七年级英语下册 Review of Units 5-8综合能力演练 (新版)冀教版.doc

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Review of Units 5-8综合能力演练【巩固练习】I. 单项选择。(15分,每题1分)1Theres _ old house near the riverYeahIts old and smallAa Bthe Can D2Its spring now,so we plan _ to the mountains.Ato go Bgoing Cto going Dgo3_ weather! AWhat fine BWhat a fine CHow fine DHow fine the4Would you like _ milk?No, _.Aany;I wouldnt Bsome;thanks Cany:thanks Dsome;I dont5Does she enjoy _ books? Yesshe does Ato read Breads Creading Dread6He _ his glasses to read the letter. Atake off Bput on Cwear Dput away7Mike can _ English and a little French. Asay Btalk Ctell Dspeak8Li Ming wants Jenny and Danny _ to China Ae Bes Cto e Ding9Hello! May I speak to Kate?Yes, _ KateAit is BI am Cthis is Dshe is10Danny is _ to hear the _ news Aexciting;excited Bexcited;excited Cexciting;exciting Dexcited;exciting11He _ very busy this week,and he _ free next week Awill be:is Bis;is Cwill be;will be Dis;will be12_ did Sally _ on Sunday? She went to Paris AWhat:did B. Where;goes CWhere;go DWhere;went13I have _ to tell you,Wang Tao Aimportant something Bsomething important Cimportant anything Danything important14Rose _ her grandmother three days ago Avisits Bis visiting Cvisited Dvisit15Im going to the Forbidden City at the weekend_!AGood BPlease go CHave a good time DThank youII. 完形填空。(10分,每题1分) The summer holiday is ingWe are making _1_ for travellingWell go on a _2_ to Hainan for our holidayIts a good place_3_holidaysMy aunt lives thereI hope _4_ with herMy parents work hard to _5_ money for this holidayI study hard to make my parents happyI hear Sanya is a beautiful city in HainanIts _6_ around JulyIf you go there,you can see flowers everywhereGirls can _7_ skirts thereYou can see the sea there and swim in the seaIll take a camera and _8_ a lot of photosWe also want to visit some other _9_Oh, I hear the food there is different _10_ oursIt must be very deliciousIts really wonderful!1Acards Bplans Cfood Dclothes2Atrip Bplace Cplan Dholiday3Aspend Bto spend Cspending Dspent4Atravelled Btravelling Ctravel Dto travel5Amake Bbring Cgive Dget6Ahot Bwarm Ccold Dcool7Aput on Btry on Cget on Dgo on8Acarry Bget Cbring Dtake9Aplaces of interesting Bplaces of interests Cplace of interest Dplaces of interest10Afrom Bof Cfor DatIII. 阅读理解。(40分,每题2分)AThe Browns live in a small village. They have only one child, Tom. He is twenty. He works in the village, but he doesnt like working in the village. Then he finds work in a town. It is quite far from the village. Tom likes his new work very much. But his parents are not happy about this.“Tom, youd better(最好)e back to work in the village and live with us.”Mrs. Brown says one day.“There isnt any good work for me here, Mother.” says Tom.Tom goes to work in the town and lives there. Today Mrs. Brown is very angry. She gets on the bus and goes to Toms house in the town.“Tom,”she says to him,“Why do you never call?”Tom says,“But, Mother, you dont have a telephone.”“No,”she says,“I dont. But you have one.”根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。1. Mr. Brown and Mrs. Brown have two sons. ()2. Tom likes his work in the village.()3. Toms parents dont want Tom to work in the town.()4. Tom goes to work in the town but doesnt live there.()5. Tom never gives his parents a call because they dont have a telephone()BEveryone knows that exercise is important. It makes your heart and body strong. But you need to know the following:Get your body ready!Before you do any exercise, make sure to warm up for at least five minutes. During warming up you should stretch(伸展) all parts of your body. Exercise enough, but not too much.Its best to exercise twice each week. Thirty minutes each time is enough. Try all kinds of things until you find one, two or even three sports that feel right for you. Exercise at fitness centers.There are a lot of equipments(设备) at fitness centers, The equipments will help exercise your arms, legs and other parts of your body to make you fit. Some people buy equipments for their homes. But it is very expensive. Stop playing when you are hurt!If you get hurt when you are doing exercises, dont play again until you are well. Dont get thirsty!Drink a lot when you are playing sports because it is easy to bee thirsty.6. From the above, we know that these are_.A. signs B. proposals(倡议书)C. suggestions D. notices7. Youd better exercise _ according to this passage.A. about two hours a week B. twice a dayC. twice a weekD. every day8. The phrase fitness centers in the text means _.A. 