2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 6(3)教案 新世纪版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 6(3)教案 新世纪版预习:要求学生听Grand Theatre部分的录音,收集一些喜欢的城市的信息。 课前准备:PPT演示文稿制作,课堂练习的准备。课型:阅读教学教学目标 基础性目标:熟练掌握短语lots of foreigners, a group of American students, a good place for, enjoy ones day out,运用所学短语描述喜欢的景点。能正确地不同的地点提问和回答。能阅读理解课文。发展性目标:能根据Holidays这一话题,使用正确的时态,进行有条理的描述。了解上海的变化,及中国著名的旅游景点、传统文化和特色购物等。了解家乡的风土人情,能以自豪的激情介绍自己的家乡。活动过程教师活动学生活动教案调整Pre-task preparation1. A movie2. Topic talk1. Watch a movie about the World Expo in xx, Shanghai China.Topic: What do you think of Shanghai?While-task procedureI. Learn the text:1. Listen to the text: Questions:Where did they go during their holiday?What did they do in Shanghai?1. Learn some phrases.a lot of foreigners, a team of American students, a good place for taking photos, bought their friends many presents, enjoyed themselves during their visit in Shanghai2. Talk about Yu Garden.Yu Garden is a good place for photos.Yu garden is a good place for_._ is a good place for playing._ is a good place for _.3. Enjoy some interesting places in Shanghai. Ask some questions about the places.II. To understand the text.Listen and understand the main idea of the text.Try to find the phrases which has the same meaning in the text.Read the phrases together and try to remember.1) Read the sentences.2) Make sentences in pairs: _ is a good place for _3) Talk about the food and the special things in Yu Garden.Enjoy and talk about the places in Shanghai according to the questions.1) Listen and fill in the blanks2) Students read the text by themselves.1) Ask and answer about the text.2) Read the passage together.Post-task activities1.Talk about Chongming2. Talk about the places in China.Show some beautiful place in China.3. Assignment1. Read an e-mail.2. Group work. 3. Act as a guide.4. Read the passage and know more about ChongmingGuess where Tom would like to visit in China and tell the reason.Describe other places in China.(Choose one to finish)1. Write an email to Tom.2. If you are a volunteer of the World Expo, please introduce Shanghai to the foreigners.3. Write an essay: Holidays in Beijing.附送:2019-2020年五年级英语下册 Unit 6(3)教案 湘少版Teaching aims:1.Tell the children to do some housework at home.2.Can listen and say the new words of Part B.Knowledge :near the sofa beside a lamp a ring on top of look for guess who Was it in the wardrobe? Yes, it was. / No, it wasnt.Teaching emphasis and difficulties: near the sofa a sofa beside a lamp a ring on top of look for guess who Was it in the wardrobe? Yes, it was. / No, it wasnt.Teaching aids :Pictures , cards, recorder, tape , puter.Teaching methods:1.Direct Method.2.Audio-lingual Method.3.Games.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead in1.Greetings .2.Warm up:1. 师生问候。2. Sing the Song I have a table .Step 2 Presentation 1.出示B部分的单词和短语的图片和单词卡片: near the sofa a sofa beside a lamp a ring on top of look for guess who教学新单词。2.Quick response : Show the pictures and new words of the new knowledge and have the children say them as quick as possible .3.Have the children listen and read Part B.4. Ask and answer with the sentence pattern “Was it in the wardrobe? Yes, it was. / No, it wasnt.”Step 3 Practice1.A game: Patting flies(拍苍蝇) 将单词卡片或图片贴在黑板上,并标上序号,教师或一名学生用手势示意序号,其他学生大声地读出序号对应的单词,每轮派两名学生到黑板前,根据所听到的读音快速地指到正确的图片或单词。2.A game :The police catch the thief .3.Play a game : Guessing game with pictures.Step 4 Consolidation1.Listen to the tape and read Part B.2.Copy the new words and phrases .3.Homework :Read Part B and copy the new knowledge for 5 times .Sum up:对学生的表现进行评价,给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生说的欲望。5.Homework :Read Part B and copy the new knowledge for 5 times .Blackboard design:Unit 6 Was it in the wardrobe?near the sofa beside a lamp a ring on top of look for guess who Was it in the wardrobe? Yes, it was. / No, it wasnt.第二课时Teaching content: Part ATeaching aims:1.Tell the children help their parents do something.2.Can listen and say the sentences of Part A.Knowledge :Where was my ring? Here it is. Was it in the wardrobe? Yes, it was. / No, it wasnt.Teaching emphasis and difficulties:1.Where was my ring? Here it is. Was it in the wardrobe? Yes, it was. / No, it wasnt.2.Perform the dialogue of Part A.Teaching aids :Pictures , cards, recorder, tape .Teaching methods:1.Tasks teaching method.2.Audio-lingual Method.3municative Method.Teaching procedures:Step 1 Lead in1.Greetings .2.Warm up:1. 师生问候。2.Free talk:T:I was at the office just now. Where were you?S:3.A game: 名探福尔摩斯T: Where was the bag /ball/?S: It was on /under/the desk/chair/Step 2 Presentation 1.游戏 Quick response (快速反应) 教师出示本单元B部分单词、短语卡片或图片,另选择5位学生按照指令做动作,又快又对的可向前跨一步。T: Great! He/ She is No.1, the first.第一轮结束时,教师总结评价,并板书。2.教学单词和句型:Where was my ring? Was it in the wardrobe? Yes, it was. / No, it wasnt.3.听课文A部分录音,整体感知课文内容。4.Listen to Part A 、B and read after the tape.5.自由朗读。Step 3 Practice1.Read and perform Part A. 2. Ask and answer with the sentence pattern.Step 4 Consolidation1. Read and perform Part A. 2Sum up: 对学生的表现进行评价,给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生说的欲望。3.Homework :Read Part A and copy the new knowledge for 5 times .Make some sentences with the sentence pattern.Blackboard design: Unit 6 Was it in the wardrobe? Where was my ring? Here it is. Was it in the wardrobe? Yes, it was. / No, it wasnt.第三课时Teaching aims:1.Enable the Ss retell the text;2.Enable the Ss finish Part D and Part E.3.Tell the children to study hard.Teaching emphasis: Enable the Ss finish Part D and Part E.Teaching difficulties:There are some new words in the Ex. Teaching tools:Tape, recorder, VCDTeaching methods:1. Tasks Approach2.Audio-lingual Method.3. municative Method.Teaching steps:Step 1 Warming up1. Greetings.2. Read Part A together.3. Ask 2 Ss to retell the text.Step 2 Presentation and drill1. T: Now please finish Part D: Long long ago, there was a bridge .There was a car on the bridge . And under the bridge there was a rockHelp the children to understand the words:rock ,stone, snail ,ant , flea.2.Listen and read Part D . Then answer the question: Where is the flea?3. Check the answer.Step 3 PracticeAsk and answer:Where was the flea ? It was on the boy.Where was the ant? It was under the snail.Where was the snail? It was under the stone.Where was the stone? It was under the rock.Where was the car? It was on the bridge.Step 4 Consolidation1.Do Ex. Workbook Unit 6.2.Evaluation.3.Homework. Revise Unit 6.


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