2019-2020年四年级上Unit3 How many教案.doc

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2019-2020年四年级上Unit3 How many教案第一课时教学目标1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen, nineteen。2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:How manydo you have? /What do you have ? I have /Can I?3.培养学生乐于分享的良好品德。教学重点、难点:1.能初步听懂、会读、会拼写thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen, nineteen。2.能初步听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:How manydo you have? What do you have ? I have Can I?。教学准备:挂图,卡片,多媒体(PPT)教学过程:Enjoy a song-Number songStep 1 Greeting and free talk1.Greeting 2.Say rhymes看图提示说Rhyme。例如,出示1、2、3,学生就说Numbers 出示rice, 学生就说I like rice.3.Free talk抛绣球目的:练习使用What do you like? I like以及一些学过的句型(Do you like/have?)。道具:沙包方法:1.学生坐在座位上,或者站成一队,老师站在学生前面,背向学生抛球,球离手后转身面对学生。2.谁接到球就和老师进行对话练习。对话结束后,由他取代老师的位置,上前抛球继续游戏。3.此方法可扩展到其他需要两个人进行对话练习的语言点。设计意图:改变以往的Free talk比较枯燥的模式,通过这个游戏让学生争着说英语,爱上说英语,减轻学生学习英语的思想负担,在游戏中进行对话练习,激起学生的学习兴趣。例如:T:I have a book. Do you have a book?S:Yes, I do./No, I dont.T:What do you have? S: I haveStep 2 Presentation 1.Story time导入教师出示一辆玩具小汽车T:Hey,look.Whats this in English?S: Its a toy car.T: Do you like this toy car?S: Yes,I do./No, I dont.T: Do you have a toy car?S: 教师出示课文图片 T:Here are many toy cars. How many toy cars?(PPT出示这两个问题)Lets learn Unit 3 How many?(出示课题)2.Watch the cartoon and try to find the answers(1)How many toy cars?Thirteen Fourteen FifteenLearning tips:three-thirteen four -fourteenfive -fifteen让学生看这三组单词的共同点是什么,发现“十几”的规律。出示另几个单词,让学生试着读读看,猜是什么意思。sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen除了13、15、18,剩下的四个单词都有相同的规律,让学生努力在上课的时候记住这些单词。3.Read and try to match让学生分成小组一起阅读课文,完成连线的练习题。培养学生的团结合作能力。让成绩好的学生帮助后进生,防止后进生在这个环节中懒得思考等答案。Im I have fifteen nice stickers thirteen beautiful toy cars完整的句子:Im Mike. I have thirteen nice toy cars.Im Helen. I have fifteen beautiful stickers.让学生试着读句子。 4.Play a game-快速反应(1)教师出示扑克牌,让学生说数字。红心 hearts 黑桃 spades 方块 diamonds 草花 clubs(2)让学生抽出数字,并且读出来。T: How manydo you have? 板书How many+可数名词的复数形式重点教读此句型。这个句型学生在二年级的时候已经学过了,在这节课中重点教授句子的使用方法。(3)教师把两位学生抽出来的扑克牌放在一块做加法:andis5.出示课文中的两句How many 的句子,让学生读。6.听录音,完成对话填空Mike: Look at my toy cars.Liu Tao: Theyre nice. How many cars do you have?Mike: Thirteen.Yang Ling: Do you have any cars?Helen: No, I dont.Yang Ling: What do you have?Helen: I have some stickers.Yang Ling: Can I have a look?Learning tips:have a look 看一看 have a look at看一看Can I? 我能?Helen: Yes.Yang Ling: Theyre very beautiful.How many stickers do you have?Learning tips”very 非常,很Helen: I have fifteen stickers.Yang Ling: Can I have one?Learning tips:我能拿一个吗? have 有(让学生体会两个have词组意思上的区别) 7.Read Story time(1)注意语音语调,播放录音,学生跟读T:Lets read after the tape.(2)学生齐读T:Lets read it together.(3)学生自读选择自己喜欢的方式读书:自己读,和伙伴分角色朗读,齐读(4)角色扮演模仿语音语调,比比谁读的好,角色扮演。Step 3 Consolidation1.Fun time-Do a surveyA:What do you have? B: I have some stickers. A: How many stickers do you have?B:I have eighteen stickers.2.Summary让学生说说这节课学了什么,让学生自己来总结。