2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit4 lesson7(1)教案 闽教版.doc

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2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit4 lesson7(1)教案 闽教版教学目的与要求词汇:basketball, football, ping-pong, pass, catch, shot。句型:What are they doing? Theyre doing. .功能:谈论运动项目。教具准备1卡片:abasketball, football, ping-pong.brun, swim, sing, dance, boat, play, pass, catch, shot.cplaying basketball, playing football, playing ping-pong pass the ball, catch the ball。2篮球、足球、乒乓球、足球明星踢足球的图画,姚明与队友们打篮球的图画。3挂图,录音机。教学步骤和方法建议一 热身活动1师生之间用英语打招呼。2全班唱英文歌曲:The music Room二 复习导入1教师出示单词卡片,复习学过的动词run, swim, sing, dance,boat, play及这些动词的现在分词形式。2全班同学边做动作边说下面的韵文,复习学过的现在进行时的句型。Running, running, I am running.Swimming, swimming, you are swimming.Singing, singing, he is singing.Dancing, dancing, she is dancing.Boating, boating, were boating.Playing, playing, were playing.3揭示并板书课题:Lesson 7三 教授新课1句型教学1)教师拿出一个足球,教学单词football,然后一边做出踢球的动作一边说:Look! Im playing football。全班跟着说:Playing, playing, playing football. 教师出示一张足球运动员们正在踢球的图片问学生:Look! What are they doing? 引导学生回答:Theyre playing football. 板书并教学:What are they doing? Theyre playing football.用同样的方法教学:What are they doing? Theyre playing ping-pong.教师出示姚明和他的队友打篮球的图片问学生:Look! What are they doing? 引导学生回答:Theyre playing basketball. 板书并教学:What are they doing? Theyre playing basketball.教师拿出一个篮球,说:Lets play basketball, too. 教师做传球和接球的动作,板书并教学pass the ball, catch the ball,门学生一边做动作,一边操练这两个动词。2)游戏1:将学生按人数平均分组,让学生边传球边说pass the ball,学生要说得大声,读音要标准,球才能继续往下传。在说好英语的基础上,花的时间最少的那组为优胜。3)游戏2听听做做:教师出示卡片playing basketball, playing football, playing ping-pong, pass the ball, catch the ball, swimming, boating, running, singing, dancing等。先齐读并做动作,然后每组请一位学生上台,面向全体学生,教师在他们的身后向班上其他同学出示某张卡片,全班说英语,台上的学生做相应的动作,做错或做得慢的学生出局。2课文教学教师播放课本第31页的课文录音一遍,让学生听,然后说出听懂的单词或句子。教师再放录音,让学生边听录音边指所听到的句子,教师解释并教学:Lets go and have a look. Good shot!最后再用不同的形式进行听音模仿训练。四 巩固提高1看课本第32页,学生做问与答:What are they doing? They are. .2小游戏快乐传真:教师选一些学生到台上来,每两名一排排好队,教师让排在最后一排的两名学生转过来,轻声告诉他们要表演的运动,随后这两名学生听将动作表演给倒数第二排的两名学生看,以此类推,最后全班学生齐问最前面一排的那两名同学:What are they doing? 由他们来回答,看最后的答案与老师说的是否一致。可分组进行比赛。3看课本第34页的调查表,先让学生分组讨论,讨论时必须用上Whats your favorite sport?随后教师请几位学生汇报。4看课本第33页,教师先带读歌词,解释歌词含义,再放录音,教学生唱这首歌。五 课后作业1听录音,熟读本课内容。2完成活动手册上本课的练习。3准备好彩色颜料。附送:2019-2020年四年级英语下册 unit4 lesson7教案 闽教版Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:Enable the Ss to grasp the words :basketball,football,ping-pong,sport,pass,catch,shot.The sentences:What are they doing?Theyre doing sth.Ability aim:Can talk about the activities and the favorite sport with the simple sentences.Emotion aim:Educative the Ss to do exercise every day.Main points:Foster the Ss asking and answering abilities.Difficult points:Talk about the activities and the favorite sport Freely.Teaching materials: tape recorder, pictures, cards.Teaching steps : Step 1 Warm-up/ Review1.Daily greeting:T: Good morning ,class. Nice to see you again.”Ss: Good morning , Miss Chen . Nice to see you ,too.”2.Sing the song: The Music Room.Step 2 Leading1. Show the cards and review the words: run, swim,sing,dance,boat, play, etc . present them and let the Ss listen and repeat.2. Say the rhyme: Running,running,I am running.Swimming,swimming,you are swimming.Singing,singing,he is singing.Dancing,dancing,she is dancing.Boating,boating,were boating.Playing,playing,were playing.Step 3 Presentation 1.Learn to sayTo learn the new words and sentences T: football,Look,Im playing football. (say and act) Ss:Playing,playing, playing football. T: What are they doing? Ss: Theyre playng football. To learn “pass the ball,catch the ball”,make the Ss say and act.Play a game-Listen and do. The teacher show the card,let the Ss act.3) Listen to the tape first,then read after the tape.Step 4 Consolidation. Ask and answer: What are they doing? Theyre.2. Do a survey:Whats your favorite sport?Learn to sing: Row Your Boat.Step 5 HomeworkListen to the tape & repeat and talk them in daily life.Finish off the activity book of Lesson 7.


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