商务中心B. 健身中心C. 购物中心D. 医疗中心9. If you are doing sports, you should_.A. have a good rest before exercise B. exercise twice a monthC. stop playing when you are hurt D. drink little for sports10. Which of the following is Wrong according to the passage?A. Warm up all parts of our body before exercise.B. Do enough exercise but not too much.C. Exercise can make us healthy.D. Everyone should buy equipment for their homes.CFootball is a famous sport for almost every big school in America.American football is not like soccer. Players sometimes kick the ball, but they also throw the ball and run with it. They try to take it to the other end of the field. They have four chances to move the ball ten yards. They can carry it or throw it. If they move it to the end of the field, they receive six points.It is difficult to move the ball. Eleven men on the team try to stop the man who has the ball. If the man does not move the ball ten yards, this team kicks the ball to the other team.Thousands of people e to watch. They all shout, dance and jump for their favourite team. Each team plays ten or eleven games each season. The season begins in September and ends in November. The best teams play again on January 1, the first day of a new year. Many people go to see these games and many others watch them on television.11. In American football players can _.A. only kick the ball B. only throw the ballC. only carry the ball D. kick, throw and carry the ball12. If a team wants to get points, it has to move the ball _ .A. ten yards B. to the other end C. forty yards D. away from its end13. How many men of both sides play a game?A. Eleven.B. Ten. C. Twentytwo. D. Twenty.14. Most teams play games in _.A. autumn B. summer C. spring D. winter15. When do the best teams play again?A. At Christmas B. On New Years DayC. Before the season ends D. On the last day of the seasonD One year Miss Jenny decided to have a holiday in Italy. She did not speak much Italian, however she went there. She was lucky enough to find people who knew enough English to be able to understand what she wanted, until one day she decided to have lunch in a little restaurant in the south of Italy.She had seen some nice mushrooms (蘑菇) in the market of another village nearby and thought they would taste very good, so when the waiter came to take her order for lunch, she asked whether she could have some mushrooms for her meal, but she had great difficulty in explaining to him, because she didnt know the Italian word for mushrooms.At last she took out a pencil and drew a picture of a mushroom. The waiters face brightened at once, and he hurried out to the kitchen. A minute later he returned, carrying an umbrella (雨伞).16. Miss Jenny spent most of her holiday in Italy, for _.A. she knew all the people thereB. she was good at ItalianC. she could make people she talked to understand her meaning(意思)D. people she talked to liked her very much17. Why did she think mushrooms would taste good? Because _.A. she saw others eating themB. the waiter told her of themC. she heard of some thereD. she had ever seen some there18. Where did she have trouble in making herself understood? _.A. In her home B. In a little restaurant in her hometownC. In the waiters hotel D. In a little restaurant in Italy19. How did she try to show the waiter what she wanted? _.A. She took out a pencil and made the waiter draw a picture of a mushroomB. She took out a pencil and drew a picture of a mushroomC. She managed to explain to the waiter what she wantedD. She told the waiter about a mushroom20. Why did the waiter bring her an umbrella a minute later? Because _.A. he thought she had drawn one B. she told him to do soC. he thought she liked oneD. he understood her meaning at lastIV. 词语运用。(10分,每空1分)A请根据句意及提示,写出所缺单词或短语。1Im very happy to have a _(机会)to learn English2His brother joined the _(军队)last year3Its _(可能的)to finish the work in three days4I won _(第一名)in the National English petition5May I take your _(体温)?B根据句意用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。