A.复习单词(1)数字类的单词知道十几的数字表达规律。B.复习句型What do you have?How many do you have?Can I have a look?Can I have one?C.复习课文Step 4 Homework作业:1.Copy the new words four times.2.Recite Story Time after class. 板书设计 Unit 3 How many? What do you have? three-thirteen four -fourteen How many do you have? five -fifteen six -sixteenI have Can I have a look? seven-seventeen eight-eighteen Can I have one? Yes./Sure. nine-nineteen第( 2 )课时教学目标1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会拼写thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen, nineteen。2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:How manydo you have? /What do you have ? I have /Can I?3.理解Cartoon time 的幽默之处教学重点1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会拼写thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen, nineteen。2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:How manydo you have? /What do you have ? I have /Can I?3.理解Cartoon time 的幽默之处教学难点1.能熟练地听懂、会读、会拼写thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen, nineteen。2.能熟练地听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型:How manydo you have? /What do you have ? I have /Can I?教学准备挂图,卡片,多媒体(PPT) 教学过程Step 1 Greeting and warm up1.Greeting2.Happy timeSing songs and say rhymesS: I can sing/act3.Free talkPlay a game-Lucky box 教师出示一只盒子,盒子里装着学生学过的所有的问题和单词,学生在盒子里抽一张纸回答问题或者是读单词(并且说出单词的中文意思)。回答正确的学生可以得到小奖励。设计意图:通过这样的方式复习之前学过的内容,培养学生说的语言运用能力并且激起学生说英语的积极性。4.Warm up(1)Brain storm快速闪现上节课所学数字单词,还可以加入词组或者闪现加法题目,让学生能注意力集中。快速地复习数字1-19(2)Revision-Story time跟读(教师注意语音和语调的指导与纠正)自读(任选一种方式读)3.自己单独读B.跟伙伴扮演角色读C.跟伙伴齐读 比一比,赛一赛,谁读得好,模仿得像。(3)Fun time让学生展示上节课的Fun time 中在同学之间做的调查,让上节课没有展示的学生有机会用自己合作努力后的结果来说说,激发学生心中的成就感。A:What do you have?B: I have some stickers.A: How many stickers do you have?B:I have eighteen stickers.Step 2 Presentation1.Cartoon time 导入生师对话教师出示物品,让学生和老师进行Fun time 的对话练习。教师出示Cartoon time 的图片 T:This is our friend, Sam. Sam has a ball. How about Bobby?Does he have any balls?2.Watch and answer the question3.True or false(1)Sam has two balls. (2)Bobbys balls are in the box. (3)Bobby has eighteen balls. (4)Bobby cant play table tennis. 让学生说说这个故事的幽默之处。 4.Read the sentences5.角色表演对话逐图跟读,注意语音语调。让学生可以加上自己的表情和动作。A.自己单独读B.跟伙伴扮演角色读C.跟伙伴齐读比一比,赛一赛,谁读得好,模仿得像。利用光盘中的这个角色扮演的功能。Step 3 ConsolidationStep 4 SummaryStep 5 Homework作业: 板书设计 Unit 3 How many? What do you have? three-thirteen four -fourteen How many do you have? five -fifteen six -sixteenI have Can I have a look? seven-seventeen eight-eighteen Can I have one? Yes./Sure. nine-nineteen Unit3 How many? 第( 3 )课时教学目标 1、学生能有感情朗读Cartoon time的对话,并且能够表演2、学生对句型:Can you .? 有初步了解3、学生能够正确发出字母l在单词中间的发音/l/4、学生能流利诵读rhyme time的小诗教学重点、难点字母l在单词中间时的发音,cartoon time对话的朗读教学准备挂图,乒乓球,PPT,光盘 教学过程内容教师活动学生活动一、复习导入:Revision 1. 教师与学生玩一个小游戏(认读数字),借此复习新单词T: Boys and girls, before the class, lets play a game, OK? When you see the numbers on the screen, you name it loudly and I want to see who is the first.见课件2. 教师与学生进行简单对话,复习句型T: Look,whats this?