2019-2020年六年级英语上册 unit2(1)教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语上册 unit2(1)教案 苏教牛津版Objectives1. 四会掌握单词:March, April, May, June, July, birthday.2. 能听懂会说会读单词:January, February, August, September, October, November, December, first, second, third, fourth, sixth, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first, thirtieth.3. 能掌握日期的表达方式。Emphases能掌握日期的表达方式Teaching procedures:Task A Free talkHow are you? What do you like? What does this sign mean?Can you .What day is it today? Task B Presentation and practice1. 介绍序数词的表达规则。First, second, third缩写分别为(1st,2nd,3rd)分别是数字加上每个单词的最后两个字母。接下来的数字为规则变化分别为基数词后加th,除(fifth),以ty结尾的,y变ie再加th.如twentieth, thirtieth.强调第二十几、三十几只要变化个位上的数字就行了。如,twenty-first, thirty-first.学生朗读并熟练掌握131的序数词表达方式。说明日期的表达是用序数词来表示的。2学习月份的表达方式,January出示音标,学习这个单词。学习表达一月一日,给学生一个公式:the 日期 of 月份。Of的意思为属于。指名答: 一月三日 一月十五日 一月二十二日, 以此巩固月份和日期的表达。3同理学习其它的月份。边学习边巩固日期的表达。4出示:九月二十五日,让学生用英语说出表达方式, the twenty fifth of September.T: My birthday is on the twenty fifth of September.强调: on+日期, at+时间。学习 birthday,并拼读。学生小组间练习:My birthday is on .然后上讲台来交流。 Task C Assignment: 1. 写出几个日期的英语表达: 一月一日,二月二日,三月三日,四月四日,五月五日,六月六日,七月十二日,八月二十日,九月二十一日,十月十日,十一月十三日,十二月三十日。 2抄写四会单词:March, April, May, June, July, birthday.Tips附送:2019-2020年六年级英语上册 unit2(2)教案 苏教牛津版Objectives1四会掌握单词及词组:present, date, when, as.2能听懂、会说、会读句型 My birthdays ing. Would you like to e to my birthday party? Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoon, too? Lets wait and see.3掌握句型:Whens your birthday? My birthdays on . What would you like as a birthday present? Id like .Emphases熟练掌握表日期的词汇能正确理解和掌握所学的对话内容,并能流利朗读。Teaching procedures:Task A Free talkT: What does this/that mean?S: It means .T: What is this?S: Its .T: What would you like?S: Id like .Task B ReviewReview what they have learned.Task C Presentation and practice1.T:(出示日期) What date is it today?S: Its the 16th of October.Learn: dateWhat date is it today?学生练习这个句型。2T: What date is it today?S: Its the 25th of September.T: My birthdays on the 25th of September.重复几遍,学习 birthday, My birthdays on the 25th of September.指名学生说: My birthdays on the .3. T: Whens your birthday?S: My birthdays on .学习: when, Whens your birthday?学生间练习这个句型。4. T: Look! Whats this?S: Its a yo-yo.T: Yes. Its very nice. Its my birthday present.T: Whats this?T: Its a VCD of Japanese cartoons. Its my birthday present , too.Learn: present.T: (出示几样礼物)This is my birthday present. 逐样展示。T: What would you like as a birthday present?Learn: as, what would you like as a birthday present?同桌练习。 5 T: Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoons?S: Yes, please.6. 听录音理解对话内容,并回答问题:Whens Bens birthday?Whens Jims birthday?What would Ben like as a birthday present?What would Jim like as a birthday present?7. 听录音跟读对话,并熟悉意思。学生分角色朗读,使学生能流利朗读。Task D Assignment抄写四会单词和词组:present, date, when, as.熟练流利朗读课文对话。Tips


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