2019-2020年六年级英语 4B unit10(1)教案 广东版开心.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语 4B unit10(1)教案 广东版开心一、 Teaching contents:a) Lets check听力练习检查学生对unit 9所学内容的掌握情况。b) Lets chant, 通过说有节奏、有韵律的歌谣学习与巩固本课所学的单词。c) Lets sing. 通过歌曲的学习,激发的兴趣,巩固所学的单词。4、 Lets think. 通过联想,培养学生运用新单词的能力。二、Teaching aims:d) 能学会本课的八个新单词。( go to park, see a movie, play outside, go home, take a walk, take a nop, do a puzzle surf the internet.)e) 能在一定的情景中运用本课的新单词。f) 培养学生的注意力,激发学生的积极思维,挖掘学生运用语言的创造能力。三、Teaching aids:本课的单词目卡片;图片;TV; 录音机;磁带。四、Teaching procedureStep 1 Revision1. Lets sing and chant.2.Lets have dictation. ( unit 9 words.)Step 2 PresentationConversationGetting ready Bring in a picture of a snowman. T: (point to the picture.) This is a snowman.T: (point to the body parts of the snowman.) Whats this? What are these? Review the body parts and talk about what people use to make them, e.g. twigs for arms, buttons/ coal for eyes, a carrot for the nose, etc.Using the book Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. Introduce Im bored. With a pantomime and facial expressions. Give example situations where someone would feel board, such as a rainy day, nothing to do at home, etc.T: Lets listen to the tape. Play the tape and point to each picture for Ss to follow.T: Lets listen again and repeat. Play the tape, pausing after each expression to have Ss repeat. Put Ss into pairs. Encourage Ss to act out the dialog with emotions and facial expressions. T: Do you want to make a snowman? Have Ss talk about what body parts they want to make. T: What body parts do you want to make, ( S1s name)? S1: I want to make his (arms). Etc.VocabularyGetting ready Put picture cards 71-80 up on the board, picture side up. T: ( Go to the park.) repeat. Ss: Go on the park. After introducing the vocabulary, show the word side of the cards from left to the right with your finger.Using the bookT: Listen to the tape and repeat. Point to each picture as you say it. Have Ss listen, repeat and point to each picture. Point to the pictures in random order and have Ss say the words. Ask a volunteer to pick picture cards at random and have the rest of the class say the words.TargetGetting ready Write Do you want to _? On the board. Put one of the picture cards word side up in the blank and read the sentence. T: Do you want to see a movie? ( Gesture for Ss to repeat.) Ss: Do you want to see a movie? Write sure. And Not really. On the board and have Ss repeat. T: (Now shake your head.) Sure. Repeat. Ss: Sure ( Shake your head.) Not really. Repeat. Ss: Not really. Repeat with other cards.Using the book Have Ss look at the pictures on the page. Ask individual Ss to read the sentences aloud. Play the tape a few times and have Ss practice with the tape.Step 3 SummaryToday we have learned eight words and asking about and describing what one wants to do.Step 4 Homework1. Copy the new words.2. Read P.49-50.Writing blackboardWhat do you want to do? Go to the park play outsideI want to see a movie. Take a wake take a napDo you want to take a walk? Sure.Do you want to go home?Not really. I want to go to the party.附送:2019-2020年六年级英语 Unit2 Lesson12教案 人教新课标版重点:复习巩固本单元重点内容难点:语音过程:一、 热身/复习1 组织学生唱英文歌曲Happy Teachers Day和 韵文Whos he? Whos she?教学开始时,为了帮助学生很快的进入学习状态,唱首英文歌曲,起到活跃课堂气氛以及复习知识的作用。2师生之间、学生之间进行问答练习(结合本单元所学的重点句子。)二、 会话练习与教学方法1 听本课的会话整体录音一遍(配套教材录音)2 然后让学生模仿录音进行跟读3 最后让同桌的两个学生结合成小组进行练习4 教师针对课文进行提问,请个别学生回答。从回答中教师可以了解到学生是否理解了课文内容How many people?Whos the boy over there?Is he American?Whos the girl?5学生之间问答找学生到教室前面对其他学生提问题,问题范围:Whos he/she?Whos the boy/girl/woman/man?Whos that/this?Is he/she at home?学生之间进行问答,可以提问本组成员,也可以提问自己的好朋友,更鼓励学生按学号找学生回答。(提问时可以用自己带来的照片,也可以借用别人的照片)5 对话表演请学生从学过的五篇对话中找出自认为掌握的最好的一篇,找自己座位周围的同学结合成小组,准备对话表演。对话表演 (三至四组)三、 语音及拼读练习1教师板书字母Oo,并标上读音EU,然后对全班说:Read it please.依照此法复习其他音标2游戏:音标和单词配对准备:自制36张游戏纸牌(也可用旧纸牌进行修改),其中的一半,每张写一个英语单词;纸牌的另一半,每张写一个与这些单词相适应的国际音标。例如:一张blue,一张blu:。操作:开始时,把纸牌洗匀,全部背向上一张一张扣在桌面上。每人轮流翻看两张纸牌,凡是翻到单词和国际音标配对的,就把两张取出,放在自己身边,并且还有翻看纸牌的权利。直到纸牌全部翻完,都被取走为止。谁取到的卡片多,谁就是优胜者。说明:如果背学生翻开的两张不配对,仍须合在原处。所以,玩这个游戏必须集中注意力,尽量记住已经翻过的纸牌内容,以便轮到自己再翻时可以及时找对。三到四人一小组,人数太多就没有操作的意义了。单词的范围为本课2 (Read and listen)中的词汇教师应多准备几套这样的纸牌,或提前发动学生准备好纸牌教师应与其中一组做此项练习,做完后将单词贴在黑板上3听录音两遍(配套录音)小组内部再次练习读这些单词(还是刚才做游戏的小组)板书两个原因字母在单词中的发音,带读两遍四、兴趣活动1 做“猜人”游戏:目的是为了复习Whos this/that? Thats/ItsWhos he/she? Shes/Hes2师生之间,学生之间打电话:目的是为了复习Is he/she at home? No, he/she isnt at home.五、练一练(做课堂练习第十二课内容)根据录音的顺序,在每组单词后面的括号内标出相应的序号根据录音内容,在每个句子中的空白处填上所缺的单词六、作业:朗读并抄写课堂练习中归纳的本单元的句子七、板书设计:教案点评:本课综合了本单元前五课的重点句型、重点词汇I、you、he、she、it以及重点语音知识。在歌曲声中开始本课学习,有利于活跃课堂气氛。在呈现新课时,可先放录音,让学生猜猜都有些什么人物。教师可直接提问Who is he? Whos this?等。再结合小组活动,如表演对话、配音、综合语言接龙等,来复习本单元的语言点。最后,进行总结,包括知识总结、学生的能力总结,还可谈谈有效的学英语的方法等。


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