2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit2 Lesson12(2)教案 冀教版.doc

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2019-2020年五年级英语上册 Unit2 Lesson12(2)教案 冀教版教学目的与要求:知识目标:了解美国的首都,语言及相邻的国家。了解美国的旗帜及标志性的建筑物,白宫和自由女神像。技能目标:能熟练运用句型 What country is west / north of the U.S ? _ is west / north of the U.S.进行会话。 能够对美国的概况做出简单的描述。 感情目标:通过体验、参与、实践等活动,让学生会合作自主学习,通过形成性的评价体系,让学生体验成功,增强学生学习的积极性和自信心。并对美国这一英语国家的语言和文化有初步的认识和了解。重难点:熟练运用句型What country is west / north of the U.S ? _ is west / north of the U.S.对全篇课文的复述。如何运用评价,对学生的学习 进行评价。 教具:录音机、课件、地图、张贴画学具:课本、练习本教法:练习法、讲授法学法:练习法、讨论法课时:1课时教学过程:1、复习准备Warming upChant orientation Describe China / Canada2、导入 T: Ok ,Ive know about China New, Ill move it.(将指南针在地图上向美国方向移动)。Do you know what country is cast of China? Ss: The U.S. T: Good ! Today ,Lets go to the U.S. together . 板书课题: Lesson 12 The U.S.3、新授课T: Look . Heres the U.S. Do you know what country is west of the U.S. ?Ss: Yes, I know . China is west of the U.S.T: Yes, (2) T: Do you know what country is north of the U.S.?Ss: Yes, I know . Canada is north of the U.S. (3) Pair work Practice in pairs .Talk about the countries. Ask and answer . Then show.(师指图)Do you know this city ?生答: Yes , Its 华盛顿 T: Good ,Its WashingtonT: Washington is the capital city of the U.S.打开书,听音乐,跟读Practice in pairs .(about pair 1)师将三面国旗分别贴入地图相应位置This is Chinas flagThis is Canadas flagHeres the U.S. flagT: Who can describe the U.S. flag(个人描述,具体描述) (8)T: Look at this picture , Who is he ? Ss:布什 T: Yes, He is George Bush T: He is the president of the U.S. T: Where does he live ? Ss: 白宫 T: Yes, He lives I the White House.T: Do you know what this is ?Ss: 自由女神T: Yes, Its the Statue of liberty .T: Where is it ?Ss: Its in the U.S.T: Yes, Its in the U.S. And Its I New York .3、课堂练习 Well watch a shat video. Then to be a little guide to the U.S.4、布置作业 搜索其他美国的知识,下节课给同学们讲一讲。5、评价 学生分组讨论,争当小导游6、板书设计Lesson 12Canada China The U.S. They speak English The capital city is Washingtan 7、课后记:介绍课文的同时,适当学习有关国家的人文历史,帮助学生加深理解学习内容,也提高了他们的学习兴趣。附送:2019-2020年五年级英语上册 unit2 Lesson12The US教案1 冀教版教学目标:1、知识目标:学习“U.S. know”以及关于美国的相关常识。2、能力目标:可以读、写、说出并且听懂“U.S. know”,可以说出并且听懂“Do you know _ ? Yes, I know. No, I dont know.”3、情感目标:激发学生对英语的持久兴趣,培养运用语言进行交际的能力,鼓励同学之间的合作并能互帮互助。教学重点、难点:能用英语向其他人简单介绍美国这个国家。教具准备:地图、卡片、录音机学生准备:红,白,蓝三色纸,剪刀,双面胶或胶水教学过程:Class Opening and Review1,歌曲(第九课所学)2,出示世界地图指着中国问Whats this country? (China.)What colour is this country?(Its red.)Whats the capital city of this country?(Beijing.)What country is east of China?(the U.S.)What do we speak in China?(Chinese)Can you talk about Chinas flag?(Its red. It has yellow stars.)What are the represent things in China?(The Palace Museum.)通过综合语言训练方式复习了中国的基本常识。2,指着加拿大地图问Whats this country? (Canada.)What colour is this country?(Its green.)What do they speak in Canada?(English and French.)What is the capital city of Canada? (Its Ottawa.)What country is south of Canada?(the U.S.)Can you describe Canadas flag? (Canadas flag is red andWhite. It has a leaf.)What is the famous waterfall in Canada?(Niagara Falls.)Whats the mountains name in Canada?(Rock Mountains)通过综合语言训练方式复习了加拿大的基本常识New Contents教师问“Boys and girls, do you know the U.S.? ”S: Yes.T: Yes, you know. (教学新单词“U.S. know”)教师指着黑板上的地图,说“This is the U.S. We can also call it the United States. U.S. is short for the United States.”T: What else do you know about the U.S.? Now you can discuss in your groups. (小组交流自己所知道的和在课下搜集的有关美国的常识。)通过学生对加拿大的了解,激发他们继续学习有关加拿大知识的积极性。出示世界地图指着美国问What colour is this country?(Its purple.)Whats the capital city of this country?(Washington,D.C.)What country is east of China?(the U.S.)What country is south of Canada?(the U.S.)What do they speak in the U.S.?(English)Can you talk about the U.S.s flag?(Its red,white and blue, it has stars and stripes.) What are the represent things in the U.S.?The U.S. has White House and Statue of Liberty.通过对中国加拿大知识的对比,既复习了前两课的知识,又能对美国常识有深刻的印象。4利用红色,蓝色和白色的纸制作美国国旗亲手制作美国国旗,让学生终身难忘美国国旗的样子。Talk about the U.S. in own words.巩固今天所学知识。Activity Book L12 N3Class ClosingHomework: Activity Book Read the text fluently.板书设计: Lesson 12: The U.Scountry China Canada the U.S.countrys colour red green purplecapital city Beijing Ottawa Washington,D.Cthey speak Chinese English and French English


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