2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit6 period5教案 苏教牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit6 period5教案 苏教牛津版课题 牛津小学英语6A Unit 6 G, H (第五课时)教学目标1. 熟练运用本单元已学的词汇和句型。2. 了解字母组合oo的发音。3. 通过读一读小诗,培养学生朗读英语的语感。预习作业1. 标出红色部分字母的音标。2. 找找与这种字母组合发音相同的单词。3. 听录音跟读儿歌。 教师导学板块学生学习清单A预习展示 (4分钟)检查预习作业1. 试读儿歌,纠正发音。2. 检查学生音标的书写情况。B教师导航 (15分钟)a.(1).看句子自己读句子,找出共同点,并试着写出音标。Part Gafternoon balloon cartoon roome to my room this afternoon. Well play with balloons and watch cartoons. (2)教师给出音标,让学生跟着音标读单词和句子。b.(1)让学生根据教师所给的诗中部分单词的音标读小诗。 (2)听录音,跟读小诗。C合作探究 (8分钟)结合小诗,猜出句中部分单词的意思。结合音标,说出其他发这个音的单词。D融会贯通 (7分钟)1.听录音,跟读G部分的单词和句子。将自己总结的发相同音的单词整理并朗读。2. 根据小诗的形式自编小诗。E反馈总结 (5分钟)辨音school room ( ) afternoon zoo ( )cartoon moon ( ) balloon soon ( )连线Spring Festival eat moon cakesMay Day go to partiesChildrens Day eat lots of delicious foodMid-Autumn Festival have partiesG作业布置(1分钟)* 读熟G、H部分的内容。* 默写本单元四会单词和句型。* 完成U6听读训练。 学生试读,教师纠正发音。学生试着读单词,并写出音标。跟读生词。School, moon, too, zoo学生完成练习。明确作业要求。附送:2019-2020年六年级英语上册 Unit6 第一课时教案 苏教牛津版第一课时 教学目标: 1.Learn the names of holidays:Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Halloween 2.Learn B and C. 教学重点: Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Halloween Whens.? Its in What do people usually do at? They Did you last? Yes, I did./No, I didnt. 教学准备: CAI 教学过程: 一、Free talk: What did you do last week? Did you watch TV yesterday? 二、Presentation and practice CAI Presentation a. Christmas When is Christmas? Its on the twenty-fifth of December. What do people usually do at? eat cake eat turkey give presents go to parties Did you last? Yes, I did./No, I didnt. b. Easter When is Easter? Its in March or in April. What do people usually do at? colour some eggs look for eggs eat cake give presents Did you last? Yes, I did./No, I didnt. c. Halloween When is Halloween? Its on the thirty-first of October. What do people usually do at? go to parties dress up in costumes make pumpkin lanterns Did you last? Yes, I did./No, I didnt. d. Thanksgiving When is Thanksgiving? Its in November. What do people usually do at? have parties sing and dance eat turkey Did you last? Yes, I did./No, I didnt. 三、Consolidation Practise in pairs. 四、Homework 1. Recite the phrases. 2. Do the exercise. Whens.? Its in What do people usually do at? They Did you last? Yes, I did./No, I didnt. 五、 Writing on the blackboard. Unit 8 Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Halloween Whens.? Its in What do people usually do at? They Did you last? Yes, I did./No, I didnt.


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