2019-2020年一年级起点英语 5A unit2(1)教案 北师大版.doc

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2019-2020年一年级起点英语 5A unit2(1)教案 北师大版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年一年级起点英语 5A unit2(1)教案 北师大版Structures:Mocky went to their house.They were at school.He didnt want any bananas.What did Mocky do?ReviewPlay the song from Unit 1. Have the children sing the song with the tape.Review the story from Unit 1.Set the scene.Ask the children if any of them have ever choked on food while they were eating. Then ask what happened, and what they think may have caused them to choke.The children can talk their experience in Chinese. Present the words cough, couldnt breathe and ate too quickly etc.Tell the children that in this Units story Mocky eats something too quickly and then chokes on his food.Get preparedHave the children open their books at page 14 and 15. Tell them they are going to read about Mockys visit to Ken and Anns house. Draw their attention to the pictures on the pages. Ask the children to read the story by themselves first. Have them talk about the story and then describe what they saw in each picture. Play the tape for the story. Have the children listen. For the second time, stop the tape from time to time, checking childrens understanding with questions. Have the children look at picture 1. Ask them the reason why Ken and Ann were at home. Present the words on vacation. Explain to the children the sentence What did Mocky do? In picture 5. Make sure the children understand that Kens mother wanted to know what Mocky did just now.Tell the storyNow draw the childrens attention to the text at the bottom of the pages. Tell them that the text provides more information about the story.Have the children look at the pictures. The teacher tells the story to the children. When the teacher tell the story, she can point to Mocky in picture 1 or demonstrate the meaning of visited and looked into the window with proper actions. T need to present the past tense form of several verbs after telling the story. Write the word on the blackboard. Say, “I go to school by bus. But yesterday, I went to schllo by bike.” Present the word went. Present sat, came, could with the same method. Make sure the children understand that we use these words when we talk about things happened in the past. Play the tape for the text. Have the children listen carefully. Or you can ask them to point to each picture when they are mentionded in the story. Play the tape, or the teacher tells the story again. Ask questions to check the childrens understanding.Homework:Make a list or poster of Do and Donts for eating.Ask the children to prepare 3 sentences about where they went, who they visited, what they ate last week.附送:2019-2020年一年级起点英语 5A unit2(2)教案 北师大版Structures:What did you do yesterday?I didnt clean the room.I watched TV.You werent at school yesterday.Review the storyTell the main story again. Elicit the story from the children with the question “What did he/she do?” Write the new verbs on the board when they are mentioned in the story.Words to learnWords to learn prestnts 6 new verbs and how verbs change into the past tense forms. Point to each word and have the children respond physically to the word. Say, “Hit”. Hve the children imitate the action of hitting a ball or hitting someone on the shoulder. Repeat with other verbs on the board. Model the verbs on the board again. Have the children listen and do the corresponding actions. Play the tape for the verb. This time have the children repeat after the tape. Draw the childrens attention to the table at the right corner. Explain that when we talk about things happened in the past we need to use verbs in their past tense forms and the table shows how a verb changes from its present form into the simple past tense form. Point to the first column and encourage the children to read out the words. Draw their attention to the fact that for the words on the left column we add “d” or “ed” to change them into past tense forms. Model the words for the children. Play the tape and have the children repeat. For the verbs on the right, explain to the children that the change is more plex and we called these words “irregular verbs.” Encourage them to read the words then have them repeat after the tape.Listen and numberHave the children look at the pictures at the bottom of the page. Explain that these pictures show what the characters did last Sunday. Ask the children, “What did they/he do?” Have them talk about what they think the characters did in each picture.Tell them to listen to the tape and see if their guessing is correct. Play the tape. Have the children point to the corresponding picture.Play the tape again. Now explain to the children that this time they need to write the corresponding sentence number in the box next to the matching picture. Make sure that you stop after each sentence to give the children time to write.When all the children finished, point to each picture and elicit sentences from the children.Talk togetherReview the structure Where were you? And What did you do? Ask the children, “Where were you last Sunday? What did you do?” Have the children talk about their experience. Have the children open the books at page 17 and look at the pictures on top of the page. Have the children look at the two children in the picture. Explain that Jane and Peter are talking about things they did yesterday. Ask the children, “Where was she/he yesterday? What did he/she do yesterday?” Now tell the children to read the next below the picture on the left and answer your questions. Elicit the answers from the children. The teacher reads the text. For the first time, have the children listen carefully. For the second time, ask the children to repeat after you. Have the children practice reading the dialog in pairs.Listen and practiceTell the children that they will practice reading aloud four sentences. Draw their attention to the pictures at the bottom of the page. Have them talk about the pictures and then practice reading the sentences by themselves.Explain that the first two sentences will have the /i/ sound in them, and two sentences will have words with the /e/ sound. Play the first two sentences on the tape. Stress or prolong the /i/ sound. Play the sentences again and have the children repeat after.Repeat with the other two sentences and emphasize the /e/ sound in them.Homework:Have the children think about what verbs they have learned so far.


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