6Can you _(introduce)your pen pal to me?7Eating more vegetables is good for our _(healthy)8We _(take)many photos of the Yellow River this morning9They decide _(visit) Chongqing next week10The Silk Road is about 6500 _(kilometer) longV. 连词成句。(10分,共5小题,每小题2分)根据所给单词完成句子。要求符合语法,语句通顺,大小写正确,单词不得重复使用,标点已给出。1 down,your,a,of,write,list,habits_.2 with,why,travel,me,you,to,dont,Qingdao_?3something,this,I,Sunday,going,learn,new,to,am_.4to,mistakes,dont,afraid,make,be_.5always,beach,many,there,on,so,people,are,the_.VI. 书面表达。(15分)假如你是张红,你想参加学校组织的“走进美国家庭”夏令营活动,请你用英语写一份申请。申请的开头已给出。 内容应包括:1你参加这次活动的目的;2你的兴趣、特长;3你希望住在什么样的美国家庭。 1词数:80左右; 2文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。 夏令营summer campDear Sir/Madam,_答案与解析I. 单项选择。1. C。考查冠词。house为可数名词单数,前面要有冠词修饰。修饰house的old的首字母发音是元音因素,前面的冠词要用an。2. A。plan to do sth.意为“计划做某事”。3. A。考查感叹句句型“What形容词不可数名词!”4. B。“Would you like some + 食物名词?”意为“要不要来点?”回答否定时,要说No, thanks.为礼貌用语。5. C。考查enjoy doing sth.“喜欢做某事”。6. B。句意:他戴上他的眼镜读信。take off“脱下;起飞”;put on“穿上、戴上”;wear“穿着、戴着(强调状态)”;put away“收好”。7. D。强调说某种语言时用词speak。say意为“说”、“讲”。说的具体内容是say一词强调的重点。talk意为“谈话”;tell意思是“告诉”、“讲述”。speak指“说话;发言;演讲”。8. C。考查want sb. to do sth.“想让别人做某事”。9. C。考查打电话用语。说“自己是”时用this is而非I am。10. D。excited意为“激动的,兴奋的”,多修饰人;exciting意为“令人激动的;令人兴奋的”,多修饰物。故选D。11. D。考查时态。由this week可判断用一般现在时,由next week可判断用一般将来时。12. C。考查带有实意动词的一般过去时的特殊疑问句。结构为“特殊疑问词+ did + 主语+ 动词原形+其他?”。13. B。考查不定代词定语后置。something多用于肯定句中,anything多用于否定句或疑问句中。important为形容词,修饰something,放于something后。14. C。考查一般过去时。由three days ago“三天前”可判断。15. C。考查交际用语。Have a good time!意为“玩得开心”。II. 完形填空。1. B。make plans for意为“为做计划”。2. A。go on a trip to意为“去旅行”。3. B。Its a good place to spend holidays意为“这是一个度假的好地方”。to spend holidays作后置定语,修饰a good place。4. D。hope to do sth.意为“希望做某事”。5. A。make money为固定搭配,意为“赚钱”。6. A。由下文提到的skirts(短裙)可判断那里的七月很热(hot)。7. A。put on skirts意为“穿上短裙”。try on意为“试穿”;get on意为“登上(车,船等)”;go on意为“继续”。8. D。take photos为固定搭配,意为“拍照”。本文中加了修饰词,构成take a lot of photos,意为“拍大量照片”。9. D。places of interest为固定搭配,意为“名胜古迹”。10. A。be different from为固定搭配,意为“与不同”。 III. 阅读理解。A篇1. F。由文中“They have only one child, Tom”可知。2. F。根据“He works in the village, but he doesnt like working in the village.”3. T。由文中“Tom likes his new work very much. But his parents are not happy about this.”可看出汤姆的父母不想让汤姆在镇上工作。4. F。根据文中“Tom goes to work in the town and lives there”可知。5. T。由最后一段汤姆和母亲的对话的最后两句可知。B篇6. C。短文中提到了锻炼身体时应注意的几个问题,这属于“建议”,所以本题答案为C。7. C。从句子“Its best to exercise twice each week”可得出本题答案。8. B。由句子Exercise at fitness centers及该段内容可判断,fitness centers是锻炼身体的地方,汉语意思应为“健身中心”。9. C。根据句子“If you get hurt when you are doing exercises, dont play again until you are well.”可知答案。10. D。句子“Some people buy equipments for their homes. But it is very expensive.”告诉我们,健身设备很昂贵,只有个别人可以买得起。C篇11. D。由文章第二段第二句话“Players sometimes kick the ball, but they also throw the ball and run with it.”可知。12. B。由文章第二段第三句话“They try to take it to the other end of the field.”可知。13. C。由文章第三段第二句话“Eleven men on the team try to stop the man who has the ball.”可知。14. A。由文章第四段第二行“The season begins in September and ends in November.”可知。15. B。由文章第四段第二行“The best teams play again on January 1, the first day of a new year.”可知。D篇16. C。由第一段“She was lucky enough to find people who knew enough English to be able to understand what she wanted,”可知答案。17. D。由第二段“She had seen some nice mushrooms (蘑菇) in the market of another village nearby”可知答案。18. D。由第一段最后一句“until one day she decided to have lunch in a little restaurant in the south of Italy. ”可知答案。19. B。由最后一段第一句“At last she took out a pencil and drew a picture of a mushroom.”可知答案。20. A。蘑菇和伞的形状类似。由服务员拿回一把伞可知,服务员错把Miss Jenny画的蘑菇当成一把伞了。IV. 词语运用。1. chance 2. army 3. possible 4. the first place 5. temperature6. introduce 7. health 8. took 9. to visit 10. kilometersV. 连词成句。1. Write down a list of your habits2. Why dont you travel to Qingdao with me3. I am going to learn something new this Sunday4. Dont be afraid to make mistakes5. There are always so many people on the beachVI. 书面表达。参考范文:Dear Sir/Madam,I want to take part in the summer campIts a good way to improve my English and can help me know more about the American cultureI often surf the Internet for something newI love sports and pop musicI do quite well in English and can talk with foreigners freelyIm very proud of itI hope to stay in a large American family with three or four childrenIm sure well have a great time togetherThank you Yours,Zhang Hong


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