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2019-2020年四年级下册Module1Unit2Whatcanyouhear5课时英文表格式教案Language skills:Listening:Identify key words in an utterance by recognizing the stressLocate specific information in response to simple questionsSpeaking:Open an interaction by eliciting a responseMaintain an interaction by providing information in responseUse appropriate intonation in questions and statementsWriting:Develop written texts by adding personal ideas and information to writingDevelop written texts by putting words in a logical order to male meaningful phrases or sentencesDifficult points: Prepositions: Behind, beside, in, on, underWh- question: WhereWhatWhose?Materials: Pictures, recorder, tapesTeaching Times: Five periodsFirst periodContents:Words: piano, recorder, violin, guitar, drum, triangleLanguage focus:Using nouns to identify thingse.g. a pianoDifficult points: Pronunciation: piano, recorder, violin, guitar, drum, triangleTeaching breach: Using the songs to practice the words.ProcedureContentsMethodPurposePre-task preparation1. Song2. Daily talk3. RevisionPs sing togetherT-PP-PWhile-taskprocedureLook and learnWhat can you play?I can playT:(show objects) Look. Whats the shape?P: Its a triangle.P say triangleT: Look, I can play the triangle. TingP say and actT: I have got a drum. Its nice.P read drumP(say and act) : I can play the drum. BoomT:(show) Whose pen is that?The same way to teach; piano, recorder. Violin, guitarT: I can play the What can you play?P answerP-PSing a song together在词汇的教学中注重单词发音的体会,帮助学生根据发音规律来记忆单词。并加强在句子的使用中来学习单词。Post-task activitiesWorkbook page4Our new songP-P ask and answerP use the sentences they have learned before and write simple lyrics由于歌曲容易上口,学生兴趣较浓,学起来较快。HomeworkCopy the words and sentencesSecond PeriodContents:Sentences: Whoseis this? Its Eddies.Language focus: Asking yesno questions to obtain simple responses. Asking wh- question to find out which person something belongs to Using pronouns to indicate possessions Using possessive forms of nouns to show possessionsDifficult points: Asking wh- questions to find out which person sth. belongs toTeaching breach: Using the things to ask and answer. ProcedureContentsMethodPurposePre-task preparation1.Song2.Daily talk3.RevisionPs sing togetherT-PP-PWhile-taskprocedureLook and say hear noiseAsk and answerPracticeT:(tape) Listen, what can you hear?P(read) hearP: I can hear theT: Is it a piece of music? Its just a noise.P(read) noisePs read after the tapeP-P practice the dialogueAct outAsk: Whoseis this?To elicit: Its-.P-PCan you hear a noise?Its aIs it your?Yes, its myNo, it isnt my在这节课中,情景的创设是很重要的,通过声边的东西来操练句型.,达到复习乐器的目的.Post-task activitiesWhose is it?P-P ask and answerP use the sentences they have learned before and write simple lyricsHomeworkCopy the words and sentencesThird periodContents:Words: in, on, under, behind, besideSentences: Wheres? Its.Language focus:Asking yesno questions to obtain simple responsesAsking wh- questions to find out which person something belongs to Using pronouns to indicate possessionsUsing possessive forms of nouns to show possessionsDifficult points:Prepositions: in, on, under, behind, besideTeaching breach: Put the things to practice the words.ProcedureContentsMethodPurposePre-task preparation1.Song2.Daily talk3.RevisionPs sing togetherT-PT show picturesP say: I can playWhile-taskprocedureLook and learnin, on, under, behind, besidePoint and sayWheres Kallys drum?Its behind her chair.Learn the soundThe small ball is on the wall.T:(show pictures) Wheres?P: Its oninunderT show; Is the recorder oninunder the box?P: No.T: Its beside the box. Its behind the box.P read: beside, behindP make sentences with these prep. T: kittys violinAlices recorderEddies guitar.P point as quickly as they canp-p: Ask and anxwerT tapeP listen and read教学中通过摆设文具的位置来学习方位介词,并在此基础上学习使用形容词性物主代词的介词词组.