(拿着球)Ss: Its a ball.T: Yes, this is a ball. So I have a ball. What do you have?S1: I have pens.T: How many pens do you have?T: I have 8pens.T: OK,so you have many pens,thank you.教授新单词manyT:Next, you can ask another student to answer you.开火车,让学生自主问答,请4-5名学生进行。(2) 教师通过展示图片的方式引出下一环节的内容T: I have a ball,lets see whats this?Ss: A ball.T: Yes. Its also a ball,but its a big ball. Whose ball is it? Lets watch the cartoon carefully.2.新知传授让学生看一遍动画,了解大意。T:OK. Now tell me whose ball is it?Ss: Sams.T:Yes, you are right. Sam has a big ball. Who is he talking to?Ss: Bobby.T: Right. Does he have any balls?S2: Yes, he dose.T: OK. Lets watch the video again and see how many balls does Bobby have; Where are his balls;T: Where are his balls?S3: They are in the box.T: How many balls does Bobby have?S3: Twelve. 教新单词boxT: Very good. He has twelve balls in the box. After seeing the balls, what does Sam say?Ss: Can you paly table tennis?讲解一下Can you play table tennis(不做重点),教play、table tennisT: What does Bobby say?S4:No, but I can do this. T: Right. He cannt play table tennis, but he said,“ I can do this”(教授新单词do,but), so he can perform acrobatics(他会表演杂技). He is very good at that.T: Next, read the dialogue in pairs, later, we will see which group is the best. 先让学生自己练习朗读,教师可以看看学生需不需要帮助,之后请3-4组学生起来表演,进行评述。(3) Rhyme timeT:OK, everyone has done a good job. I really enjoy your performance, but Im a little hungry now, I want to eat a cake. Wow, look, therere some cakes. Lats find out how many cakes are there.教师放录音,让学生先看一遍能否理解,讲解一下see how long it takes for you to eat them all. 可以加上自己的例子,让学生理解得更好,更直观(Im hungry, so it will take me just one minute to eat them all.)第二遍跟读,纠正一些发音。第三遍大家一起读,可以分组比赛。(4) Sound timeT: OK, Im not hungry now, lets continue our study. Can you read these words?(课件呈现)T:Yes, very good, what does the letter “l” sound? 教师讲解字母l在单词中间时的发音,发辅音/l/,带领大家读绕口令,可以让学生先练习,然后开火车读。教师带领学生讲所学内容一一过一遍,加深映象,可以鼓励学生当小老师,教师最后可以进行添加。三:复习、作业布置1. 复习第三单元所学知识 2.完成评价手册第三单元相关部分 3.完成ticking time自主评价Unit3 How many?第( 4 )课时教学目标1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。3.能熟练会唱本单元歌曲4.能明白字母Hh在单词中的发音/h/,能总结归纳过去所学单词5.完成补充习题全部练习教学重点1.能熟练听懂、会读、会拼写本单元单词。2.能熟练听懂、会说、会读、会运用本单元句型。3.能熟练会唱本单元歌曲4.能明白字母Hh在单词中的发音/h/,能总结归纳过去所学单词教学难点能明白字母Hh在单词中的发音/h/,能总结归纳过去所学单词教学疑点学生能否理解school中的ch组合的发音,能区分本单元/h/的发音教学准备挂图,卡片,多媒体(PPT) 教学过程Step 1 Greeting (2)Greeting(1)Dictation(2)Sing a song:Do you like purple grapes?(3)Show timeA.把自己回去编的歌曲在班级里唱一唱B.Story timeC.Cartoon timeStep 2 Play a game-Perfect artist游戏规则:老师出示一些基础形状,让学生在此基础上画各种东西,涂上颜色。最后展示,让其他同学猜是什么。S1:Do you have a/an?S2: Yes, I do./No, I dont.Step 3 Sound time(6)出示图片 T:Whos this girl? Lets listen to Sound time.S: Shes Helen.2.出示Helen Hh /h/T:Who can read it?教读Hh ,个人读,小组读3.归纳Hh 发音behind have horse hot hurry he Helen4.Sound time出示Sound time 句子。学生比较喜欢这样的环节,尤其是当老师配上动作的时候,更是激起了学生的表现欲。have 吃 组词:have breakfast/lunch/diner回忆以前的课文:Have some rice ,Mike. OK,thanks, Mum. I like rice.