步提高学生的写作水平。 3. 学会运用重点句型What time do you feed ? What do they eat? How many kilos of ?和How much? 以及对How many kilos of ?和How much? 加以区别。(2) 过程与方法目标:1. 借助媒体和游戏来朗读、理解、运用新单词kilo和kilo(s) of。 2. 通过阅读,运用Wh问句,了解动物的早餐时间,早餐内容和早餐数量 。3. 结合板书提示,启发学生写作。(3)情感目标: 通过学习、了解动物园的动物,培养学生对动物的喜爱之情以及感知动物园工作人员对工作认真负责的态度。2重点与难点: (1)重点:单词 kilo和词组 kilos of 句型 What time do you feed ? What do they eat? How much (many) ?(2)难点: 1 词组 kilos of与可数名词和不可数名词的搭配。2 对How many kilos of ?和How much? 的区别。3教具:多媒体,单词卡片4教学过程:ProcessTeachers ActivitiesPupils ActivitiesPurposePre-task preparationWhile task procedureIII. Post- taskactivityIV. SummariesV.Homework 1. Song(Questions:)(1) How many animals do you hear in the song?(2) What are they?2. Ask and answer: (1) Whats Mr Tang?(2) What does Mr Tang do every day?1. Listen and answer:Questions:(1) What time does Mr Tang feed the elephants?(2) When does Mr Tang clean their cage?(3) What do the elephants eat?(4) How much hay do they eat?2. Teach “kilo” “. kilo (s) of.”(1) “kilo”(2) “kilo (s) of ”(3) “The eatkilo (s) of .”3. Read and write(1) Show Mr Tangs diary.(2) Ask Ps to collect the animals massage.(3) Check the massage.(Feeding time, Food, How much/ How many? )1 Elephants massage.( Practise the sentences:How many kilos of ? 和How much?)2 Monkeys massage.3 Tigers massage.4 Parrots massage.1. Talk and act:T:After they talking, Mr Li makes a timetable . He wants to take good care of Mr Tangs animals.They like the animals and birds. They are all good zoo- keepers. Now, If you are Mr li, can you write a diary like Mr Tangs?1. Ps sing the song. (Ps answer the questions.)(Ps answer)(Ps listen and answer)2. Ps learn the new words: “kilo/ .kilo(s) of ”(1) Ps read(2) Have a match(3) Pair wok3. Ps read and write.(3) Ps check.1 TSs2 Group leader be Mr Tang. 3 One pupil introduce the massage.4 Ss S1. Ps act Mr Tang and Mr Li and act the telephone call.让学生带着问题进行活动,由歌曲引入animals这个主题 。引子:1、通过问题带入新授单词。2、通过问题渗透本节课主要句型。强调of后面的可数名词或不可数名词。并通过比赛的方式激发学生兴趣,从而有效解决难点。通过机械操练达到真正巩固运用的目的。以各种不同的形式交流动物的信息,使学生学以致用,同时也调节了课堂气氛。以打电话的形式巩固所学的Wh问句。从小结中启发学生爱动物的思想情感并感知动物园工作人员对工作认真负责的态度。Writing Design: Module2 Unit 1 Animals in the zoo Mr Tang, what time do you feed the ? kilo I feed the at.kilo(s) of What do they eat? Theyeat. How much do they eat? (How many kilo (s) of do they eat?) They eatkilo (s) of.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Module2 unit2(4)教案 外研版Module 2 GrandparentsUnit 2 Mr Li was a teacher.Teaching aimsDiscribing past activities with a relationto the present. Difficult pointsShe learnt English.Did she learn any foreign languages?He is learning English now.Teaching aidsradio tapes cards picturesTeaching methodteaching pratice playing gamesTeaching stepsStep 1 Warm up1. Make a dialogue with the students at random.2. Review Unit 1.Step 2 ReviewGreeting each other.let some students to the front of the class.The teacher says some orders and the students do the actions.Just like:Let us run/jump/walk.Step3PresatationAsk a student to the front and stand with the teacher.T:I am a teacher.He/She is a student.I am teaching English now.What is he or she doing now? He/She is learning English now.The teacher shows a photo and tell the students Ten years ago I am a student.Now I am a teacher.Let us see the personschanging of the text.3. Play the cassette the first time and let the children to tick the new words and guess the meanings.4. Play the cassette the second and pause after each utterance for the children to repeat.5. Ask the children to write a sentence on a piece of paper in groups and read them out.Step 4 PracticePratise the dialogue one by one.Step 5 Actings1. Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully.2. Play the cassette and ask the children to listen carefully.3. Teach the sentences of the song one by one.4. Play the cassette several times and ask the children to say along.Step 6 ReviewGo over the dialogue and the poemHomework1.Read the text and say the poem.2. Finish activity 6: Play and say.


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