在摆摆放放中学会正确表达.Post-task activitiesWorkbook page 5Spot the differenceP-P ask and answerP use the sentences they have learned before and write simple lyrics在课文的朗读训练上注重学生的语气语调的正确和流畅.HomeworkCopy the words and sentencesFourth periodContents:Words: basket, eat, holeLanguage focus:Using the present continuous tense to describe an action taking place at the time of speakingUsing predicative adjectives to describe feelingsUsing preposition to indicate positionsDifficult points: basket, hole, eating, chasingTeaching breach: Try to act out the story and discuss the end.ProcedureContentsMethodPurposePre-task preparation1.Song2.Daily talk3.RevisionPs sing togetherT-PP-PWhile-taskprocedureRead a storyThe cat and the mouseLearn the soundThe small ball is on the wall.Read and answer practiceT:(show pictures) Whose house is it?Its cats house. Its a basket.P readT show picturesP say sth. about the pictures: The cat is in the basket. It is sleeping. The mouse is hungry. It is eatingT tapeP listen and read P-P: Ask and answerp-p: Act out the story 在故事教学中注重学生的想象能力的培养,让学生想象结果回如何,让学生叙编故事,并通过体温的形式串联起来,便于学生的复述.Post-task activitiesThats not the end of the storyP draw pictures and rewrite the new endingHomework Copy the words and sentencesFifth periodContents: Review the wordsReview the sentencesDifficult points:Prepositions: behind, beside, in, on, underWh- questions: WhereWhatWhose?Teaching breach: Using the questions to practice.ProcedureContentsMethodPurposePre-task preparation1.Song2.Daily talk3.RevisionPs sing togetherT-PP-PWhile-taskprocedureRecite the words and sentencesDo the exercisesT-PCorrect 1) Whose pen are these?2) Those paint are new.3) What has you got? I ve got a dogs.4) What is they doing? They are read.5) What are he doing? Hes playing.6) Where is Peter and Tom?7) He is in the hall.在这课中通过对平时作业的批改和总结,找出学生易错的地方进行针对性的练习.Homework Copy the words and sentencesFeedback:联系实物,学习新知。小学高年级学生仍以形象思维为主。因此,我结合手势,借助于投影,运用图片进行直观教学。附送:2019-2020年四年级下册Module1Unit3Whatcanyoufeel5课时英文表格式教案Language skills:Listening:Locate specific information in response to simple instructionsReading:Locate specific information in a short text in response to questionsPredict the meaning of unfamiliar words by using picture cuesSpeaking:Use modeled phrases and sentences to municate with teachers or other learnersWriting:Revise and edit short written texts by making changes to incorrect informationDifficult points:Imperatives: feelPutMixShowCollectInverted order for question: Is it?Predicative adjectives: sharp, bluntPossessivesWh- questions: what is it? Whose is this?Materials:Word and picture cards, objects, cassette and a cassette playerWorkbook 4B Teaching times: Five periodsFirst periodContents:Words: donkey, Imperatives: Feel, Put, Mix, ShowLanguage focus:Using nouns to identify animals e.g. donkeyUsing imperatives to give instructionse.g. Feel the donkey.Difficult points: basket, hole, eating, chasingTeaching breach: Using the pictures to put and say.ProcedureContentsMethodPurposePre-task preparation1.Song2.Daily talk3.RevisionPs sing togetherT-PP-PWhile-taskproceduretailDonkeyLook and sayFeelPutTouch and feelPlay a gameT:(show pictures) This is a horse This is its head. Is this its head?P: No.T: This is its tail.P read: tail: Is this a horse?P: No.T: Its a donkey. Monkey-donkeyP read.T tapeP read after the tapeP say and actP match and fill in the blanks:This is These are its-.Feel the-.Put the -on the-.p-pp1: Im a duck. I havent got a nose.P2: I can help you. Feel the duck.Put the nose on the duck.在单词的训练中注重加强和相近字的比较,找出不同点,便于学生记忆.通过自画缺胳膊段腿的动物来操练句型,注重单复数的比较和操练.Post-task activitiesWorkbook page6p-p ask and answerps practiceps do the exercisesHomework Copy the words and sentencesFeedback:在教与学的互相推动中,学生才是课堂的主体,老师只是起到了一个引导者的作用。我在课中每进行一个步骤都体现了这一点。在第一个讲授单词的环节中,就充分调动起学生的积极性,由自己表演,来让大家猜出新单词。在学习了词汇,集中与单独读过之后,为了加深大家的记忆,又让同学们来表演每个单词。在while-task procedure中,又对主要句型进行了对话训练。在最后的Role-play中,大家踊跃表演,充分练习,发挥了课堂主人翁的作用。