讲解词组:a hot cake with a cherry有一个樱桃的热蛋糕a girl with big eyes长着一双大眼睛的女孩Step 4 Consolidation4.补充习题在听录音之前先让学生说说在图上能看到哪些内容,让学生学会观察题目。部分题目也可以要求学生作听写任务,提高学生听说读写的语言综合运用能力。5.同步探究翻译词组,选择题题目选择,一些难的题目可以做为附加题,对于班级学习成绩比较优异的学生可以有这方面的要求。在作业上可以分层作业,减轻后进生的学习负担,提高英语学习兴趣。Step 5 知识拓展 1.词组our vegetable salad 我们的蔬菜沙拉a sour pineapple 一个酸菠萝 some cherries 一些樱桃how many 多少个how much 多少钱 2.句子Make cards to help you remember words.做卡片帮你记单词。I can name some fruit. I can talk about fruit too. 我能说出一些水果的名称。我也能谈论水果。Let me draw an apple. 让我画一个苹果。Taste the fruit salad. Wonderful! 尝一尝水果沙拉。好极了!Step 6 Ticking timeStep 7 Homework(1)Finish the exercises作业:2.Finish the exercises 板书设计 Unit 2 Lets make a fruit salad Hh /h/ behind have horse hot hurry he Helena hot cake with a cherrya girl with big eyes附送:2019-2020年四年级上Unit6 At a snack bar(Story time)教学设计一、教学内容译林版四上Unit 6 At a snack bar (Story time) 二、教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词snack bar, a cup of coffee, a glass of juice, a glass of milk, a hamburger, noodles, a sandwich.2. 能听懂、会说、会读,会说日常用语What would you like? Id like What about you? Anything else?3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,并能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语进行点餐。4. 学会合理安排饮食。三、教学重点1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词snack bar, a cup of coffee, a glass of juice, a glass of milk, a hamburger, noodles, a sandwich.2. 能听懂、会说、会读,会说日常用语What would you like? Id like What about you? Anything else?3. 能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,并能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语进行点餐。四、教学难点1.能初步区分a glass of和a cup of 的区别2.能灵活运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语进行点餐。五、教学准备图字卡,实物道具(茶杯和玻璃杯),实物图片,练习纸六、教学过程Step 1 Greeting &Warming up 1. GreetingT: Hello, boys and girls.S: Hello, Miss Gu.T: Nice to see you.S: Nice to see you, too.2. Sing a song What would you like?T: Well done! You sing beautifully! I have some questions for you. Q1: What food can you hear in the song? 出示单词foodS: Dumplings, noodles, rice, hamburgers, hot dogs, French Fries, bread, pies.T: Good! And where can we buy them?S: At a supermarket/snack barT: Yes, maybe at a snack bar. (出示快餐店, 并通过出示相同发音的单词,教读snack 和bar )Today well learn Unit 6 At a snack bar揭题 Step 2 Presentation1、 Play a game T: We can buy many food and drinks at the snack bar. 出示单词drinks Lets see what they are! T: When you see the pictures or the words, say the words loudly. But if you see the food presents, say “Yummy, Yummy” loudly. T: (出示ppt,展示食物和饮料图片单词)S: a cake/a hot dog/Yummy!/an ice-cream/a pie/Yummy!/noodles/juice/milk/Yummy/a sweet/a hamburger/Yummy/an egg/coffee/Yummy/a sandwich【设计意图】通过游戏让学生熟悉食物和饮料的名称,并渗透新授单词其中,让学生预热生单词。2、Guess and learn the new words (遮图片,剪影,首字母,听声音)T: Good job! Now, weve got some presents. Therere some food and drinks in them. Guess! Look at Picture1.S: Its a cup of coffee. (生选择,师点击礼品盒)T: Great! (板书,贴图,带读 a cup of coffee) 并询问Would you like a cup of coffee?S: Its a glass of milk.