2019-2020年三年级英语下册 unit1 lesson4(2)教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语下册 unit1 lesson4(2)教案 冀教版Teaching Aims:One: Make students work toward masting these words : vegetables fruitTwo: They can understand and respond orally to sentences :Do you like _? Yes, I like_. / No, I dont like _.Class Pattern : NewMain Points : Words and expressionsDifficult Points : Using the languageTeaching Tools : vocabulary cards, Audiotape, pictures, puppetsTeaching Process:Activities of teacherActivities of studentsGreetingGreeting each otherSing a songWhos on duty ?Review some words about foodSing a songIntroduce themselvesThey find partners and take turns practicinga dialogue with all the the vocabulary words.New Concepts1 Using cards to teach Vegetables and fruit2 Activity Book L4 N11 Look and read them a few times withteacher2 Do Activity Book L4 N1Use actions, pictures and puppets todemonstrate I like /dont like_.Lead Ss through a dialoguePlay the audiotapeAsk Ss to practice the dialogueLook and listen, then show I like /dontlike_.Make a dialogue with teacherListen and read follow in their books .They find partners and take turns practicingin Pairs.创设情境引导编对话介绍英美文化引导表演根据校本教材中有关内容编对话倾听初步了解英美人的思维方式学生上前表演Class ClosingPlay a gamePlay Find the CardsLesson 4 Vegetables and FruitDo you like _?Yes,I like _.No,I dont like _.附送:2019-2020年三年级英语下册 unit1 Lesson5教案 冀教版一、教学目标1、知识目标:(1) 能正确的说、认识和口头运用下列单词:breakfast lunch supper(2) 能够向他人介绍自己最喜欢的食物,并在生活中灵活运用: My favourite food is _.2、能力目标:能把所学单词、句子运用到日常生活之中,做到学以致用。如在向他人介绍自己最喜爱的食物,和父母一起讨论彼此喜爱的食物二、教学重难点(1)My favourite food is _.(2)breakfast、 lunch 、supper 学会向别人介绍自己的喜好,同时学会去了解别人的喜好,并做到实际生活中的灵活运用。三、教具准备 多媒体课件、幻灯片、录音机、学生自带的食物、食物的卡片四、教学过程Step1:Greetings!(师生互相问候)师生问候,使课堂气氛温馨,拉近师生距离。Step2:Warming-upSing a song: I get up in the morning (见L4中歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,使孩子们情绪高涨,主动投入到学习中。)Step3:Review利用食物图片或学生自己带的食物,复习上节课所学知识,让学生介绍自己喜欢吃什么不喜欢吃什么,并通过动作表情来让别人对自己的喜好一目了然。很好的做到温故知新! I like_. (微笑,点头) I dont like_.(皱眉,摇头)Step4:New Concepts(1)做游戏Colour Point (出示食物大挂图)利用食物大挂图中颜色,做此游戏。Point to red , point to blue用已学过的知识,让更多的孩子有展示自己的机会。然后自然的导出以前所作游戏。 T: Whats your favourite colour? S1:Blue.Whats your favourite colour? S2:Red.Whats your favourite colour? 适当的几组游戏,师生互动,生生互动,自然导入My Favourite Food的新授.(2)T: Whats your favourite food? (从上一游戏自然导入,同时举起一种食物,或指向图片,向全班发问,并微笑点头。语调中Favourite food要有所突出,应起孩子们的注意现在游戏有所变化了!)S3: My favourite food is _.(举起自己的食物或指大挂图) T:Good! My Favourite Food. Say it ,please. 全班读数遍。(3)依照My favourite colour接着做My favourite food的游戏,学生可以走到大挂图前,也可以展示自己带来的食物,向别人介绍自己Favourite Food.让游戏涉及到更多的学生,让英语课堂人人都有机会。 S4: My favourite food is _. Whats your favourite food? S5: My favourite food is _. Whats your favourite food? (4)T:我们都有自己喜欢的食物,让我们去看一看,Whats LiMings favourite food?播放多媒体课件,看卡通片,并跟读课文。翻译delicious, good并说明delicious比good更进一步. (栩栩如生的卡通片把枯燥无味的课本知识变得形象直观,把需要老师用很多语言来表达的东西轻而易举的表现出来。)(5)操练:学生利用食物或卡片小组之间合作做游戏。 S6: Do you like_? S7: Yes, I like_/No, I dont like _(微笑或皱眉) S8:Whats your favourite food? S9: My favourite food is _.(做兴高采烈状) 评选最佳小组,奖励小画贴。让孩子自己做评委,更公平。(6)利用多媒体课件,学习第二部分:breakfast,lunch, supper 放光盘,并让学生观察图片,理解breakfast, lunch, supper的含义,并跟读几遍。 用P11页第二部分的内容做歌词,教授歌曲。采用曲调为This is the way we walk to school的曲调。(老歌新唱,降低了学习的难度,使孩子们学得更快,掌握起来格外的容易,孩子们就更愿意学了。)Step5:Class-Closing(1)做活动手册学生自我检测本课所学。 让学生了解自己在课堂上的所得和不足,以便及时的进行自我提高和更正。使孩子们能不断进步。(2)唱歌结束课堂 Sing an English song.整堂课在轻松愉快的歌曲中结束.五、板书Lesson5Breakfast Lunch and Supperbreakfast、 lunch 、supperMy favourite food is _六、课后反思:

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