Second periodContents:Words: sharp, bluntSentences: Is it hot? ItsLanguage focus:Using imperatives to give instructionse.g. Touch the window.Asking yesno questions to obtain simple responsese.g. Is it hot?Using predicative adjectives to describe thingse.g. Its blunt.Difficult point: sing nouns to identify animalsTeaching breach: Using the opposite words to describe the things.ProcedureContentsMethodPurposePre-task preparation1.Song2.Daily talk3.RevisionPs sing togetherT-PGame:This is a-.This isThese are its-.Feel the -. Put the -on the-.While-taskprocedureMake and playT:(show pictures) Describe the things.P say: The water is hot. The ice is cold.The strawberry is rough. The apple is smooth. The.ect.T: This pencil is sharp.Is this pencil sharp?P: No.T: Its blunt.P read P make sentences with their own things: My face is smooth. My chair is hard. Ect.p-p practice这一课主要是对反义词的复习和使用,通过对事物的描述训练学生表达和对反义词的掌握.Ask and answerPlay the game in pairsTouch the.Feel it.Is it hotcold?T introduce a few more pairs of opposites: clean-dirty, old-young, fast-slow.Post-task activitiesWorkbook page 7P-P ask and answerPs do the exercisesHomeworkCopy the words and sentencesFeedback:Third periodContents:Sentences: what is it? How does it feel? Put the in the bag.Language focus:Using imperatives to give instructionse.g. Danny, put your pencil in the bag.Asking wh- questions to find out which person something belong toe.g. Whose balloon is this?Asking wh- questions to find out various kinds of specific information about A thinge.g. What is it?Using predicative adjectives to describe thingse.g. Its smooth.Difficult point:Using imperative to give instructionsUsing predicative adjectives to describe thingsTeaching breach: Using the pupils things to ask and practice.ProcedureContentsMethodPurposePre-task preparation1.Song2.Daily talk3.RevisionPs sing togetherT-PP: Show sth.: Theis The areWhile-task procedureRead and tickthingT(show a bag): There are some things in my bag.P read: thingT: Put my hands in the bag. Touch one thing. Ask me How does it feel?P:How does it feel?T: Its a balloon.T play the cassettePs listen and follow.P-P act out.在游戏中学会描述事物的不同特征,学生兴趣较浓,表达踊跃.Tick the wordsPlay a gameP-P: Is the balloon big or small?Is the balloon hard or soft?Is the balloon smooth or rough?P-P practiceP1 put the things into the bag.P2/P3: Put your hand in the bag.P1: touch one thing. Ho does it feel?P2: Its big/smooth/soft在描述中,鼓励学生用尽量多的词汇来形容,.Post-task activitiesWorkbook page 7P-P ask and answerPs do the exercisesHomeworkCopy the words and sentencesFeedback: 当有学生回答问题很准确时,教师适时的向对方投去赞许的目光,而当有同学不小心犯了错误时,她会巧妙地绕过这个失误,自己给出正确答案并强调一下。这种教学方式能使学生感到亲切、自然,信心百倍的投入到学习中。Fourth periodContents:Sentences: Where is it? /Is it?Language focus: Asking Wh- questions to find out the positionse.g. Wheres my rabbit?Asking yes/no questions to obtain simple responsese.g. Is it under your desk?Difficult points:Asking Wh-questions to find out the positionsTeaching breach: Using the things to practice.ProcedureContentsMethodPurposePre-task preparation1.Song2.Daily talk3.RevisionPs sing togetherT-PFill in the blanks:Wheres-?Its in/on/underWhile-task procedureRead and answerThingTrue and falseLearn the sound -ssT (show a bag)P: Put my hand in the bag.Touch one thing.Its smooth/soft.Its a rabbit.T: Its my rabbit. Wheres my rabbit?P: Its on the desk. Its in the bagT play the cassettePs listen and followP-P read and judgePs read together T play the cassettePs listen and readPs collect the words with -ssPs read the words在教学中通过创设情景对地点的不同变化来操练句子.在发音的学习中注重学生体会和对学过单词的发音体会,了解发音规律.Post-task activitiesListening taskWorkbook page8a. Have students look at the pictures and identify the positions of the different objects.b. Have students finish the exercises.c. Invite individual students to give you the answers. The rest of the class check answers.T play the cassettePs listen and matchT-Ps : Check the answers.Homeworka. Copy the words and sentencesb. Listen to the tape againFifth periodContents: RevisionsDifficult points:Imperatives: Feel/Put/Mix/Show/CollectInverted order for question: Is it?Predicative adjectives: sharp, bluntWh- questions: What is it? Whose is this? ProcedureContentsMethodPurposePre-task preparation1.Song2.Daily talkPs sing togetherT-PWhile-task procedureRevisions 1. Review the wordsdonkey tail feel put touch rough smooth cold hard soft blunt thing a. Ps read togetherb. Invite individual students to read 2. Fill in the blanks1) -is she doing? Shes sitting.2) is he? Hes Tom.3) -re they? They are in the hall.4) -pens? There are two.5) -cat is it? Its my cat.6) -is the ruler? Two yuan.3. WritingFeedback:布置作业,鼓励创新。小学生英语听说领先,读写应该紧跟。因此,我请学生边抄边读四会单词。创新是一个民族进步的灵魂。小学生想象丰富,我鼓励他们自己在课后编新的儿歌,学以至用。

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