(生选择,师点击礼品盒) T: Good! (板书a glass of milk,贴图,带读a glass of milk) 用实物区别a cup of &a glass of T: How to say this? 教授a glass of juiceS: Its a hamburger!T: Bingo! Can you spell it? (板书a hamburger,贴图,带读a hamburger并询问would you like a hamburger? What about you?)S: Its a sandwich. T: Well done! (板书a sandwich,贴图,带读a sandwich)T: How about Picture 3.Listen!(录吃面条声音)S: (引导)Theyre noodles. T: Clever! (板书noodles,贴图,带读noodles, Tips: 注意可数名词和不可数名词。举例:a hamburger, some rice, some noodles 询问新句型 What would you like?)S: Id like (出示Id like)【设计意图】通过猜单词,让学生熟悉单词,并在新旧句型使用中进一步掌握词汇和句型。3. Work in pairs T: What would you like?(看着黑板进行师生对话练习)S: Id like T: What about you ?S: T: Anything else?S: T: Now, we have some food and drinks here, talk about them in pairs.S: (生展示)【设计意图】通过对话练习,巩固词汇和句型。Step 3 Story time 1. Watch and answer. T: You did a good job! And our friends are at the snack bar, too. Who are they?Lets watch and answer! S: Helen, Mike and Mr Green. T: Yes! And we can also see a waitress here.2. Listen and tick.T: Look, there are many food and drinks here. They are What would they like? Lets listen and tick. T: What would Mike like? (引导)He would like What would Helen like? She would like(听力验证)What would Dad like? He would like3. Listen and readT: Read the three sentences: Id like a hamburger and a glass of milk.Id like a sandwich and a cup of coffee.A hamburger, noodles and a glass of milk, please.Tips:几个相同种类的词语并列出现时,除最后一项外,其余都读成升调。 4. Read the text跟读(注意模仿语音语调)分角色朗读T: OK. Now we have read the story together. Now open your books, turn to Page 38, and read the story in roles, four students a group.【设计意图】通过不同形式的朗读,让学生熟练掌握课文,为下一步表演奠定基础。5. Try to fill Mike, Helen and their father_ at the snack bar. They would _ some food and drinks. Mike would like a glass of _ and a _. Helen would like some_. Mr Brown would like a _ and a cup of _. 核对答案,齐说Step 4 Show time 1. Go to the snack bar.a. T: You did a good job. Now, lets go to the snack bar, OK? Look! Here is the menu. If you are a waitress or a waiter, how can you say? (带着学生看黑板复习问句) Some of you can answer like this: Id like A/Some, please. b. T: Who wants to work with me? (教师示范)c. Work in 3 d. Show it. 请小组上台表演,带上角色帽子2. AdviceT: Look at these food and drinks. Milk is healthy, but hamburger is a kind of junk food. How about eggs?(将食物分类)Attention here: We should “Eat well, eat healthy.”合理饮食,健康饮食!Step5: Homework 1. Read and imitate the story. 听录音,朗读并模仿对话。2. Invite your friends to enjoy the food at the weekends. Try to use the sentences we learnt today. 周末邀请你的小伙伴一起分享食物,试着用今天所学的句型交流哦。3. Write down the food you can name, try to divide them in different ways.写下你学过的食物类单词,试试用不同的方法来给它们的分类吧。板书设计:Unit 6 At the snack barWhatwould you like?Food: a hamburger a sandwich a hot dog Id like (图片) some noodles a pie an ice creamWhat about you?/ Anything else?Drinks: a cup of coffee A/ Some, please.(图片) a glass of milk a glass of juice Here you are. Thank you.

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