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2019-2020年小学英语四年级上册Lesson11RestaurantandMarket表格式教案课题Lesson11:Restaurant and Market教材版本第 册课型课时教学手段教学目标认读单词restaurant, market, movie theatre 通过字母发音规则读准movie theatre,掌握market的拼写及restaurant的单词结构趋于掌握。 教学重点创设语言情景,使学生正确理解和运用所学知识用英语表达意愿Lets go to the _ to _ _. 教学难点单词movie theatre的认读,激发学生的求知欲,创设各种真实或接近真实的语言环境,让学生体验参与,主动学习运用语言。相关资料 教 学 过 程 改进意见一、 Now class begins1.Sing a song “Its time for lunch.” ( 随音乐唱唱、做做,营造一个轻松欢快的课堂气氛,集中学生的注意力。) 2.Greeting (谈话帮助学生适应英语语感,自然而然地进入学习状态,而且“十一”长假的背景也为下面的对话练习做了情境铺垫。)Hello, boys and girls.How are you?What day is it ?(It s Friday .)On October first, You will have a long National holiday .Are you happy?3.ReviewWhat do you want to do?教师示范 I want to go to the park.学生自由发挥。I want to go to the _. (复习以前学过的地点名词和动词词组。)Now, Simon is speaking . Lets play a game . Simon says.Simon says : sing a song. Simon says : Draw a picture. Simon says : watch TV. Read a book. Simon says : Read a book. ( close your book, play on the puter , play checkers , play ping-pong, play cards , eat noodles , fly kites ) Congratulations.(对最后的胜利者表示祝贺,并派发小红星贴纸) Are you happy ? But I feel thirsty. I want to eat some fruit .(引出课题)二、 New conceptsLook, what s this? (课件出示超市的图片) Its a market. Lets go to a market to buy some fruit.出示单词卡片 market 读升、降调各一次,学生跟读。按字母发音规则教学生拼读单词market ,画图写单词板书与marker比较记忆。I want to buy some apples. Lets go to the market. (出示水果实物假装买) On holiday , I want to go to there.出示 restaurant , movie theatre卡片,教授同上。注意watch a movie 可与watch TV 对照记忆。教师最后用肢体语言表演在某个地点的特定动作让学生猜。Play “Whisper” to review new words.(全班参与,分成五组,获胜组派发小红旗)教授出示两个手偶,表演对话: 1: Today is National holiday. I want to buy a dress. Lets go to a clothes shop to buy a dress.2: No, I dont want to buy a dress. Lets go to a restaurant to eat an ice cream.1: No, Lets go to a movie theatre to watch a movie.2: Oh, no.板书:lets go to the _ to _ _ .(教师范读,用三组单词替换,学生先跟读然后自己作替换练习。)练习 lets go to the _ to _ _ . 出示课件(九幅不同场所图片) 放课文录音,先整体感知课文,回答问题。What does Jenny want to do?在跟读课文,体会语音语调,培养语感。三、 Practice出示课件(旧句式)先领读,让学生参照小组练习对话。Lets go shopping.Lets go to the _ shop.I want _. I want to buy _.May I help you ?Where are the _?I can show you . This way ,please . Here it is.How much is it?I like / dont like _.I want to / I dont want to _.Thanks.Youre wele!练习后小组展示。(鼓励学生的创作,对学生的表演给与肯定,表扬语言流畅丰富的同学,并对卡壳的学生给与帮助。)四、 Class is over. On National holiday , I fell happy. And you ? Good bye!板书: Lesson 11: Restaurant and Market market Lets go to the to _ _. restaurant movie theatre教学反思附送:2019-2020年小学英语四年级上册Module10Unit1ThereisonebirthdayinMay教学设计Unit 1 There is one birthday in May . 一,教学准备与分析1、 教学内容学生用书:Module 10 Unit 1 2、教学目标21技能与知识目标A基本要求基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写词汇: count , January , February, March , April , May , June, parties. 基本能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型: How many birthdays are there in? There are(number) There is (number) B初步要求初步感知 My friends birthday的含义。C复习巩固复习巩固词汇及短语: Im doing. Im going to do How many birthdays are there in? There are /There is2运用能力目标运用所学语言结构描述自己朋友的生日,并能运用所学词汇说出一年中要参加的生日宴会,并在日常生活中运用相关词汇。2素质教育目标通过本课的学习帮使学生明确学习目标,培养学生自主、合作的学习方式。培养学生在活动中体会英语学习的乐趣,学生在调查生日的活动中,与同学,好朋友,家人一起分享快乐,培养了学生间美好的友谊 ,增强了学习气氛。 3、教学重点词汇: count , January , February, March , April , May ,June ,parties, 句型:How many birthdays are there in?的语言结构及其回答:There are /There is4、任务设计A.学习任务学习词汇:count , January , February, March , April , May , parties, 学习“How many birthdays are there in? ”的语言结构及其回答:“ There are /There is”B.运用任务运用任务1:让我来认识你!(小小友情卡) 6、教学用品电脑、课件、录音机/带、单词大卡片、 二、 课堂教学程序1、Free talk Greetings: TSs 2、导入与呈现:教师用语: Look, theres a canlender .How many months are there in a year?教师呈现友情卡 Today you will find some new friends.3、操练与指导Step1 : First ,let me introduce some friends to you.( 教师手拿画好的图片从一月January到六月June )1)新年使者January (元旦的画面)领读, 小老师带读,并问: How many birthdays are there in January?生日在January的学生站起来全班来数有多少?引导学生回答There are /There is2)春节嘉宾February (图为拜年的场景)领读, 小老师带读,并问: How many birthdays are there in February ?让出身在 February的学生站起来全班来数有多少?引导学生回答There are /There is 3)三月春姑娘March(图为妇女跳舞)领读, 小老师带读,并问: How many birthdays are there in March?让出身在 March的学生站起来全班来数有多少?引导学生回答There are /There is4)四月清明April (图为学生扫墓的场景)领读, 小老师带读,并问: How many birthdays are there in April ?让出身在April 的学生站起来全班来数有多少?引导学生回答There are /There is5)五一劳动月 May (图为学生劳动大扫除的场景)领读, 小老师带读,并问: How many birthdays are there in May ?让出身在 May 的学生站起来全班来数有多少?引导学生回答There are /There is 6)快乐儿童June(图为快乐的儿童节)领读, 小老师带读,并问: How many birthdays are there in June ?让出身在June 的学生站起来全班来数有多少?引导学生回答There are /There isStep 2 : Review the new words(以不同的操练形式) Step 3 : Make a chant. Do you like chant? January January we like you. Its New year. February February we like you. Its spring festiveMarch March we like you. Its womans dayApril April we like you. Its raining May May we like you. Its labors day June June we like you. Its childrens day(2)教师鼓励学生大节奏的方式拍手进行句型的操练。(3)教师进行分组练习,可采用小老师进行教练活动、开火车读 。Step 4 :呈现课文,教师提出问题。How many birthdays are there in ?How many parties is Amy going to go to ?7)由学生小组讨论汇报。8)跟读课文。4、游戏“闯迷宫”5、Homework.调查好朋友、亲戚的生日,并用英

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