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2019-2020年六年级英语下册课堂练习(VI)1下面哪个词的划线部分读音与其他不同,把这个词的标号填入括号内。( )1 a. tonight b. July c. sign d. early ( ) 2 a. tasted b. jumped c. catched d. surfed( ) 3 a. plant b. last c. farm d. camp( ) 4 a. wrong b. want c. water d. watch2读下面的单词,若每组单词中划线部分发音相同在括号内用“”不同的划“1. fight bright ( ) 2. right write ( )3. hours mountain ( ) 4. planted studied ( )5. cooked visited ( ) 6. watered pulled ( )3翻译词组句子a给她看一些图片show_/show_to_b看一场电影_ c非常高兴_ _ _d非常兴奋_ e玩得高兴_ _ _ _f非常累的_ _ g向上拔_ _h假日后_ _ _ i在周末_ _ _j开学第一天_ _ _ _ _A 你上个周末干了什么?我听了音乐。_B 你还干了什么? 我还拜访了一个农场。_5写出以下动词的过去式:am/is- are- pull- walk- play- make-do- study- have/has- sing- taste- wash-6 用所给词的适当形式填空.1) It _(be) the _ _ _(national day holiday) last week.All the _(people )_(have) _ _ (many)_(fun).Helen _(taste) the oranges_(and/with) her family on a_(farmer).Mr Green_(go)_(camp) and _(cook) _ _ _(many)nice _(food).We_ (sing) and _(dance) for hours at the _(camp).We _(be) very happy that long holiday. _(do) you _( have) a good time last week? 2) _ the long holiday, Helen did not _(go) to school (late/early), she _(go) to school _(late/early). She _(talk) to Nancy about the holiday happily. 附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册课堂练习选择填空。 ( )1. Is this your watch? A. Yes, its his. B. Yes, its mine. C. Yes, its my. D. Yes, it isnt.( )2. Whose skateboard is this? A. Helens. B. My sister. C. Shes Helen. D. Its Helen.( )3. There is apple tree in the garden. Under tree, there is young man.A. a, an, the B. an, a , the C. an, the , a D. the, an, a( )4. What can you see in the bag? . Oh, they are my pencil-boxes.A. I see. B. All right. C. OK. D. Let me see.( )5. Is this puter ? No, its not .A. your, mine B. your, my C. yours, hers D. yours, mine( )6. There two glasses of juice on the table a moment ago. A. were B. was C. is D. are ( )7. Heres a present Helen. Shes ill bed.A. from, in B. from, on C. for, in D. on, in( )8. Excuse me , do you have a calculator? A. Yes, here you are. B. Sorry, I cant. C. No, it isnt. D. OK( )9. My father likes stories at the weekends.A. watching B. seeing C. looking D. reading ( )10. Which is the first day of the week? A. Monday. B. Tuesday. C. Sunday. D. Saturday( )11. What you last Mid-Autumn Festival? A. do, do B. did, did C. did, does D. did, do( )12. People usually visit their relatives Spring Festival. A. at B. on C. in D. to( )13. You look so .Yes, Ive got a new puter from my parents.A. exciting B. interesting C. funny D. excited( )14. The Dragon Boat Festival is May June.A. at, or B. in, or C. on, and D. in, and( )15. I didnt play the puter games night.A. in B. for C. last D. to( )16. Did you a kite yesterday?A. eat B. make C. with D. listen( )17. People usually make some colourful eggs at .A. Halloween B. New Year C. Easter D. Childrens Day( )18. Mike, you like chocolate? A. Do B. Does C. Are D. Is

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