2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 3 Lesson 22Look at Your Eyes教案2 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 3 Lesson 22Look at Your Eyes教案2 冀教版教学目标:知 识:1、掌握并运用本课句型:What colour are your his her eyes? My His Her eyes are . 2、口头掌握beautiful handsome pretty及用这些词汇形容人的容貌。3、学会唱本课的英文歌曲“The Pretty Little Girl .”能 力: 学会使用本课的句型来描述人眼睛的颜色.情 感:培养学生合作学习的精神,在与其他同学的合作中获取知识.教学重、难点:重 点: 掌握本课的句型,运用句型来描述人的眼睛的颜色.难 点: 使用beautiful handsome pretty 来形容人的容貌.教学过程:一、开始上课和复习1、师生互致问候2、齐唱英文歌曲“If You Are Sad and You Know It.”3、做游戏: I See Something. (老师说学生猜) T: I see something long. I see something short. Ss(举手) Is it this? T: Yes No.4、操练 T: (指一幅图) Is this hair curly or straight? Ss: Its . T: Is this long or short? Ss: Its . T: Is this red or black? Ss: Its .二、新授1、 What colour are your his her eyes?My His Her eyes are . 示范 老师指书上的图画和学生一起读 blue eyes、brown eyes 、green eyes、 black eyes 再指另一幅图画,提问What colour are his her eyes? 学生回答 His Her eyes are 操练 老师引导学生进行问答,要求使用物主代词 my you his her T: (指一同学) What colour are his her eyes ?(领读此句) Ss (跟老师说) What colour are his her eyes ? T: His Her eyes are . Ss: His Her eyes are . T: (问学生) What colour are your eyes? Ss: My eyes are . T: (指一个学生的眼睛) What colour are your eyes? Ss: My eyes are . T: Yes, they are . 播放课文录音No.1让学生看书跟读. 小组练习 让学生自由结伴,结成三人小组,轮流问答关于眼睛颜色的问题,可指看书中的图来问,也可指同学的眼睛来问. 老师告诉学生们根据指令画画儿: T: Draw a boy. He has two heads. He has purple eyes. He has red curly hair Draw a girl. She has six legs. She has green eyes. She has long blond hair.2、 beautiful handsome pretty 示范 告诉学生man woman用于说明成年人boy girl 用于小孩beautiful意为“美丽、漂亮、优美 ” handsome意为“漂亮、俊俏、潇洒” pretty意为“漂亮、可爱 ”.让学生跟老师重复读几遍这些词,然后展示这些词应怎样搭配 如: Handsome man. He is handsome. Beautiful woman She is beautiful. Pretty girl. She is pretty. 播放课文录音No.2让学生看书跟读. 教唱歌曲“The Pretty Little Girl”让学生仔细观察树上小女孩的几幅图片,要求学生说出他们再图片看到的那些东西的名称(tree 、grass、girl、arms等)让学生跟老师逐句学唱,最后学生一齐跟录音唱三、结束课堂教学1检查理解情况2做活动手册3 Say ”Goodbye !” to the students.板书设计Lesson22 Look at Your EyesWhat colour are your his her eyes?My His Her eyes are .beautiful handsome pretty| | |Woman man girl| | |She is beautiful. He is handsome. She is pretty课后反思:附送:2019-2020年三年级英语上册 Unit 3 Lesson 23Are You Okay教案 冀教版GREETINGGreet the class with any of the phrases the students have learned. For example, Good morning/ Hello. How are you today? How do you feel? Are you_?SING “THE PRETTY LITTLE GIRL”PLAY “JOINING GAME” OR “SIMON SAYS”The directions for both are in “Games” at the back of this guide. Use either game to review parts of the body.If you play “Simon Says,” use the mand Touch your _. The students will naturally pick up the meaning of touch by watching you.PLAY “CHARADES”The class played this game in Lesson 17. Use it to review feelings, such as sad, happy, tired, hot and cold.New Concepts1. I feel sick. My _ hurts. I have a _ache.DEMONSTRATEAsk for a volunteer to help you with this dialogue:Student: How are you today?Teacher: I feel sick. Sick. I am sick. Sick. (Use actions and facial expressions.)Ask the class to repeat sick.Demonstrate My _ hurts and I have a _ ache (ear, head, stomach). Use your own body. For example, hold your head and say My head hurts or I have a headache. Write the words on the blackboard and ask the class to repeat them a few times.In Chinese, explain that ache is usually used for a throbbing pain, particularly for the ear, head and stomach. We can use hurts for any kind of pain.2. Are you okay? Do you feel sick? Whats the matter? I cut my _.ROLE-PLAYLead individual volunteers through a sequence of dialogues:Teacher: How do you feel? Do you feel sick?Student: My _ hurts or I have a _ ache or I cut my _.Teacher: Are you okay? /Whats the matter?Student: My _ hurts or I have a _ ache or I cut my _.Teach the students that they can ask someone How do you feel (today)? or Are you okay? as a general question about their state of health. If they go to a nurse or doctor with a pain, the nurse or doctor may ask Whats the matter? Have the Students repeat the two new structures: Are you okay? /Whats the matter?DEMONSTRATEDemonstrate I cut my _. For example, pretend to cut something with scissors. Ask the class Whats this? What am I doing? They should remember cut. Show that cut describes the action of anything sharp, such as a knife. For example, draw a knife on the blackboard and make cutting motions as you say cut. Translate if necessary.Pretend to cut yourself accidentally in different places with scissors or a knife. Say Ouch! I cut my _! Write I cut my _ and ask the class to repeat it a few times.STUDENT BOOK: L23 N1, 2Ask the students to identify in English what hurts on each child in the pictures.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books. Then ask questions to make sure all the students understand the dialogues.MAKE UP A DIALOGUE IN SMALLGROUPSDivide the class into groups of two to five students. Tell them to make up a short dialogue about an injury or illness, using any setting and any situation. Tell the students to use any phrases they have learned, but also to use some of the new structures. Encourage the students to use lots of action to express their meaning. Give the students a few minute, s to plan and practice their dialogues.Teaching TipHelp your students e up with creative situations for their dialogue. In Chinese, lead a discussion of possible settings and situations. Make a list of the students suggestions on the blackboardOBSERVEWalk around the classroom to check the students work informally. Some of the students may need your help to say something in English they have not yet learned. This provides an excellent opportunity to expand their vocabulary in natural ways.PRESENTAsk for groups to volunteer to present their dialogues for the class. (If time is short, ask some of the students to present their dialogues next class.)Class ClosingACTIVITY BOOK: L23 N1-3In Number 1, the students fill in the blanks and circle the correct word to make sentences that match the pictures. Show them the example at the top of the exercise.Number 2 requires the students to circle the pictures that match the directions.In Number 3, the students fill in the blanks to plete the words that match the pictures.


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