2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 1(5)教案 外研版(一起).doc

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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 1(5)教案 外研版(一起).doc_第1页
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2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 1(5)教案 外研版(一起)教学目的:1.Grasp the words and sentences: lost, West Lake Road, East Lake RoadGo straight on! Turn left! Turn right! 2.Can use the knowledge to talk about the direction and finish the task. 3.Train the students ability of speaking and listening.重点:Words and drills lost, West Lake Road, East Lake Road Go straight on! Turn left! Turn right!难点:Can use the knowledge to talk about the direction and finish the task.教具:Tape recorder, cards, CAI教学设计(一)Warmer1.Greetings: Good morning, boys and girls. How are you?2.Listen and do actions: Stand up! Point to the window! Point to the door! Point to Miss Zhong! Point to XXX. Sit down!3.Free talk Teacher: Wheres my book? Student: Its on the desk. Teacher: Wheres my toy? Student: Its in my hand .Teacher: Wheres Hongqi Primary School? Student: Its in Jinzhou . Its in Shengli Road. Teacher: Can you tell me how to get to the Xiangying Park? After the new teaching, you can find this park easily.(二) Task-presenting and preparing 1.Teacher: Today Sam wants to go to Damings flat. Do you know where does Daming live? Student: Its in East Lake Road. Teacher: Yes, its in East Lake Road. Now look! (Show card, read and understand the words.) Is this East Lake Road?(Show card and ask) Student: No, it isnt. Its West Lake Road. (Read and understand)Teacher: Now lets go to Damings flat with Sam,OK? Lets go! Open your books, turn to page 34, listen and point! 2.Listen to the tape, then ask: What happened to Sam? Hes lost!(Show card, read and understand) 3.Listen again, show questions of CAI: Where is Sam going? Wheres Damings flat? How do you get to Damings flat?三、Practising and counseling 1.Show CAI: Go straight on. Turn left! Turn right! Read, write and do actions. 2.Read and spell the three words: Straight, left, right Then fill in the blanks: straight, left, right 3.Listen to the tape and circle some words: West Lake Road, go straight on, turn left,turn right,lost, East Lake Road 4.Check the words: Teacher says, students point and say the words. 5.Read the three phrases and do actions together. 6.Practise in pairs. 7.Play a game: Teacher says,students do actions.Then student says, students do.(Row and row)四、Task-fulfilling1. Listen and repeat.2.Listen and sing a song: Wheres Damings flat?3.Now I have a cute toy. Lets play with my toy,OK? Each group helps one of your member to find the toy together.4.Read and do actions together.5.Play a guessing game: Guess the directions.6. I have a new friend for you. His name is Xiaoming. Now Xiaoming wants to go to the Xiangying Park.Lets help him together!五、Sum up and homework 板书设计 Module9 Unit 1 G1 G2 Go straight on! G3 G4 Turn left! Turn right!附送:2019-2020年二年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 2(1)教案 外研版(一起)【模块建议】教 学主 题Turn Left模块第一单元通过Daming寻找Sam的家,沿途经过的路线介绍了方向词的用法。书中配以箭头:向左,向右,直行,形象地展示了表示方向的词。第二单元以一小男孩询问小女孩的家庭住址,进一步地学习与方位有关的一些表达方法,使学生能根据路线图进行简单的描述。语 言功 能1 Talking about direction教学目标语言知识目标1对方位词进行初步学习2学习turn left,turn right,go straight on,go out of,go past等单词和短语。3学习简单地介绍所处方位和按路线图介绍方位。4 正确理解,掌握对话内容。语言能力目标1 能正确使用本模块所学习的单词和短语描述方位和路线。2 能根据路线图进行简单的方位描述。3 能流利地朗读,并初步表演对话。学习策略目标1 对所学习内容能主动练习和实践2 尝试介绍简单的方位。情感态度目标1通过询问方位,介绍路线培养学生独立解决问题的能力和乐于助人的品质。【热身和导入】1.教师发出指令:“Turn left.Turn right.Go straight on.”学生听指令做出相应动作,并适当加快语速。2. Look, listen and answer.教师呈现挂图:“这个小女孩的家在哪里呢?从学校到家里要怎么走呢?我们一起来看看课文中的小女孩是怎么介绍的吧!【任务呈现】1.教师呈献挂图,指着小女孩家所在的那条街道,模仿她的声音:“I live in Apple Street.”让学生看挂图,Listen to the text,then repeat. 【任务准备】 1.教师将一个可以操纵的玩具人放在图上,在平面图上教师下指令如下:Go out of the school.Turn left.Then go straight on.You go past the factory.Then you turn right.That is Apple Street.Listen to the text. 听录音让学生跟读,可以分组读课文,让学生充分熟悉从学校到小女孩家的路线。 Learn the key words and sentences.在学生重复后,重点学习Go out of the school.You go past the factory等重点句型。2.chant学习请学生听韵句,教师利用身体语言让学生明白大意,必要时教师可以夸张自己的语言和动作。 Left foot,right foot,left foot,right.让学生边说边踏脚,以帮助学生更好地掌握这首韵句。在学生熟悉之后举行一个比赛,看哪个小组的节奏感最好,语音最标准。【任务完成】让学生认真看SBUnit 2活动2的地图,分清几个小孩子Ben,Jess,Lucy,Kate的家在什么位置,然后两人一组看图模仿例句进行问答。教师请一名学生发口令:Simon says turn left,全班同学听口令做动作,加入Turn right,Go straight on等口令,不断加快速度,看谁的反应快。【家庭作业】让学生根据自己家到学校的路程画路线图,并用英语做出沿图建筑物的标志,练习用英语介绍路线。


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